Labyrinthitis is the inflammation of part of the inner ear called the labyrinth. The following symptoms are often mistakenly attributed to “labyrinthitis”.
A retruded lower jaw position is the main cause of:• Dizziness - A feeling of lightheadedness, a feeling of being off-balance or a feeling that the surroundings are spinning.
• Vertigo – The feeling that the world is moving or spinning around the sufferer.
• Ménière’s disease – is supposed to be a rare disorder that affects the inner ear. It can cause vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and a feeling of pressure deep inside the ear.
• Loss of balance• Hearing loss - Hearing loss can occur suddenly, but usually develops gradually with age.
• Tinnitus - An experience of ringing in the ears or a sound such as roaring, buzzing, hissing or whizzing noise. This constant internal sound which does not improve is referred to as tinnitus. The noise may be intermittent or continuous. It can be affected by posture and is often pulsatile.
• Many medical drugs, especially beta-blockers, can cause symptoms akin to severe acute 'labyrinthitis'.
The labyrinth:Attachment:
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The labyrinth is the innermost part of the ear. It contains two important parts:
• the cochlea – this relays sounds to the brain and is responsible for hearing.
• the vestibular system – a complex set of fluid-filled channels responsible for your sense of balance.
An infection of this organ would be the most serious problem that anyone could possibly encounter and would possibly need immediate hospital treatment. Thankfully, this is extremely rare.
A disruption of the function of the labyrinth takes place when the condylar head of the lower jaw pushes against the thin plate of bone just in front of the ear canal. This happens when the lower jaw development is restricted by poor facial development, poor swallowing patterns, an asymmetry of the Atlas vertebrae, mouth breathing, wearing dental splints for prolonged periods and extraction orthodontics. Skull
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The lower jaw does not have enough room between the skull and the upper front teeth to develop to its genetic potential. The condylar-head bends and beaks forward while also pushing against the thin plate of bone just in front of the ear canal. The distortion of this thin plate of bone impinges into the ear space, causing a malfunction of the labyrinth.
This closeness of the head of the jaw can be felt by holding the little finger in the ear and gently opening and closing the jaw.
Treatment involves the correction of the teeth and jaw asymmetry through orthodontic treatment. Experience shows that most symptoms resolve fairly quickly without the use of antibiotics or steroid drops.'Labyrinthitis' is also often confused with:• Bacterial infection of the external ear organ by overzealous use of chlorinated earbuds, which result in the demise of the commensal bacteria and an increase in resistant organisms. Antibiotic drops or oral antibiotics do not cure this condition, but may make it more chronic.
• The infection can also be internal when the Eustachian (nasopharyngeal) tube gets infected from a chronic sore throat caused by poor ventilation of the lungs or overuse of toothpaste, mouthwashes and/or antibacterial lozenges.
The best cure for these conditions is washing the ear with hot salt water, gargling with hot saltwater and staying away from toothpaste and mouthwashes. Please read my article on 'Salt' as a substitute.TestimonialJohn Armstrong:
(Google reviews)
"I’m so impressed with the care Dr Amir is providing. He is so much more than a typical dentist. I’m 3 months into my treatment and I’ve already seen major improvements in a number of areas that were massively affecting the quality of my life. I have a series of conditions including TMD, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, regular migraines, insomnia (sleep apnoea), chronic neck pain, chronic upper back pain, lower back pain, chronic knee pain, hip pain, and stabilisation surgery after a dislocated shoulder. I have spent over 15k on various medical professionals, including specialist consultant doctors, physiotherapists and other dentists. All of my conditions were being treated separately. I’ve had an awful time. Then I met Dr Amir. What a relief!!!
At our initial appointment, he spent a huge amount of time examining me, ensuring no stone was left unturned. He acquired a holistic understanding of my symptoms, all of which pointed to a TMJ disorder. Dr Amir diagnosed me (when no one else could) explaining all my symptoms are linked to the jaw. This was of huge relief to hear, as I felt like I was falling apart. I’m only 37-years old, and I’ve always considered myself to be strong until I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was 30. I did have TMD issues before this as a result of 4 other teeth taken out when I was 12 and some altercations I got into when I was younger. After 30 my health soon took a nose drive and I couldn’t understand why. Dr Amir explained it was because my jaw had become misaligned as a result of the removal of my teeth, my jaw moved into an unnatural position. This explained many if not all of my symptoms.
Even though I’m only 3 months into my treatment, my jaw is in a better position, as a result, I have seen dramatic improvements in all symptoms. Most importantly, my sleep and Tinnitus. I’m now sleeping on average 7 hours a night, and that’s been happening for the last 2 months. The Tinnitus is far more manageable, improving up to 50%.
I can’t recommend Dr Amir enough. He has a professorial understanding of cranial functionality and the jaw, which seems unique to his field. His website is testament to his profound understanding, whereby he has written many papers explaining the problems that occur as a result of TMJ disorders. Don’t be fooled by the appearance of the practice, this isn’t a flashy central London Wimpole Street practice, nor does he charge the high fees that those dentists charge, but the treatment and service are far superior.
I’m now convinced that Dr Amir will enable me to make a full recovery in the fullness of time. I now feel far more optimistic, which is great timing as my firstborn (daughter) arrived 10 days ago and now feel so much stronger to handle these new challenges. I'll update this post once the treatment is complete."
Revised January 2024
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