"The NHS is paying for thousands of patients with multiple sclerosis to receive drugs that monitoring data suggest are not effective. James Raftery examines what went wrong with the access scheme that facilitated their use
Failings:The first report on the scheme was published in late 2009, with details of patients’ outcomes for 2005-7.3 Disease progression was not only worse than predicted by the model used by NICE,
it was worse than that in the untreated control group. The primary outcome—the difference between actual and expected benefit as a percentage of expected benefit—was 113%, well above the 20% tolerance for price changes (any value above 0 indicates that benefit is less than expected). The report stated, "The outcomes so far obtained in the pre-specified primary analysis suggest a lack of delay in disease progression."
http://www.facebook.com/notes/ccsvi-in- ... 1295097210An interesting response from a patient:"I was diagnosed in 2002 and was enrolled into the drug scheme, I actually thought that I was privileged at the time!
After 18 months on Betaferon
I suddenly started to progress a lot faster, unfortunately this coincided with my partner of 24 years leaving me for another man. I put the sudden progression down to the stress I was under, as stress is known to make MS worse. I was seeing my neuro who was running the scheme once a year for about 15 mins, all he did was check my EDSS and write some notes.
I had asked him how the scheme was doing and if the results were good, he told me that it was all going well!
I never had an MRI from diagnosis until 2007, and that was only because I saw a different neuro at my local hospital. I never really got a follow-up to that scan as the neuro moved on, all I had was a copy of a letter that I did not understand anyway.
I have recently seen another neuro at King's College and had another MRI, this time I had a follow-up and the results of my MRI are very good. I have a very low lesion load and no signs of brain atrophy! Pretty much the same as in 2002.
When I asked the neuro why there was no change in my MRI over 7 years, but my disabilities are 20 times worse, he replied by saying, "lesions are only a marker and there are many other things that are involved which they don't understand" He advised me to stay on the Betaferon and not take LDN which I wanted to try, he also dismissed CCSVI and said "I have seen this all before with goats serum and snake venom, it will come to nothing and don't waste your money"
Easy for him to say, he can't tell me why I have progressed or what is the cause of disability, but will gladly keep me on drugs that I now know don't do jack s**t.He must be aware of this report, the same as my neuro that is running the risk sharing scheme? I have had enough now and will not take any more Betaferon, I will continue to try and get LDN and write to everybody I can get on board with CCSVI.
A procedure to correct an abnormality makes 1000 times more sense than Autoimmune does."
Another respondent says:"At a meeting here in Ottawa a few days after the CCSVI program on CTV in November, Dr Freedman said, and I quote, "
The disease modifying drugs are next to useless". My friend who was there was completely shocked. This report has been around for a while among the neurological community."