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PostPosted: Mon, 22 Jul 2024, 3:05 pm 
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Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 233
The contents below warrant urgent action. Some serious developments have taken place. Many additional chemicals are now being deployed Apart from the usual culprits, now many more commercial airlines and cargo transporters are also intensely involved in the chemical sprays. You can easily find this by looking at the sky, pointing the appropriate app on your phone. If you find any evidence, please expose these airlines and they should be subjected to a worldwide boycott.

Constituents of chemtrails are:
Barium and Strontium (both carcinogenic)
Aluminium oxide (causes Alzheimers, dementia and dumbs down population)

Recent additions are:

Up to 2% Uranium (Radioactive.)
Graphene (Acts as a career for the plasmids carrying mRNA. Same action in "vaccines". This metallisation of the body will make EMF from 5G much more lethal.)
Microplastics. (Bottled water can have millions of particles.)

New exposes reveal that the chemtrails now contain:
Psychotropic drugs (to cause depression and hopelessness.)
The latest is mRNA vaccines. Cities are being bombarded using planes funded by Bill Gates.

This article has been largely derived from a video linked at the end from "The people's voice".

For decades, the chemtrail agenda has lurked in plain sight. Those who have been observant have noticed the bizarre, unnatural patterns in the skies above urban and regional areas. However, the mainstream media has urged us to dismiss what we see with our own eyes. Acting on behalf of their wealthy benefactors, they have gaslit the public and vilified anyone who dares to inquire. But in 2024, a series of courageous whistleblowers have emerged, revealing the disturbing plans to contaminate everything beneath the sun.

The mainstream media insists that unusual mackerel cloud formations and strange grid-like patterns in the sky are entirely natural, claiming our skies have always appeared this way. Yet, historical evidence is glaringly absent; there are no photographs from the past depicting such mackerel skies or grid patterns, nor do any Renaissance or landscape paintings feature these unnatural phenomena. For decades, the elite have been deceiving us, but we have diligently recorded, researched, and scrutinised their fabrications. Thanks to the efforts of individuals like yourself, the truth about these trails is spreading, shattering the wall of deception. We are now in a golden era of whistleblowing about chemtrails, with pilots, veterans, and aviation experts stepping forward in large numbers to reveal the reality of our skies.
chemtrails.png [ 607.42 KiB | Viewed 5836 times ]

In this photograph, a chemtrail pilot intentionally sought attention by turning his sprayers on and off in a manner reminiscent of an SOS signal. This act completely discredits any government propagandists who claim these trails are merely contrails caused by variations in air temperature. Unlike contrails, which cannot be turned on and off like jet engines, this display is undeniable proof that we are being sprayed. Share this widely and make it viral, everyone.

Despite mainstream media's attempts to downplay the phenomenon, these unusual geometric lines in the sky starkly differ from traditional condensation trails. Historically, planes never left such patterns behind. Fast-forward to 2024, and people across North America, Europe, and other developed regions find themselves inhaling toxic chemicals and airborne mRNA. Whistleblowing pilots have disclosed that governments, in collaboration with the military and private contractors, are medicating the public without their consent.

In 2024, whistleblowing pilots claim that toxic chemicals and airborne mRNA are being dispersed over North America, Europe, and other developed areas by governments, the military, and private contractors to medicate the public without consent. A US commercial airline captain and military veteran asserts there is a psychological component to the chemtrails, causing depression and hopelessness. The pilot, notes that exposure to these substances leads some involved in the program to commit suicide.

Pilots voice:
"The whole thing is designed to keep people unmotivated, lazy and hopeless. That is why since the chemtrails program started, everyone has been a bit more depressed. Everything seems a bit more grey. People can't think clearly and can't get off their backside to do anything. Cities are sprayed with this stuff. The powers-that-be want to make sure nothing kicks off.
I have had people tell me that they can sense something different in the air.

"They're really strict about keeping the pilot and crew working on the program. They keep them away from the chemicals they load into the plane. They have to wear PPE and biohazard gear and work in fume hoods. Furthermore, they keep the stockpiled chemicals in 660 gallon portable tanks. Many guys I know who work on the programme are true believers. They really believe they are doing something good for the world. I was Once told by a pilot that "some hazardous chemicals improve health in small doses", even if exposure to higher doses is lethal. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Here was this guy who wears the most advanced hi tech protective equipment in the world making excuses for spraying low doses of a nerve agent on a population centre in the USA."

While there are staunch advocates of the chemtrails program operating from within, many have tragically taken their own lives recently. This isn't due to a guilty conscience, but rather the harmful mix of chemicals they handle, leading to severe depression. Similar to how fluoride in our water is intended to impact our mental state, the contaminated air we inhale is crafted to affect the populace psychologically.

The captain highlighted that the primary motive behind aerosolising drugs is to enable their dissemination from altitudes of 15,000 feet. This practice began a few years ago. The rationale? Consider the side effects: cancer, blood clots, heart disease, strokes, infertility, feminisation in men, cognitive impairment, and chronic fatigue. Yet, it’s not just about drugs; experimental vaccines are part of this equation too.

As global elites face increasing resistance to COVID mRNA shots and perpetual boosters, they are resorting to more cunning methods to impose their mRNA agendas on the public. Courtney Malo, editor of Science Translational Medicine, elucidated in a significant article that new airborne vaccines can spread mRNA efficiently and swiftly, circumventing the need for injections or consent. For a long time, warnings have been issued about elite plans to contaminate our food, water, and air. Now, they are executing these plans. Fluoride has tainted our water for decades, despite clear evidence of its adverse health impacts. Recent findings suggest that mRNA has infiltrated the food supply and is being sprayed from above.

Over the past year, mainstream media has started to inform the public about the revelation that the global elite have been clandestinely dispersing chemtrails over the population for many years. Courageous whistleblowers are stepping up to expose the hidden details of this covert operation, endangering their own lives in the process. Among them is Kristen Megan, an environmental specialist who, after nine years with the US Air Force, chose to unveil the military’s secret chemtrails program conducted under the veil of night.

"I was sceptical of chemtrails as a bio-environmental engineer until discovering my involvement in approving chemicals for atmospheric release. This revelation shook my professional integrity, leading me to become a whistleblower and leave my position. I've since dedicated myself to raising awareness about weather modification and geoengineering. Stratospheric aerosol injection and other methods are openly acknowledged, and chemtrails have been sprayed over populations for decades. Kristen Megan, an environmental specialist with nine years in the US Air Force, exposed the military's covert chemtrails program, risking much to reveal the truth".

Megan reveals that this year has seen a dramatic escalation in efforts to block sunlight, with Bill Gates and George Soros investing tens of millions into projects aimed at releasing aerosols into the atmosphere to shield the Earth from the sun's vital rays. The concept of chemtrails has abruptly transitioned from conspiracy theory to proposed climate change solution. However, those who have been observant recognise that the narrative promoted by mainstream media is sheer nonsense. In 1972, the Club of Rome released "The Limits to Growth", advocating for drastic depopulation to rescue the planet from human overpopulation. This book has functioned as a guidebook for the global elite ever since its release.

"We cannot hide away from human population growth because it undermines so many of the other problems. All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if there was the size of the population that there was 500 years ago".

They are not even trying to hide it any more. Richard Forbes interviewed a commercial pilot who has been conducting in-depth research into chemtrails, and he found a link between the program and the Gates Foundation. To protect his anonymity, the pilot had his voice digitised for the interview.

Over the years, we have had numerous samples analysed in various laboratories equipped with mass spectrometers. The primary components identified include Barium, Strontium, and Aluminium oxide. The first two substances are known carcinogens, while Aluminium oxide has been linked to Alzheimer's disease, among other health concerns. Additionally, these samples contain microplastics, up to 2 percent Uranium, and Graphene oxide. These elements are consistently found in what is being sprayed.

The rationale provided for this spraying, often attributed to New World Order globalists, is ostensibly to "dim the sun" as a countermeasure to climate change, or whatever term they choose to use at any given time. However, the underlying objective appears to be the systematic poisoning of the environment, which is part of a broader depopulation agenda. This sinister plan traces back to influential organisations such as the World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum, and events like those held in Davos. Key sponsors, including the Bill Gates Foundation, are heavily involved in this scheme.

This agenda is well-documented, featuring prominently in the Agenda 2030 and previously in Agenda 2021. Detailed outlines of these plans are publicly accessible through resources from institutions like John Hopkins University.

The operation serves a dual purpose: to obscure sunlight and to gradually contaminate the environment. As more pilots and aviation experts step forward to reveal the scheme aimed at sun-blocking and systematic poisoning, we must consider our response. First and foremost, awareness is crucial.
Please click this link for the original video

Comment: Our real response has to be a worldwide, incessant protest to prevent the propagation of this tyranny. This has to be done most urgently as we are already deep into the midst of the poisoning spree. We need to take action before we are weakened mentally through the aluminium poisoning, physically through starvation by the government shutting down farms, killing all chickens through the pretence of Avian flu virus and all meat under pretence of reducing Methane emissions, and medically through the ravages brought about by the so-called "vaccines".

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Challenging the current norms in dental and medical care comes at a high price. Through my website and this forum, I have shed light on practices that contribute to the perpetuation of illness, whether intentionally or not. This disruption is unwelcome by the authorities governing our healthcare system. To continue publishing evidence-based articles that have educated thousands of health professionals and patients worldwide, and to maintain my staff and office operations, we need some support. If this article has significantly improved your symptoms, please consider making a donation through the window that appears after a few seconds at:

CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article serves solely for educational purposes. The improvements or benefits discussed herein are drawn from individual experiences, which are influenced by the unique health conditions, medical histories, and other personalised factors of those individuals, and should not be assumed to represent universal treatment outcomes. It is imperative to consult your physician before considering any suggestions mentioned. This information is intended to complement, not substitute, the advice of your doctor or healthcare provider and does not encompass all potential uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects. It may not be applicable to your specific health situation. Never delay or ignore seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider based on something you have read in this article. Always discuss with your doctor or healthcare professional before beginning, discontinuing, or altering any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment to determine the most appropriate course of therapy for you.

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