Holistic dental practitioners with special emphasis on:Non-extraction orthodontics
Re-opening of extraction spaces.
Fixed and removableappliances.
MSE or similar appliance users.
Dentists who have managed to bring about recovery from various symptoms using orthodontics
May apply to have their name included.
Dentists who would like to be on this forum may submit an article which, if satisfactory to our requirements, will be published here.
Your name can be included on our referral service for a small fee for each patient who actually attends for treament.
Here is an exampple of corrective measures in an extraction case.
Lisa.PNG [ 69.97 KiB | Viewed 21359 times ]
Please read this forum extensively to get to know your true potential. Dentistry need not be just drilling and filling but can be life changing.
The most satisfaction a dentist can get is when tthey can start healing the chronically sick rapidly as exemplified extensively on this website.
Any constructive ideas or criticism is most welcome. Please write to amir2647@msn.com FURTHER INFO WILL BE ADDED SHORTLY