TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Sun, 21 Jan 2024, 6:04 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 233
"I also know - and this won't alter the course of history or your personal view of me - that you will die with a clenched fist and a tense jaw, the epitome of hatred and struggle, because you are not a symbol (some inanimate example) but a genuine member of the society to be destroyed; the spirit of the beehive speaks through your mouth and motivates your actions. You are as useful as I am, but you are not aware of how useful your contribution is to the society that sacrifices you".
Ernesto Che Guevara.

This is a public rebuttal of the trumped-up case against me by the GDC. It is impossible to fight a well-organised system which destroys dentists for the slightest infringement reported by a disgruntled patient or staff, which may have occurred 20 to 30 years earlier. Here is a classic example from their website:
Amjad.jpg [ 63 KiB | Viewed 7174 times ]

Using specialised oral appliances, I have found a treatment that has helped many patients recover from diverse symptoms and conditions including Migraines, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, MS, ME/CFS, gait problems, and many others.
MindmapBlog.png [ 411.65 KiB | Viewed 7186 times ]

Though my modus operandi may not have conformed to conventional standards, the reported and observable improvement in my patients has been undeniable. To date, no controlled trial has demonstrated effectiveness for this type of treatment, which involves simply some specialised, personalised orthodontic appliances.

Without large-scale randomised controlled trials to demonstrate their efficacy, such alternative therapies face scepticism from the scientific community. Yet, I would argue that clinical experience and patient reports can provide valid and valuable information for a comprehensive understanding of health and illness.

Most physicians and other big pharma cronies, dismiss anecdotes about therapeutic efficacy, citing them as 'unscientific'. While I agree that anecdotes do not provide a solid ground for generalising the efficacy of a treatment, they should not be discarded as meaningless either. After all, as I can vouch for from my own practice, seeing patients bounce back from chronic illnesses which had failed to respond to evidence-based treatments is a fact that can't be ignored. It also invites critical thinking and may guide future scientific exploration.

While large-scale studies have their obvious merits and should remain the gold standard for new therapies, the value of smaller, clinical trials, that may present opportunities to learn and to bridge gaps between theoretical science and practical reality, cannot be disregarded. The divide between traditional medicine and other alternatives shouldn't be an unbridgeable one; there is room for an integrated approach, one that emphasises the well-being of the patients above all else. We must remember, in the end, medicine exists for the betterment of human health, not for rigid conformity to the rules of research alone.

Uncompromisingly, I was charged by the GDC for claiming a "permanent cure" for some conditions, when the actual wording on a graphic similar to the one above said "aims to restore balance to bodily systems, bringing about a permanent and lifelong improvement in health and well-being". How can "aim to" be construed as an actual claim of "permanency?".

I put the statement "aims to restore balance to bodily systems, bringing about a permanent and lifelong improvement in health and well-being" to AI to tell me if it was misleading. This was the AI response:
"No, the statement doesn't sound misleading in any way."

On further aspects, the AI reply was:
"The statement implies that the type of treatment has a holistic health focus that aims at improving health and well-being by bringing balance to the body systems, possibly implying the usage of non-traditional or alternative treatments. The statement is not misleading as it simply conveys a different approach to health improvement, holistic balance, and direct treatment of specific conditions".

While I never claimed to be able to cure all conditions permanently, I understand why the GDC charged me with the word "permanent". If they had charged me of simply claiming success treating various illnesses, it would not have stuck, as I had too many witnesses to refute any allegation across some 46 illnesses.They just charged me on one tiny aspect, as I did not cite any evidence of any patient who permanently recovered, on my website.

It is unconscionable that the GDC, an organisation that collects some 200 million pounds per year from professional subscribers, has chosen to spend its funds on legal fees rather than investing in the scientific evaluation of my work. Their obsession with prosecuting dentists and denying patients the right to receive effective and well-considered care is appalling. The GDC's staff is largely comprised of legal professionals, and it seems their priorities are at odds with those of patients and the dentists. It is time that a higher authority in the government investigated the on-goings at this outfit and made dentistry an unregulated activity like they did in New Zealand many years ago.

The GDC and its cronies, failed to listen or learn, but suppressed and ridiculed some very vital knowledge affecting patient health. I have patients who developed MS immediately after a dental procedure and were wheelchair bound. The GDC totally ignores what could result in serious litigation, from this day on, or rather from some 15 years ago, when the MS society reported me to them about patients who were recovering from MS with my treatment, and putting the news upon their forum all the time. They could not stomach anyone from recovering, either, as it seriously affected their mantra that MS is a disease of unknown origin and demands the spending of billions on (useless) drugs.

If patients develop illnesses as a result of dental work, the GDC should assume liability by implication for their refusal to recognise the single most important effect of any dental intervention as exemplified in my website, which is hundreds of pages long - and copies were distributed by the GDC to their staff so they are fully aware of every sentence affecting patient welfare.

The GDC's trust in the opinions of neurologists, who often misdiagnose TMJ patients as having MS or some other odd maladies, is an egregious example of the mismanagement and lack of accountability that has come to define this organisation.

Charge - You made claims of a permanent cure!51. (8) For a period of time up to and including 22 January 2019, you made statements on to the effect that: a) Cranio-dental symmetry aims to restore balance to bodily systems, bringing about a permanent and lifelong improvement in health and well-being.

YES, Absolutely correct. You replaced the word "improvement" with "cure" and then expect me to defend what I never claimed.

However, presenting my findings about hundreds of recovered patients, I have successfully conveyed my perspective, which opposes the common belief that all ailments require a lifetime of medication. While I acknowledge that my evidence may be anecdotal, it is a starting point for discussion.

Empirical evidence is objective, measurable, and reproducible. In contrast, anecdotal evidence is based on personal experiences and stories, which can be biased and unreliable. However, when numerous individuals report similar experiences, anecdotal evidence becomes more compelling and can no longer be dismissed.

In fact, anecdotal evidence can be even more convincing than empirical evidence, as it often involves a large cohort of diverse individuals who independently report their experiences. Unlike empirical studies, anecdotal evidence is not influenced by the profit motives of pharmaceutical companies and is not limited by short study periods or small sample sizes.

Unfortunately, even when empirical evidence is available, it can be misleading or harmful. In some cases, the pursuit of profit has led to the suppression of negative findings or the promotion of dangerous treatments. Iatrogenic illness, or harm caused by medical treatment, is now one of the leading causes of death in the Western world, despite the existence of peer-reviewed empirical evidence.

The GDC's frustrations are obvious, as they could not find one sentence which could be misleading, so they invented a charge. While I do not wish to portray myself as a victim, I cannot help but see this as a criminal and racially motivated conspiracy. Perhaps if my skin were of a different hue, my discovery of a simple cure for many illnesses would have garnered praise and recognition rather than persecution.

In the twenty years since I published my website, a wealth of experience and evidence has accumulated, prompting a change from my claim of "aims to improve" to "does improve". This decision is because of a significant amount of evidence that substantiates the claim:

"Following a period of treatment with Dr Amir, my wife has totally recovered after almost 20 years of illness with Fibromyalgia that had left her unable to work despite the many medications. She lost the best years of her life and her situation appears to have been caused by a dentist pulling several of her teeth out, effectively shrinking her jaw. We have a very handicapped son, and looking after both my son and my wife whilst going to work full time to earn a living has been quite an ordeal. Someone is responsible for our losses and the subsequent mental stress incurred. (The GDC is responsible)

I fail to understand why you, as a governing body, allow such treatment whilst condemning Dr Amir, a dentist who thoroughly disagrees with the extraction of teeth. I can only perceive that you are a corrupt organisation that exists to prevent patients from obtaining proper treatment to recover and be free of the shackles of chronic illness.

I sincerely hope that a high court judge will see the truth, ban you from your evil agenda and restore Dr Amir's reputation, which it appears you have gone out of your way to destroy............... A, Barnes"

Another senior bank manager in the City recently wrote on the GDC reviews that I cured her migraines in one weekend some 40 years ago after she had been an inpatient in a hospital for four months with no success. If this is not a permanent improvement, then what is?

Another patient writes:
"I stand 100% supporting Dr Amir. He is a professional, ethical and a patient-focused dentist who has pioneered the treatment of multiple symptoms and illnesses dismissed by many. I echo the stories and heartfelt testimonies of fellow patients. I was fortunate enough to find Dr Amir via another health care practitioner when I was 23 years old. I am in no doubt he saved my life. I had been dismissed as another ME, Fibromyalgia patient. I was bedridden and unable to function, with symptoms that were worsening since I was 14 years old.

There were no false promises, no exaggerated claims, but factual, evidence-based explanations for my lived experience.
Too many people with symptoms that don't fit in boxes are dismissed and left to fight for their own lives. Dr Amir is a medical professional fighting for us, and the impact of his suspension is catastrophic for so many. He can 100% make the claims he does because he has proven results.

I went from hardly being able to walk or function, to immediate changes and improvements
using dental appliances and breathing. I have photographic evidence of the changes in my facial structure and the improvement. Many of us with multiple and complex symptoms have seen countless specialists and have been ignored or dismissed. We know our bodies and our evidence should be considered in any review of claims. I trust Dr Amir, and he has been nothing but professional, caring and ethical in all his work with me. You should not be able to dismiss years of evidence-based work and deny Dr Amir, who has my full support. Fellow Spoonies - he is the real deal!"
Hanna Feb 2024.png
Hanna Feb 2024.png [ 123.04 KiB | Viewed 6424 times ]

If they had really read the contents of my website and still found it questionable despite many positive reviews and multiple explanatory articles (I have at least 42 articles written by me just on Multiple Sclerosis on my website) and if patient protection was their real goal, they should have acted with some magnanimity and appointed a Committee of Inquiry to look into the whole concept I present in its entirety. Instead, the GDC embarked on a barbarous path to destroy me and my achievements and indirectly victimised my patients, many of whom had started recovering for the very first time in their lives.

The charges now pick up some named illnesses, about 8 out of 46, perhaps legitimising the others to be bona fide treatments!
That the following conditions can be attributed to a dysfunctional jaw joint:

53. i. Asthma;
Yes, Not "can be". A dysfunctional dentition and jaws ARE the cause of 90% of Asthma cases. Every asthma patient recovered, There are many testimonials on my website and long articles explaining my concepts. Please read the extensive article I have written about Asthma and patient testimonials.
Asthmatic patents also have other symptoms, as per the graph below. While conventional allopathic treatment concerns itself with just Asthma, my treatment addresses all related symptoms too, bringing about recovery not only from, Asthma but also from multiple other symptoms which are a feature of asthmatics. Medicine fails to recognise the complexity of this symptom.
Graph Jaw asthma.jpg
Graph Jaw asthma.jpg [ 84.88 KiB | Viewed 7174 times ]

Testimonial: Dr Harris wrote in a magazine about the treatment of her daughter at my office.
Conclusion: This course of orthodontic treatment has been the only form of intervention used to improve our daughter's health over the past fifteen months. Compared to her contemporaries undergoing reductionist forms of orthodontic treatment, this approach has been very nearly pain-free without the need for strong analgesic medication and of a relatively short duration. She has suffered virtually no head, neck or backache during this treatment. All her presenting symptoms have effectively disappeared. She no longer requires any form of medication.”

And what does the GDC do when it finds that someone has found a definitive treatment for this condition. It routs them. It employs an "expert" adviser who is not a specialist in this subject. In fact, he does not even know the ABC of my subject. None could because they have never healed anyone. The GDC would be hard-pressed to find anyone who could possibly question such phenomenal treatment outcomes.

A wrongful, mind-boggling outcome of "charge proven". My knowledge needs urgent dissemination - not discreditation to mislead the public.

54. ii. Ataxia;
YES, TRUE: I have been treating Ataxia patients for a very long time and have basic knowledge in the context of the relationship of the jaw to the cerebellum (which controls fine motor function), the effect on the symmetry of the occiput, the rotation of the neck and spinal vertebrae and finally hip asymmetries which lead to walking difficulties or issues with gait. This graph presents a true picture of the multitude of symptoms, with only the most prevalent listed. Please note the large incidence of Gait difficulties when a jaw problem is present
Graph Jaw Gait.jpg
Graph Jaw Gait.jpg [ 139.74 KiB | Viewed 7174 times ]

Please read my extensive article on Ataxia and the relationship of the jaw to walking difficulties on the hip jaw connection"

The following is an excerpt from a letter a medical doctor wrote to the head of the GDC about his child’s ataxic issues suffering from Cerebral palsy:

“As long as he [his sons' ataxic difficulties due to cerebral palsy] was wearing Dr Amir’s dental appliances, his symptoms and his spasticity were less pronounced, his sleep better, and his fine motor skills more fluent and faster evolving. May I remind you that Ataxia is commonly understood to have no cure as there are no medications that can specifically improve and cure the symptoms of ataxia................. his motor strength and balancing are constantly improving................. He can now independently walk with two sticks and, to some degree, his walk is now more coordinated and his pathological leg scissoring reflexes are less active when the appliance is worn in his mouth. I am beginning to suspect that an integrated care strategy for managing ataxia as Dr Amir can offer could provide some hope for many suffering individuals [with ataxia].” This was with the head of the GDC, who never brought it before the PCC at any stage." The PCC and all engaged in this case made humbug about this concept rather than trying to make this knowledge widely available.

If it was correctly handled, the benefits are phenomenal, resulting in a huge drop in:
1. Neck pain, back pain, and hip pain;
2. Sciatic nerve pain;
3. The need for hip replacements;
4. All other related symptoms as per the graph above;
5. A huge improvement in patient health and ability to lead normal, active lives;
6. A huge saving in hospital costs and social security costs;
7. Hospital waiting lists would be brought down for these symptoms and conditions by at least 50%.

Again, a malicious, unsubstantiated charge with scant knowledge of the subject of Ataxia by any participant, including the neurologist during the hearing process. Their stark unwillingness to comprehend such farsighted knowledge was incomprehensible.

56. iii. Allergies;
Allergies, as understood conventionally, appear to have serious shortcomings. I have several patients who have recovered from minor and major allergy issues such as sensitivity to cat hair as soon as they started the jaw treatment. This is startlingly remarkable, as it does not fit into the accepted model of allergology!

A more profound allergic reaction and its successful treatment is in this letter from the German doctor to the GDC:
“Such a shared-care patient is Mrs. Claire W. - an entrepreneurial and dynamic businesswoman in her forties who came to see me, initially, for the treatment of her unexplained Myasthenia reactions which show in a sudden loss of muscle tone and sudden collapse onto the floor in public places. From the knowledge that these reactions were linked to exposure to drugs, environmental toxins, chemicals, even perfume odours, she had no other option than to avoid all public spaces, transport systems, supermarkets. For years, she battled with this detrimental condition known as Multiple Chemical Hyper-Sensitivity, Mach’s). The isolation and bleakness in her life brought her close to suicide, and she allegedly contacted Dignitas in Switzerland at this stage.

My own assessment and treatment approach gave her hope and stabilised her situation, the details of which would be too much for the purpose of this letter. When at a certain point, she plateaued, and it became obvious that other structural factors such as dental, TMJ, and cranial imbalances would need to be addressed to make further progress. I decided to contact Dr Amir in 2009 when I first came across his work. Mr Amir accepted her as a patient for an initial assessment but admitted that he had never treated anyone in such a fragile state and that it may take time for a care plan to evolve in a safe and manageable way.

He realised she had a hidden but serious jaw and orthodontic problem and suggested a course of treatment. When the first fitting of the prescribed appliance took place, the patient apparently collapsed when reacting to the substances of the device, despite precautions of using hypoallergenic materials. Alternative materials to which she didn’t react were eventually found under some difficulties. The subsequent recovery process was steady and continuous however not a linear process and, on several occasions, my own medical interventions were required to steady her situation.

The uniqueness of the case, which began from an almost hopeless starting position, attracted the attention of a national newspaper. In an article written by editor Bella Freud, a society journalist, the patient explained that the unique path she chose saved her life and that other patients with complex illnesses, allergies, or MChS could perhaps be helped similarly by accepting and understanding the influence that dentistry has on patients’ immune systems.

Meanwhile, I continued monitoring this patient, and she has not relapsed since and has enjoyed a very full life for many years now. Meanwhile, (The GDC head suppressed this information and held it back from the PCC, knowing full well that this was the subject of one of the trumped-up charges.) This is a remarkably superior finding than the conventional allergies that I have been charged with.

My experience confirms that allergies are actually a different phenomenon than what is understood and practised and when treated correctly, almost all patients have recovered, unlike medical treatments which have never worked permanently for anyone and the patients have to take lifelong medications and extreme cautions, especially in life-threatening peanut allergies. The cost of adrenaline injectors has rocketed to some $300 and must be updated every couple of years. A grave injustice to the poor of this world. This method of treatment could perhaps free them of this expense.

A testimonial on allergies:
Eczema - A patient’s heart-rending story:
I shall not answer this charge, as the story on Eczema you just read on the link above shows that this was also some kind of allergic reaction and the patient completely recovered.

Again, It is very disconcerting that despite the GDC/PPC and the "expert" having at hand all these articles they should suppress this information when broadcasting to the world that they found the charge about allergies or Eczema "proven" against me, committing slanderous defamation. They accused me that I was misrepresenting myself to the public. Quite the opposite. I was curing the incurable. An incorrect accusation and a damming insight into the pathetically incorrigible PCC, quite out of their depth on the whole case.

58. iv. Sciatic nerve pains;

YES:[/b It is obvious that if the jaw causes the hip to go out of line, often up to a 4 cm discrepancy in the hip levels, it is going to affect the sciatic nerve. I have several patients who recovered from this issue simply by correcting their jaws. A patient writes:

"I was born with one leg supposedly shorter than the other. I did not notice any problem with this until I was in my teens. My skirts were always lopsided, and my trousers had to be shortened by 1 inch on the right leg. I also began to experience pain in my right hip, and so began many years of seeing doctors and physios - none of whom seemed to know what was wrong. One afternoon, whilst working in my office in the City, the pain became intense, and I was taken to the Royal London Hospital where a Consultant decided that this was obviously appendicitis. I had my appendix removed and was sent home. The pain returned, and I was given an Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) at my local hospital. The result was negative!
Still, the pain was there. Many years later, after seeing a succession of physios
, I was becoming more and more lopsided as I walked. One evening I was in an armchair at home and had so much difficulty in getting up that I decided this was enough. As luck would have it, my son was seeing Dr Amir for another problem and I scheduled an appointment to see him in the hope that he could do something for me. He was my saviour - 2 years later, after straightening my teeth and sorting my Atlas vertebra, I was free of pain for the first time in years. My posture was erect, and I no longer had to adjust my trouser length - by 2 inches. I am most grateful to Dr Amir and would recommend anybody who is in pain, and cannot get satisfactory treatment elsewhere, to contact Dr Amir for an appointment". Valerie Page.

Drugs cannot correct body asymmetries nor heal sciatic nerve pain. The PCC failed to acknowledge or even attempt to understand a simple basic concept which causes most sciatic nerve pain and bring it to the attention of all dentists. This is a dis-service to all the patients who often suffer lifelong with such pains. The dentists are the key to ensure that their work in the mouth does not cause hip asymmetry and possibly sciatic nerve pain which can happen due to minute changes, of the order of less than a mm in the mouth.

From this point on, patients should formally sue the GDC if they develop sciatic nerve pains because the GDC/PCC has tried to dismiss, suppress and discredit some crucial information which dentists need to account for with absolutely any procedure they perform in the mouth. The present system brandishes the dentist into acting beyond the [b"scope of their work"[/b]. This archaic control of dentistry needs to move onto fresher, greener pastures instead of constantly hounding, and spending millions on destroying dentists for "bad note keeping" - disgraceful charges where 75% of dentists undergoing disciplinary hearings are ensnared, each year.

Again, a malicious, unsubstantiated charge by those wanting the status quo to persist and deny patients of crucial treatment to make their lives liveable.

59. v. Breathing problems
This is the most fundamental problem every patient faces, no matter what their symptoms are or what illness label they carry. I have been putting this idea out for the last 40 years. Presently there is a bestseller book on Amazon, written by James Nestor, talking exactly about the jaw's relationship to breathing. On every graph that I have produced, a breathing problem is the major issue. These issues are behind almost any illness, syndrome, very many of which I have successfully treated by being able to restore the patients' breathing capacity and breathing patterns.
Graph breathing .jpg
Graph breathing .jpg [ 66.06 KiB | Viewed 7174 times ]

Please note that the breathing problem is the most intense issue among all subjects. I physically demonstrated this jaw/breathing relationship to the PCC, whose members sat around like lost lemons with a hint of painfully embarrassed superfluity of perhaps not knowing what they were doing there other than going through the motions and collecting their fat cheques.
I fail to comprehend how this lot can call this charge as "proven"!
Proven what?

Obviously, a complete disinterest in providing equitable justice. Not only that, but preventing patients, from receiving treatment from dentists to save their health and facilitate them to breathe perhaps for the first time in their lives.

60. vi. Crohn’s/Coeliac disease;
YES: I have many patient testimonies who recovered where allopathic medicine had utterly failed. Please remember no one ever recovers with conventional medicine, and yet, they are free to continue to deceive patients under the auspices of the medical governing bodies and their mostly corrupt 'Evidence Base' system of monopolising most illnesses. The adverse effects of the medicines create further serious health problems, requiring even more drugs with further ill effects. This is all acceptable to the GDC/PCC, but an innocuous treatment producing groundbreaking results and success almost every time, is condemned.

I wrote an extensive ORIGINAL article on this subject, “Rheumatoid arthritis and its relationship to gastric illnesses and jaw problems”. On reading my article, a very senior person in the NHS wrote the following:

“Dear Dr Amir, Now that I understand the anatomy and physiology behind your findings and the impact it has on the body, I recall many patients who I nursed over my many years within the NHS who exhibited such symptoms. I worked with many rheumatology patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis who often complained of gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Ulcerative Colitis or other such diagnoses/symptoms. There was never any understanding of the link between the two, in fact, I recall being told the gastrointestinal issues were likely linked to side effects of arthritis medication. I hope individuals diagnosed with these conditions get the opportunity to receive your treatment, and I will continue to try to influence the NHS to recognise this.
Mari, Senior NHS Manager and Director

It is impossible to fathom our parents dying from gastric illness AND crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis, and this nonchalant group of nobodies, dare to stomp on the possibility that all this could be avoided for the elderly. There is no empathy left in the system that we are all imprisoned in under the existing pedagogy, destroyed further with institutionalised racism. Again, an unsubstantiated charge. My knowledge went beyond that of the gastroenterologists who treat such patients, as you can tell from Mari's note. My treatment for the first time ever gave almost 90% successful outcomes against ZERO outcomes by the medical profession.

I cannot help if the GDC/PCC were equally ignorant and, in their ignorance, could only find a verdict of "charge proven" preventing patient’s ability to a free choice to get proper treatment.

61. vii. Depression and anxiety;
YES: I claim so, backed up by results. I have many patient testimonies from recovered patients. No one ever recovers from conventional medicine, so there is no evidence base for me to consider. It is an unequivocal finding that an asymmetric or misplaced jaw causes breathing problems. If this is coupled with a poor breathing technique, the upper body, especially the brain, ends up with poor blood and CFS perfusion which leads to all kinds of problems and in some, depression and anxiety, which are relatively minor issues compared to more profound psychiatric disorders made much worse by extraction orthodontics and the extraction of wisdom teeth.

Furthermore, every single patient who attends with a chronic medically untreatable condition is bound to have depression and anxiety. Imagine telling someone that they have an untreatable condition like “MS”, “CFS” or “Visual Snow” they are bound to get anxious, and depressed. The moment they start recovering and see hope for the first time in their lives, and their breathing improves through treatment, their depression lifts, and anxiety starts disappearing along with many other mental manifestations.

The GDC has accused me of claiming a cure for Anxiety and Depression so have many pharmaceutical giants with a vast amount of an Evidence Base - the scourge of the modern world. No one ever recovers but gets higher doses and stronger ambiguous medication until many commit suicide. Here is what the BBC discovered:

"Paxil: Few SSRI antidepressants have the chequered safety profile of GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) Paxil. In 2007, the BBC revealed that Paxil's Study 329 showed adolescents six times more likely to become suicidal on the drug, but the results were buried. (GSK settled related charges in 2012 for $3 billion.) Rumours had circulated for years about suicide and toxic withdrawal symptoms with Paxil, and they were evidently true in some cases.”

The graph below shows the presence of depression and anxiety in numerous patients presenting with TMJD and other symptoms.
Graph depression anxiety.jpg
Graph depression anxiety.jpg [ 108.58 KiB | Viewed 7174 times ]

I have close patient friends, whose family members committed suicide through psychiatric medication. The pain and hurt is intolerable. Shame on the GDC/PCC for depriving my patients of my services to save the lives of such unfortunates. Again, an unsubstantiated charge which cannot stand the scrutiny of my recovered patients.

62. viii. Fibromyalgia;
YES. Fibromyalgia is a myth, as extensively exposed in my article headed "Fibromyalgia -a scam or a treatable condition".
I have many patient testimonies who recovered, showing almost a 100% success rate against NIL through allopathic medical interventions. The first one is at the beginning of these rebuttals. I feel that it is a concocted illness. Using the same graph as I have used elsewhere, one can see how a group of symptoms caused by jaw dysfunction have been extracted to create a new fraudulent illness. Some 800,000 people in this country are off work because of this label, and the medical and social cost of this diagnosis are immeasurable.
Graph on Fibromyalgia:
Fibromyalgia graph.JPG
Fibromyalgia graph.JPG [ 85.59 KiB | Viewed 7174 times ]

The graph shows other intense symptoms that these patients suffer from (the main one being TMJ dysfunction) but are excluded from the symptom list of the so-called "Fibromyalgia", to manufacture this mysterious illness name.

Another “Fibromyalgia” patient writes:
"I have been ill for 27 years, suffering from extreme exhaustion and severe muscle and joint pain. I have had numerous diagnoses, such as CFS & Fibromyalgia & Arthritis (Sjogren’s syndrome), hypermobility and depression. Having come across your website and various blog posts, I am now wondering if this is all related to my pains and a Jaw which locks that I have had for many years. Hoping that you can help………

The patient further adds, "I have suffered with chronic exhaustion & severe muscle and joint pains. I first became ill following a bad viral infection aged 22 during my pregnancy with my daughter. Despite exhaustive tests and multiple different diagnoses from many different medical professionals, I remain locked in a cycle of pain and exhaustion, unable to work and left with no alternatives but to rely on ever stronger pain relief." After a few months into treatment, the patient reports:

“My mind is now clearer and my emotions less dulled down, this brings a sadness that for so many years, such heavy medication has been stopping much-needed energy from coming through
. I am still on Morphine patches for pain relief which I intend to start reducing in the coming weeks and a low dose anti-depressant that was prescribed to relax my muscles at night. I am sure that with your continued help and as your treatment continues in the coming months that I will finally be free from all these nasty prescription drugs which have contributed to my condition. My visits to you continue to be the highlight of my month, and I remain hopeful that your treatment has set me on the road to full recovery from serious long-term health problems.” At the hearing, her husband gave a very heart-rending report of his wife's recovery from Fibromyalgia after 27 years of suffering, but it had absolutely no effect on the PCC's conclusion that I had made false claims about Fibromyalgia and suspending me.

The GDC actions have prevented me from completing her treatment and that of many other patients. This patient has a cause of action against the GDC. There are 800,000 patients entrapped into this fraudulent diagnosis who cannot go to work, costing society billions. These scams do not bother the GDC, but if someone has a simple cure, the GDC's duty appears to be to pounce upon them and shut them down. They are probably serving some other agenda - not patient protection. I have almost a 90%+ success rate, while medicine has a 0% success rate. Can one imagine that the latter is more acceptable to the governing bodies?

63. ix. Infertility;
In fact, I had never made any such claim on my website nor glorified this achievement. In my article 'Infertility - A much-needed solution', I have 3 patients’ stories who became pregnantand went on to have children with no additional input from me, other than treating them for TMJ dysfunction. I was charged with misrepresentation. However, there is nothing unusual about it. There may be secondary causes, but primarily the problems can be attributed to inadequate gynaecological function of any description to:
1) A misaligned jaw which affects breathing both in the manner of breathing and the quantity of air taken in.
2) This produces inadequate pumping of the gut by the diaphragm followed by an inadequate pumping of the pelvic diaphragm which causes improper functioning of the gynaecological system, giving rise to all kinds of problems including infertility.
3) In previous answers, I have mentioned hip asymmetry, which also corrects itself, allowing proper lower abdominal function. Hip symmetry is crucial for proper pelvic function.
4) Dental extractions are a serious further cause in making matters much worse. At the hearing, the GDC "expert" providing evidence pulled up a paragraph from my consent form which almost all my patients have read on starting treatment, which says in bold:

"Female patients who normally do not need contraception to avoid pregnancy are warned that symmetry in the jaws brings about symmetry in the pelvic area. This often restores normal reproductive function. Contraception to avoid pregnancy is called for during and after treatment." I put this sentence there to warn female patients about this possibility. I first wrote this some 30 years ago. I remembered some patient suing their doctor for becoming pregnant and the doctor had to compensate her for the upbringing of this unwanted child.

Presently, the situation is even more dire where many people do not want to have a child as they just cannot afford to do so. The Covid debacle has made pregnancy a huge risk. I was right, as at least three patients became pregnant who WANTED TO. However, the GDC "expert" made out that it was a ploy by me to entice women into treatment, and the PCC believed him. So, giving a fair warning to patients can backfire, and a dentist can be suspended for his honesty and conducting due diligence.
And they call this justice?

When Bella Freud wrote the newspaper article, we had about 2000 calls in two weeks and I still get calls to keep me busy for the next 20 years. All my life, I have never been short of patients. I have turned away more patients than I have accepted over the years. I do not need to entice patients into treatment. I also had sworn witness statements from patients.
Again, a fabricated charge without thought or compunction.

64. xi. Arthritis;
YES: Please refer to my answer to “vi. Crohn’s/Coeliac disease” above, I repeat the link here about Rheumatoid Arthritis “Rheumatoid arthritis and its relationship to gastric illnesses and jaw problems”.because there is a serious link, unbeknown to allopathic medicine, between these two conditions and the treatment is the same.

65. xii. Learning difficulties;

YES. 'Learning difficulty' problems have been scientifically associated with cerebellar dysfunction. An abstract Cited in Cerebellum by Mitchell J. says: "Cerebellar dysfunction is evident in several developmental disorders, including autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and developmental dyslexia, and damage to the cerebellum early in development can have long-term effects on movement, cognition, and affective regulation.

I have testimonials and explanations on my website. I have explained extensively how a jaw asymmetry causes the occiput to become unlevel and the first vertebra, the Atlas:
(i) rotates forward, causing the occiput to become unlevel;
(ii) this results in an asymmetric flow of blood to the cerebellum and consequential problems with behaviour and learning. The proof of me surmising this and a confirmation that I am correct is in these testimonials which are on my website and were in the bundle which the PCC had. The most profound effect was in the testimonials of two patients below:

1.)“........Now, many years later, I am self-sufficient. I have my own website, I learnt a lot more at an amazing college I went to called Ruskin Mill. As well as that, I am now playing for the England international disability cricket team. This is because of hard work and support from friends and my family and Dr Amir, who all helped change my life. Now looking at life from a perspective where I am aware of my faculties and surroundings, I note how impossible it was for me to do anything before. My mind just could not function correctly. I was all confused and single-minded. I have been on the other side where life was all doom and gloom, but I was not aware of it. I could not read or write. Now I can do both. I am nearly 30 and life could not be better.

2): “Dr Amir had told me from the start of my treatment way back in 2015 that a healthy mind was all about oxygen intake. It’s been 19 or so months since Hassan began his treatment, and I was both a keen observer but also sceptical from the start. I always bore in mind EXACTLY how Hassan was at the very BEGINNING of the treatment, so I could compare it to what he is now. And I can say that he’s far more sociable, his vocabulary has increased tenfold, he’s far more empathic than he ever was, and he’s a lot smarter too. In fact, contrary to what his teachers believed was possible, he’s now an aspiring chef and will be looking for full-time employment, instead of being a burden on society once his sixth form is complete. He’s already made major strides by completing work experience at
the Green Man community hub as a budding chef.” Andrew B. February 2019 Source: Autism - From Oblivion to Resurrection
Graph Hassan.jpg
Graph Hassan.jpg [ 118.82 KiB | Viewed 7174 times ]

The patients strangely recover extremely rapidly. I have had other patients, but since the GDC started its harassment with its kangaroo court, I stopped accepting many more that I could have easily helped and changed their lives PERMANENTLY. The connivance of the GDC in preventing me from working, has jeopardised the chances of thousands coming out of oblivion and living normal lives. The social and medical costs that could be saved which all the taxpayers pay cannot even begin to be counted. THERE IS NO OTHER MODALITY OF CARE THAT COULD HELP THESE PATIENTS TO RISE FROM THE ASHES SO RAPIDLY.

Again, A caring “patient protecting” façade of the GDC is nothing more than a dangerous organisation perpetuating illness in society and the charge against me nefarious.

66. xiii. Migraines;
YES: My first patient recovered some 40 years ago. On finding about the predicament the GDC put me in, she wrote on the Internet:

"Shocked to hear how Dr Amir has been treated “I was shocked to hear of the suspension of Dr Amir by the GDC. I have been a patient since 1983. I was rushed to Accident and Emergency with severe headaches at the age of 23, where I spent weeks in hospital, having tests and on a significant amount of medication. I had permanent headaches, no energy and felt permanently unwell. I would wake in the morning with my jaw locked. I would spend Monday to Friday in hospital and home at the weekend. One weekend, after being in hospital for 6 weeks, I had a toothache and my sister suggested I go and see Dr Amir. Within 30 minutes of meeting him, he discovered the reasons for my headaches. My fillings had been replaced by a previous dentist, under a general anaesthetic, and my jaw had become out of sync. Dr Amir, over the next few weeks, replaced my fillings and made a special brace for me to wear. Within days of meeting him, I started to feel better.

Over the last 38 years, he has been a fantastic dentist to my husband and two children. We all have so much confidence in him and his ability to solve any dental problems. He cares with a passion about his patients and will always see us at short notice, out of surgery hours when needed. The thought of not having Dr Amir to help us when we need him, fills us with dread. Do the right thing, GDC and reinstate Dr Amir. “ This work was done some 40 years ago. Since then, at the very least, 50 patients must have recovered from chronic migraines. I have also written about this subject on my website:#
[url]Migraines, headaches and tinnitus - Jaw asymmetry or a medical problem - you decide[/url]. This charge against me, in the presence of evidence which the PCC had at hand, is again nefarious."

This testimonial also refutes the charge about "permanent cure". She has been well for 40 years with no migraine recurrence.

67. xiv. Multiple Sclerosis;

YES: I have written extensively about this subject. This is where my criticism of the neurologists comes in, and for their deceptive diagnoses and fraudulent medications. I have blown the whistle on them. The GDC found it opportune to employ one of them so that he can hang me.

Strangely, I discovered the neurologists admitting their deception, misleading thousands of patients sucked into Multiple Sclerosis fraudulently. I claimed this in open court at the GDC, and it is a matter of public record. I have seen too many MS patients being tortured by their medications and deceptions. Here is a quote from what the chief neurologist says in one of his monthly newsletters:

“#MSBlog MS is emotionally exhausting! Posted: 14 Feb 2013 03:43 AM PST “The realisation that the DMTs have failed leads to the re-emergence of grief and the five emotional stages that go with it. The anger is more often than not directed at the medical team for being impotent to stop the disease; exposing our false promises, which were made to give you hope. As a result of being an outspoken critic of therapeutic nihilism - the blight of our profession - a proponent of early aggressive treatment and a disciple for the active and holistic management of MS, I seem to be taking more flak than most. It is emotionally exhaustion................It helps you understand why MSers turn to alternative theories, and treatments, when science and modern medicine lets you down."
Part of the meaning of the word nihilism is: A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy. This is the admitted MS therapeutics! by the chief neurologist at St. Bart’s. Hospital. Need I say any more?

An article appeared in the Evening Standard about 13 years ago written by the society journalist Bella Freud who interviewed my first MS patient who had recovered from MS. Please click here to read the article How a dental brace could cure MS, migraines and paralysis. Subsequently, many more patients recovered. Some of them are listed in several articles on my website. This is the same graph as earlier, showing symptoms caused by jaw asymmetry. I have marked the symptoms, which the neurologists attribute to a concocted “autoimmune disease whereby the immune system attacks the patients’ myelin sheath”.

Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the diagnosis is there to sell anti-immune drugs at a cost of some £20K to 100k per patient per year, to kill the immune system. Hence, no recovery takes place and many die because of the drugs, but meanwhile, the drugs have earned the companies billions. Treating the jaw rapidly starts relieving the patient’s symptoms, especially if they are seen as soon as they are diagnosed.
This graph indicates that the symptoms of TMJD match those of "MS" patients.
Graph JAW MS.jpg
Graph JAW MS.jpg [ 79.74 KiB | Viewed 7174 times ]

Here is the experience of a family with a 12-year-old patient who was diagnosed with 'MS' after he reported a numb leg (and an earlier unrelated episode 5 years earlier). He had been off school for a year and was being injected every 3rd day with one of the Disease Modifying Therapies (DMT's) - meaning immune system killing drugs. He soon developed liver damage (because of the DMT’s) and was diagnosed with "Auto immune liver disease" also. He completely recovered after embarking on symmetry treatment. He was back at school within a couple of weeks. His parents did not inform the prescribing hospital about having stopped the injections. After 4 months, he was tested and completely cleared of 'MS' and miraculously also of the 'autoimmune liver disease' with the following good news:

"The Beta interferon has completely cleared your 'MS' and your autoimmune liver disease, and we are going to change your drug now!" He was not taking any drug but only symmetry treatment! A malicious charge by the GDC despite hearing oral testimony from a prominent witness and reading dozens of testimonials and about 40 articles on my website. The "expert" misled the PCC by not pointing out this evidence to them. Where is the justice for the 700,000 patients facing an early, painful, bedridden death in the country?

68. xv. Heart palpitations;

YES: This is the most basic problem that many patients experience. Others may have hyperthyroidism or menopausal symptoms which can cause palpitations and or Supra Ventricular Tachycardia (SVT), but if one excludes these causes, palpitations occur because of a poor breathing pattern and inadequate oxygenation because of jaw issues. Most patients suffering from palpitations have a chest breathing pattern:
a) This makes the heart having to fight with the lungs to adequately pump blood.
b) The jaw dysfunction also decreases the amount of oxygen intake.
Therefore, in the presence of poor oxygenation and poor technique, the heart must work harder, and the beats increase and so does the force of the beat which the patient experiences as palpitations. The treatment is to simply increase the amount of oxygenation by correcting the jaws and teaching the patient belly breathing. The palpitations disappear almost from the word go. Many patients suffer lifelong and many are prescribed beta blockers, which on average kill 200,000 people in Europe and the USA each year! The PCC hearing committee had no understanding of the subject, so decided to find me guilty again in the absence of any evidence.

69. xvi. Speech difficulties, including stammering.

YES: I have had patients who recovered almost instantaneously as soon as they were fitted with a corrective dental appliance. I explained that stammering has to do with inadequate breathing ability. I have had one case where the patient could not utter a word for a full 15 seconds and he recovered. The information was with the GDC and the PCC. They were not bothered with patient testimony or my explanation and simply ram raided into the guilty verdict. The PCC had access to this testimonial. We were prepared to call the witness and his medical doctor in to substantiate my claim, but the PCC ignored any such thought or did not demand the evidence and went on to find me guilty. Most patients recover on the first day they get the appliance in the mouth, but here is a testimonial of the case of stammering quoted above:

Recovery from stammering “I met Dr Amir by chance at another mutual friends’ medical office. I was treating a patient and Dr Amir noticed my intense difficulty in forming a sentence due to my stammer. He offered point-blank to fix it for me free of charge! When Dr Amir told me, he could help me with my stammering, I was sceptical. For more than forty years, I have tried very many approaches to overcoming stammering, from one-to-one speech therapy, hypnosis, meditation, ‘prolonged speech’ in the 1970s to the ‘Starfish’ programme a decade ago. I know that these approaches have worked for some, but not for me. I had become resigned to life as a stammerer. It is almost a year since I first met Dr Amir and was fitted with my first brace. From the beginning, I remember a sense of spaciousness in my mouth, which felt remarkably liberating. 3 or 4 months into the treatment, as my teeth continued to move, I noticed a marked increase in my energy levels and friends began to comment on my improved fluency of speech. It felt too good to be true!

Part of my work is as a teacher, and the amount of energy expended to maintain any level of fluency during a workshop was such that I would be drained after a day of teaching and exhausted after a weekend intensive. I began to believe in the reality of my improvement when I came through a weekend workshop, I was teaching having barely stammered at all and feeling exhilarated. Family, friends and colleagues have all commented on my fluency without any prompting from me. There is an increase in confidence around my ability to speak fluently: I recently became aware of a willingness on my part to initiate small talk, a pastime so excruciatingly frustrating and difficult for me in the past that I have avoided it for most of my life.

I now pass the time of day with strangers with barely a hint of a stammer, and I am sufficiently confident to be able to spice up the interaction with some humour. I have workshops scheduled throughout 2012, and I am planning to give public talks about the work I do. I feel liberated! I will keep you posted as to how I am getting on. Alongside an improvement in speech fluency, there have been other benefits which, I believe, have occurred as a result of Dr Amir’s treatment. In 2007, a tumour on my spine paralysed my legs and in 2008, further tumours paralysed my pelvic area. Before starting Dr Amir’s treatment, I had, to a great extent, regained the ability to walk but still had minimal sensation in my pelvic region which profoundly affected my quality of life. Over the last few months' sensation has returned to a great extent in that area and, as previously reported, my energy levels are far greater than they were a year ago.”

Just imagine that I have just offered this patient free treatment and promised him a cure of a terrible stammering state the likes of which I had never seen before or since.

The GDC gets wind of it at the outset through a disgruntled ex-wife who thinks he is spending tons of money with me. That he had an inherited incurable condition. She has supporting letters from "neurologists". She never speaks to her husband. She writes to the GDC. I get dragged through the kangaroo courts for the next six years. 60,000 pages of paperwork is produced. Two million pounds are spent on lawyers. The patient fails to get treatment because of the gross mishandling by the GDC, resulting in the main star in this abject narrative permanently crippled. Again, a little or no knowledge in the hands of some pathetic, self-centred goons is dangerous for the millions who suffer from these conditions.

70. And that, in consequence of the matters set out above, your fitness to practise is impaired by reason of misconduct.”

The misconduct has been carried out by the GDC/PCC by suspending me after conducting a questionable hearing where no evidence of any dishonesty or misrepresentation was discovered. No wonder they only suspended me, as they did not have a shred of evidence that I was dishonest in any way. If they had any such evidence, they would have been the first ones to refer me to a criminal court, as they were pinning to do.

Suspension and finding me guilty on such serious counts with no evidence whatsoever has repercussions. The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) jumped in saying that if the GDC/PCC found me guilty of all these "deceptions" they should have taken further serious action.
When I first got my charge sheet with some 20 charges of poor note keeping, I was aghast, as I never intentionally left anything out. I did, however, realise at the outset that my note keeping was probably not up to scratch. I had been too absorbed in getting results for my patients and constantly inventing various appliances and writing my blogs, so I immediately started phoning around if there was any course I could take along with my staff. There was only one course available, costing £600. I immediately signed up for it.

Guess who turned up to give me the course. The case examiner who had charged me with all those baseless, enumerable and nefarious "misconduct" charges at the GDC.
Dentists are governed by wolves.

This article is written under the Human Rights Act 1998: UK Public General Acts 1998 c. 42 SCHEDULE 1 PART I Article 10 for of the long-suffering British public.
The law specifically states that "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority".
Any harassment, direct or indirect, by the ruling bodies or their cronies, will be vehemently pursued through this act and the freedom of expression laws.
Any breaches of the Data Protection Act shall also be brought to the attention of the Information Commissioner's Office and The Law Society.

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