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 Post subject: The Kings speech
PostPosted: Sun, 14 Oct 2012, 7:50 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 235
The King's Speech:
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Lionel Logue tried a variety of psychological and physical methods to cure the King’s stammer, some of which are seen in a fast-paced four-minute montage sequence. In this almost certainly fictional scene, Queen Elizabeth sits on his stomach as he tries breathing deeply. ‘Unfortunately I think Colin may have a weak diaphragm,’ Helena Bonham Carter says. ‘With me sitting on top of him, we thought you’d be able to see me going up and down. That didn’t happen. It was hard to keep a straight face. I had a lot of laughs with these two. They’re both funny and brainy. But they’re different: Colin’s tough on himself, while Geoffrey’s a natural comedian. I talk a lot, but on this set I was virtually mute. I couldn’t get a word in.’
Picture: Laurie Sparham from The Telegraph

Here one can notice a connection to the King's inability to breathe fully.
There is a more realistic solution. Please read the earlier posting on the treatment of stammering

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