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Circadian rhythms are produced by natural internal processes, but they are mainly influenced by the environment. The timing of circadian rhythms is particularly important in determining when we sleep and eat. Abnormal circadian rhythms or changes can lead to insomnia, obesity, mental health disorders, and other health problems.
One of the key biological mechanisms that regulate circadian rhythms is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), a group of cells in the hypothalamus of the brain. This body clock uses environmental light signals to produce and regulate circadian rhythms.
Melatonin, a hormone that is released by the pineal gland, is also closely tied to circadian rhythms. Its release is suppressed by light and triggered by darkness, inducing sleepiness at night.Many aspects of life, such as work schedules and diet, can be adjusted to sync better with our biological rhythms and promote better health. Modern technologies, such as light therapy boxes and sleep tracker devices, can also aid in aligning circadian rhythms for improved sleep and mental health.
So, paying attention to your own circadian rhythms — such as sleeping and waking at the same time each day, getting plenty of natural light during the day and limiting light exposure in the evening, and timing meals and exercise right — can make a big difference in achieving a healthier life.
Our bodies are designed to function in line with the natural circadian rhythm or the 24-hour internal clock. This clock is directly linked to our eating habits and digestive system.
To maintain a healthy digestion, one should ideally empty the bowels in the morning, at almost the EXACT TIME every day. This results in a far more comfortable life than a haphazard timing.However, every individual's body and metabolic process are unique. So, there's no 'one size fits all' rule. It is essential to understand and follow a pattern that works best for you. If you consistently feel the urge to go at a specific time and can pass a bowel movement easily without strain, it's likely a good schedule for you, and you must stick to that time daily.
Sticking to a regular meal routine also helps the digestive system stay regular. Drinking plenty of water and incorporating high fibre food into your diet are equally important to maintain bowel regularity.
Proper gut function also depends on
a proper breathing pattern, which involves belly breathing and not chest breathing. This helps the pumping of the gut to aid the movement of all the organs, their secretions and motility of the gut.
This also means that the
volume of breathing must be correct, which is achieved through body asymmetry corrections, as shown in a number of places on this forum.
© 2024 M. Amir All rights reserved
ABOUT: Dr Amir’s dedication to promoting an alternative approach to dental and medical care, focusing on prevention over intervention, has not come without significant personal cost. Taking a stance against mainstream practices which contribute to ill health has put him at odds with powerful vested interests in the medical and dental fields. Dr Amir's work has led to groundbreaking achievements, with 48 identified illnesses which can potentially be treated through dental interventions. Despite facing funding challenges, Dr Amir's resolve remains undeterred. This site aims to highlight those issues and promote an alternative approach, to change current dental and medical practice paradigms. To help Dr Amir continue his work and maintain his practice, he invites contributions, no matter how small. Please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at
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DISCLAIMER: All information provided on this website is purely for educational purposes and based on personal experiences. Before acting on any information presented on this site, it is highly advised that individuals consult their doctor or healthcare provider. The suggested treatments and interventions may not be suitable for everyone, and the site is not meant to replace professional advice. Your health care provider should be consulted to make sure that a suggested treatment or intervention is right for your specific health circumstances.