How to Avoid the Diagnosis of ME / CFS / FM or MSOriginally published in issue 219 of The Positive Health magazine - January 2015
by Mari Gay - A mother's experiences after her daughter was struck with acute symptoms
TestimonialHannah had always been a bright, very bubbly and an active young woman. She excelled at school and was chair of the school council and head girl. She played many sports, including swimming, netball and when she was 19 was running 8 miles twice a week. Hannah enjoyed mathematics and did well in her A-levels and gained a place at University in October 2012 to study Maths.
She was having a wonderful time experiencing the benefits of student life and enjoying studying when one morning during March 2014, her life changed abruptly.
She woke up with a severe pain in her chest, eventually ending up in the hospital A&E department. They found no cause for her symptoms and after a few hours she was discharged.
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Her excruciating pain persisted for five weeks, with little respite from painkillers. Her energy levels also started dropping rapidly. There was a noticeable change in her facial features. She became so debilitated that she had to leave university, her friends and her favourite subject - maths.
Over the next eight weeks, Hannah developed a myriad of other symptoms, including:
Severe fatigue;
Dizziness, particularly on standing;
Belching, which became significant;
A cold feeling trickling down her right arm;
Pins and needles in her right foot;
Weakness in her right arm and right leg, developing later into total body weakness;
A tendency to feel faint and often a loss of consciousness (syncope);
Severe dry eyes.
We all became apprehensive about this and over a period of some three months saw very many clinicians and specialist consultants both through the NHS and privately to no avail. One clinician who examined her right sided weakness referred her to a neurologist. With a small family history of MS, this was mentioned as a possibility - a devastating prospect for a 19-year-old.
An urgent MRI scan was undertaken. Seeing the neurologist the next day privately and anxiously awaiting the outcome is one of the worst experiences of our lives. To our great relief, she did not have any 'brain lesions' and with greater understanding, we now believe that
she narrowly escaped being labelled with Multiple Sclerosis. During this period, fretfully searching for an answer, Hannah continued to deteriorate and became virtually housebound. She struggled to walk up the stairs. She was very distraught at what was happening to her.
Ultimately, at the end of the three months, when the myriad of tests were all negative, Hannah was finally given a diagnosis of ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia. Hannah was further alarmed at the stories she read on the internet about people having these illnesses and how badly it impacted their lives. Every website said, “The exact cause of ME / CFS / FM / MS is unknown and that there is no cure for any of these illnesses, but there were many drugs to control the symptoms”.[/color]
Her plight caused severe upsets in our family. Hannah believed that her life was over as she had known it - her sports, her social life, her love of studying and a future career as a mathematician were all over.
Throughout the whole process, whenever we mentioned the change in her facial features or the rib abnormality, it was neither acknowledged nor considered by the medical professionals we saw. Indeed, there was more focus on anxiety as a potential cause. We were perhaps heading for a dreadful calamity of mental illness!
On reflection, we now realize that her facial changes were a key observation and this was always on our minds.We continued in our quest to find some answers. As fate has it, we finally hit Dr Amir’s website. He tells us that he had just started advertising his website, and we were among the first to call.
Thankfully, he agreed to see Hannah immediately.
Despite our initial scepticism, we listened intently as he spent a full hour with Hannah listening to the story, going through the questionnaire (which we had completed online via his website), physically examining Hannah from head to toe and at the end of the hour showed us his findings. He found that Hannah had:
A severe jaw displacement;
Misaligned ribs - causing the rib pain;
Very asymmetric hips – this was a complete shock as Hannah had no hip issue;
Severe breathing problems;
Extreme loss of energy;
Extreme muscle weakness.
Dr Amir was able to show us how all the symptoms were related to the asymmetry of her jaw. He showed us Hannah’s very misaligned jaw which was affecting the vertebrae in her neck, lower back and the hip bones. He showed us how the jaw was affecting the ear organ, causing the dizziness. How the shallow breathing was affecting her energy system and causing her belching.
He also reassured us that Hannah did not have any disease process going on, and the entire illness emanated from the asymmetry of her jaws and teeth. He had seen this many times before.
Dr Amir speculated that her problems started with the removal of some teeth and the wearing of braces as a teenager. It had also caused the change in her facial features. He explained that the illness hits anytime between 17 and 25 and can come about all of a sudden with a myriad of symptoms.
He had successfully treated very many patients over the last 20 or so years.
It all made so much sense. This was perhaps our last chance to find an answer, and here was someone who had all the answers. We were desperate. We did not wait and decided to embark on the treatment immediately.
Hannah started an extensive treatment to reposition her jaw using Dr Amir's custom-made appliances. The improvement in Hannah's health in the first few weeks of treatment was remarkable. The symptoms that have disappeared completely are:
The cold feeling trickling down her right arm;
Pins and needles in right foot;
Tendency to feel faint, syncope and dry eyes.
The fatigue has virtually disappeared, and the weakness in her arms and legs has much improved. Interestingly, Hannah's ribs no longer protrude, and her hips are visibly completely aligned. She has a few problems sometimes, but these are almost immediately resolved by Dr Amir changing the appliances or his strategy.
At just over three months into the treatment, Hannah has recovered a lot and has been able to return to university and is getting stronger with each passing day. She is also back to her noisy, bubbly self! The family is so relieved.
Hannah and her family are eternally grateful to have found Dr Amir so early in her illness, as she was physically deteriorating so rapidly that walking was becoming a significant concern and disability a real possibility. We would encourage anyone with these symptoms or with such a diagnosis to see Dr Amir to determine if the cause is the same as Hannah’s so he can work his magic on them.
We believe that Hannah has been saved from being drawn into a ‘chronic incurable illness’ like CFS / ME / MS or Fibromyalgia. Our advice to everyone with these, or in fact, many chronic disease labels was to have their jaws checked. You may have a chance to recover fully.
Mari Gay - 31st Oct 2014.
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A further update is shown in this graph.
Comment:MS patients - Please note that the jaw problem was going to cause her complete walking disability and probably make her wheelchair-bound. This phenomenon needs careful evaluation to see where this disability actually emanates from. Presently, the walking disability is one of the cardinal signs - a fait accompli, in the diagnosis of the mythical 'MS'. I have serious reservations about that.
Email received from patient's mother Xmas 2014:
Hi Dr Amir,
"Once again, I want to thank you for all you have done for Hannah.
She is now completely back to the girl we knew and is walking long distances with no problem, and the strength has returned fully in her arms and legs- I would go so far to say she is stronger than she was before.
I know I was very sceptical at first, but have seen first-hand the changes in Hannah’s body as a result of your treatment.
I am continuing to spread the message and will make a concerted effort next year to influence where I can.
Hope you and all your staff have a lovely Xmas and a well-deserved break.
Mari Gay.
On 20th April 2015 Mari wrote:
"Have to once again thank you. This time last year, we were so upset and worried about Hannah. She was very unwell with all those awful symptoms, and she was so quiet that it was heart-breaking. This weekend we spent in Liverpool and the strength she had was spectacular and can clearly do what she wants now, and she was very noisy!!!! It was brilliant and she really enjoyed it.
Furthermore, One thing I have definitely noticed with Hannah is that she has lost her clumsiness she developed in her teens and her tendency to walk into any door frame around. She just seems more controlled now!"
14th July 2016
Mari writes:
"Had to show you what a wonderful day we have had today for Hannah's graduation.
Several times today, we have remembered that this day would never have been possible without your treatment. Thanks so much once again from our family!!!!! She's had a great day!!"
Update January 2020:
Mari writes, sending me a photograph: "Had to show you this. Hannah has turned into an excellent netball player - all because of you. Hannah remains well and very bubbly."
LATEST NEWS. A slap in the face of the GDC.Attachment:
Hanna Feb 2024.png [ 123.04 KiB | Viewed 11981 times ]
PS: Taking a stand against the existing paradigm of dental and medical care has turned out to be very costly. My website has highlighted practices of those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate illness. This is obviously not acceptable to the power structure controlling our health. To continue to produce evidentiary articles on my website and this forum - which have enlightened thousands of dentists and patients all around the world, to keep my staff employed and my offices viable, we request a little help.Please donate using the link on the window that comes up at (Please note, I am in the process of revising that website.)
Please remember, there are at least 48 illnesses where millions of patients can be helped through dental interventions.
© 2024 M. Amir, All rights reserved
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PS: Opposing the current norms of dental and medical care is a pricey endeavor. My website brings attention to the practices of individuals who, knowingly or unknowingly, perpetuate illness. Such actions are not acceptable to those in power who control our health. To continue producing evidence-based articles on this platform, which have educated and enlightened thousands of health practitioners and patients globally, while maintaining the livelihoods of my staff and the sustainability of my offices, we humbly request your assistance. If you believe that the articles on this forum have remarkably improved your insight into the various illnesses, kindly donate via the window that appears after a few seconds at Mr M. Amir.
A paradigm shift in the care of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article is for educational purposes only. The improvement or benefits identified in this article or on this site are based on individual experiences which are dependent upon the patient’s unique health condition, medical history, and other individualised factors, and should not be considered representative of all treatment outcomes. You must do your own due diligence by consulting your physician before embarking on what may be suggested here. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider, and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on this forum. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.