TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

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PostPosted: Thu, 11 Oct 2012, 10:21 am 

Joined: Mon, 01 Oct 2012, 4:35 pm
Posts: 35
Holistic Dentistry for Allergies, Asthma, Skin Problems and Snoring

by Dr Ann Harris

Listed in case studies, originally published in Positive Health Magazine issue 89 - June 2003

This is a remarkable case history which relates to our 14-year-old daughter Claire.
When faced with the prospect of having teeth removed because of overcrowding she was determined that she did not want any extractions. My search for a holistic dentist had begun. I initially contacted the British Dental Association but their response was less than helpful. Thankfully, I subscribed to Positive Health and saw an advert for such a dentist practising in London.

Presenting Symptoms

For a number of years Claire had suffered from rhinitis (runny nose), bouts of sneezing, coughing and wheezy-type symptoms. It was quite clear to us that she was sensitive to artificial food additives as well as being seriously allergic to peanuts. These traits were also present in both my husband and myself, so it was easy to blame the 'genetics' for her condition. A variety of complementary therapies were tried all without success. These symptoms were resisting all forms of treatment. At the age of 12-years Claire's skin also became inflamed with acne which turned into scarring, damaged skin often resisted complete healing for months. She also suffered from chronic lethargy. This girl was just not functioning well in all aspects. Again despite diet and life-style changes Claire's health did not significantly improve.


At the initial consultation with the holistic dental surgeon it was clear that her spine was misaligned at the cervical and sacral regions. This had also been confirmed by previous chiropractic and osteopathic assessments. There was also restricted breathing into her sinuses as her palate was displaced upwards causing obstruction and thereby resulting in mouth breathing. Claire had been snoring at night for many years whilst sleeping with her mouth open. It was explained that her jaw misalignment exacerbated her symptoms as the jaw lacked the correct stimulus to grow normally. She was also not breathing fully into her lower abdomen. Her face was pale with puffy cheeks suggesting poor immune function and her face lacked correct proportion and symmetry.

Using kinesiology with her existing jaw alignment Claire tested weak to a general muscle test. When she purposefully moved her jaws into a better alignment, she tested strong correspondingly. It was clear that she had enough room in her jaws to accommodate all her existing teeth. There would be no need for any tooth extractions, and that treatment would be by the use of braces and appliances only.

At the beginning of treatment Claire was intermittently taking oral antihistamines and a salbutamol inhaler (blue puffer) to control her symptoms.


Claire's course of treatment started with her being shown corrective breathing and swallowing exercises. She was fitted with a removable adjustable brace which was designed to increase the space available in her upper jaw. As the treatment continued into the first few weeks guided by kinesiology we noted distinct changes in the depth of her breathing. At about twelve weeks into the treatment programme Claire dramatically and completely lost her skin pallor. My astonished reaction was to exclaim "Claire, you're pink!".

Treatment continued along these lines for several months using fixed and removable braces on the teeth of her upper and lower jaws. Claire pursed the jaw alignment exercises that she had been given. During this period she also used a removable head appliance mainly at night. It was during this time that it became clear to us that Claire had become 'silent' at night, the mouth breathing had disappeared and she had stopped snoring.

Claire is now in her fifteenth month of treatment and her skin is looking more robust and vital. She has far more vitality overall as well as physical energy. The acne scars which had been a source of concern for her are now beginning to heal, and the acne itself has disappeared. Also, not surprisingly her teeth are very nearly perfectly straight. It is also remarkable to note that Claire has actually enjoyed having braces fitted, she claims that they make her feel 'stronger'.


This course of orthodontic treatment has been the only form of intervention used to improve our daughter's health over the past fifteen months. Compared to her contemporaries undergoing reductionist forms of orthodontic treatment, this approach has been very nearly pain-free without the need for strong analgesic medication and of a relatively short duration. She has suffered virtually no head, neck or back ache during the course of this treatment. All her presenting symptoms have effectively disappeared. She no longer requires any form of medication.

In fact many people have commented to me that Claire is a completely different girl from her former self of just over a year ago. I totally agree.


I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to Mr M Amir the holistic dentist referred to in this case study for his groundbreaking and inspirational work in this area.

About the Practitioner

Mr M Amir is a dental surgeon practising holistic dentistry in London. He specializes in the treatment of patients with medical problems emanating from the dysfunction of the jaw joint. He takes particular interest in the field of body symmetry and its relationship to health.

Readers are also referred to Mr Amir's excellent article re The Risks of exracting wisdom teeth in Issue 87 (April 2003) of Positive Health.

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