TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

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PostPosted: Mon, 29 Nov 2021, 11:49 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 247
I was reviewing my website and re-discovered this story:
Ms Hilz....May 2014

At 36yrs of age, a burnt-out Nurse, I had resigned to my fate that my ill body was just how it was and how it was going to remain. I had lived with various symptoms forever.

Due to my health problems, I could only manage to work part-time to conserve energy, as I had also been labelled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Working in a specialized London Oncology hospital was emotionally and physically demanding to leave me rattled with fear that I was not coping with work and in fact living.

Failing many subjects at school, college, other health training had crushed my dreams of succeeding in life as well as I would have had my health been better. I had very low self-esteem and suffered from depression and emotional break-downs.

For many years, I had visited doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths and various alternative healers for exhaustion, back pain, eczema with no respite in my symptoms.

I had been diagnosed with "Undifferentiated Autoimmune disease" by specialist neurologists for which the only answer was to take "immune suppressing" drugs. As these drugs can often kill the patient, I had avoided them and lived with my symptoms for over 20 years.

I had just settled for a life of endless illness. I always knew that something was not right, but no one could give me hope or long-lasting relief. My eczema was out of control for, as I was explained, "autoimmune reasons" meaning anytime I got stressed or ate food I would have some form of reaction, develop digestive and gut problems, drown myself in a bout of depression and the cycle would continue.

I was so sensitive, that when I went to stay with friends or family, the sheets on the bed would cause a reaction, leaving me scratching and bleeding on the sheets all night. I never went anywhere without my antihistamines and a sleeping tablet to knock me out so I would not get distressed, which at the time I accepted that my immune system thrived on. My eczema was just the warning sign that on the inside my body was lacking something. I would cry with the itchy, swollen, red painful feet.

I remember the agony of being unable to relieve the pain until I tore my skin - until there was blood. Anybody who suffers from eczema will know exactly the feeling I am referring to. It brings great distress and pain. When it was severe, I needed to have a bath in sea kelp to bring the inflammation down, clean my skin, apply non-toxic emollients, and bandage it all up before going to bed. I refused conventional drugs they attempted to give me.

So off I went for a consultation to remove my mercury fillings, as I had read widely that they can cause the kind of symptoms I had. We were also planning to start a family, so I was recommended to see Dr Amir to have my fillings changed to at least protect my offspring from mercury toxicity. I arrived, never realizing what a remarkable impact this day would have on my life.

As I sat in Mr. Amir's dental chair and with no input from me, he informed me my health was in a mess.
I had no energy and my posture was linked to my TMJ problems. How did this man know so much from gazing at my undesirable fillings? How was he so right? He informed me of what my GP, dermatologists, rheumatologists, osteopath and dozens of other practitioners had not picked up on. So he asked me to fill in a questionnaire and return the following week to be fitted with a brace in my mouth.

It was exhausting to complete the questionnaire as it went through my lifelong health history. I was so unwell and could not concentrate because of my brain fog, which made me believe I was stupid as learning, memory retention and cognitive ability was always a challenge at school and university.

My most cherished memory of Dr Amir's is the Email I received following my completing the questionnaire. It was a cold November morning, I was starting a new job, the normal fears of a new job are daunting anyway, but my personal challenge was to prove my worth at my new job. Years of feeling stupid, avoiding taking time off work despite my serious debilitating symptoms, managing my stress and managing to work a full week again, my nerves were doing roller coaster rides around my heart and head.

It was exhilarating to read what Dr Amir wrote after studying the completed questionnaire:

"Hilary, I read through the questionnaire and am shocked how you have suffered since having your molar teeth extracted.
More than likely, you do not have a connective tissue disorder or any autoimmune disease.
We shall see what happens. You should show signs of improvement very rapidly"

My health now:
Physically, I can get out of bed in the mornings without feeling so stiff that my back will break if I straighten it. I can now hold my neck up; I spent years with my head falling forwards onto my chest.

My eczema is all cleared up. I no longer scratch; no longer get reactions or allergies. I have been home to Ireland many times and can sleep shame-free in other peoples' beds. I no longer suffer the embarrassment of continuously scratching.

For the first time in all my life, I can have a shower without moisturizing my whole body afterwards, as my skin would dry up from the water and change of temperature. I no longer get red blotches or breakouts on my cheeks, and my skin is not dry or irritated.

My energy levels are improving greatly.

My breathing has become a lot more comfortable. My husband pointed out within the first week of wearing the brace, that in the morning when we woke I did not suffer from morning bad breath.

My hips have begun to realign. Certain exercises in chi gong practice left me with clicky hips, unable to get the full range. Now I can do circular leg raises that previously were too painful.

Another "first time in 10 years: I can wear platforms and heels again. Before the brace, I accepted I would be 5' 1" forever - wearing heels for more than 2 hours left me in structural pain and my muscles would ache the following day. So I gave in a long time ago, as I could not even walk down the street in a pair of wedges. I can say I can now go 5 days a week with heels. Yes, I do still get tired from it, but I hear that is normal.

I am in love with the fact I can manage a day's work with wedges and walk home for 40 mins in them.

Dr Amir is a gifted modern-day medicine man. It's only been 6 months treatment and I know that I have 2 more years to go. My life has been enriched with amazing, blessed changes and a much-improved smile and smooth facial skin.

How I worried 6 months ago about if I was ready for a new job and new change, I have worked diligently to confront new challenges at work whereas I would have crumbled before. As a result, I was approached and asked to become a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Palliative care. Interview next week, so watch this space!

From a person who felt worthless, ill and had no energy to give life, I am now starting all over to start building a future which I could never even dream of before.

Dr. Amir's knowledge and experience have showered me with the best medical advice and treatment that I have ever experienced in 20 years of being extremely unwell.

There will be more to come... Dr Amir is a journey and a way to empower ourselves that we all have the ability to heal.

In this testimonial, I have not focused on TMJ, physiological explanations, exercises, or brace adjustments. For now, I feel it important to put across a message of hope that this treatment is life-changing. As a whole treatment, the corrections have corrected many of my illnesses. Coming from a nursing /medical field, yes there will be "professionals" who will dismiss Dr. Amir's amazing knowledge and expertise, which far surpasses them. I trust him as my practitioner and observe how he continues to learn, to do more research and always has his patients in his heart.

Hilz May 2014
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PS: Taking a stand against the existing paradigm of dental and medical care is very costly. My website has highlighted the practices of those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate illness. This is not acceptable to the power structure controlling our health. To continue to produce evidentiary articles on my website and this forum - which have enlightened thousands of health practitioners and patients all around the world, to keep my staff employed and my offices viable, we request a little help. If you feel that this article has made an astonishing change in your symptoms, please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at

A paradigm shift in the care of Eczema

CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article is for educational purposes only. The improvement or benefits identified in this article or on this site are based on individual experiences which are dependent upon the patient’s unique health condition, medical history, and other individualised factors, and should not be considered representative of all treatment outcomes. You must do your due diligence by consulting your physician before embarking on what may be suggested here. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider, and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of something you have read on this forum. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.

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