TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 10:52 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 235
Tuesday, February 5. 2019
A hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a theory - or does it?

I just got this link via Email from one of my patients:

Is Multiple Sclerosis Caused by the Jaw and Cranial Bones?

The article goes on to say:

"Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is likely a biomechanical disease caused by the jaw muscles, cranial bones, and veins of the body. The autoimmune paradigm has produced no effective treatment after 70 years as the prevailing hypothesis on the cause of MS. With the enormous MS drug market now worth over $20 billion a year, the status quo of MS research serves the interests of pharmaceutical companies, neurologists, and diagnostic imaging providers who live lavishly at the expense of patient health with little incentive to terminate this lucrative source of revenue. Under this new model, MS is caused by the jaw muscles temporarily expanding the cranial cavity, particularly during sustained bruxism (jaw clenching), by laterally pulling the temporal bones outwardly along the squamosal suture. When the bruxing episode ends, the cranial bones deflect back to their normal positions. This cranial expansion-contraction phenomenon induces compressive and shearing strains to the brain tissue resulting in diffuse global brain damage."

Please read more here>>

Although I might not agree with the mechanism described, I commend the establishment of a link between MS and Jaw problems

A patient writes:

'........6 months ago (December 2012) I developed instant numbness in my right shoulder, bicep, chest, and neck - none of which dissipated thereafter. Following numerous medical examinations during this period, the severe numbness in my arm/shoulder prompted MRI scans. I[color=##0000FF]nflammation was identified in my brain and neck section of my spine and on 3rd January 2013, I was diagnosed with MS (a condition I held little knowledge of at that time)..........[/color]

........I made the choice to visit Dr. Amir as a result of substantial reading by my wife following my diagnosis. This reading identified a wide variation in views about MS (from a number of respected medical practitioners throughout the western world) and comments reported by patients in my situation who had also received treatment from Dr. Amir and subsequently considered themselves well........

........As a professional entrenched in the value of the evidence to guide decisions, I decided to pursue an option that, at face value, offered what I assessed as having evidence worthy of consideration. While I understand that the scientific world would consider individual post-treatment testimonies to be anecdotal and virtually useless when evaluating the effectiveness of a treatment, I do not.......

1. I understand that medical views suggest there to be more than one possible cause for lesions in the brain and spine.

2. My own diagnosis (by the NHS Neurologist) included the professional view that the lesions in my brain could be several years old.

3. I understand that medical findings within autopsies have identified the presence of lesions in persons who have never suffered the symptoms of MS.

4. I know, from personal experience, that of others and open-source advice that numbness of the type I am experiencing can be generated by a range of causes, not least trauma caused by accidents, sporting injuries, and a variety of illnesses, disease, and physical conditions. It is not exclusive to MS......

........I visited Dr. Amir with complete deadness in my shoulder and bicep and severe numbness in my right chest side and back of my neck. This had been unchanged for 6 weeks. My right thumb had been numb for 2 weeks and the fingers for over 6 months.......

.......Dr. Amir did not claim he would definitely be able to 'cure me' but did explain that my jaw misalignment and other matters were causing my condition and that he would treat these as best as he was able - without guarantee.........

.......That day (15 days ago) Dr. Amir fitted a bespoke brace to my upper jaw and advised on exercises and a method of eating.

The next day I noticed a distinct alleviation of the numbness in my right bicep.

Within 1 week sensation had returned to my right bicep, chest, neck, and fingers in my left hand.

This week, my shoulder can be reported as feeling less dense, although my thumb (the most recent development) remains numb.............."

[Update: Patient continues to feel well and the symptoms have largely resolved. April 2014]
PS My website has highlighted practices of those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate illness. To continue to produce evidentiary articles on my website and this forum - which have enlightened thousands of dentists and saved patients from going from pillar to post all around the world seeking proper help which is very elusive, to keep my staff employed and my offices viable, we request a little help.
You may donate through a window that comes up at Mr M. Amir. (Please note the window takes a few seconds to come up. I am in the process of revising that website also.)

Please remember there are at least 50 illnesses where millions of patients can be helped through dental interventions.

The improvement or benefits identified in the testimonials and articles on this site are based on individual experiences which are dependent upon the patient’s unique health condition, jaw condition, occlusal position, medical history, and other individualised factors, and should not be considered representative of all treatment outcomes. .

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