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PostPosted: Sat, 08 Jun 2024, 10:26 pm 
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Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 231
Andrew Bridgen, a British member of parliament, has conducted extensive investigations into the reasons behind excess deaths resulting from the Covid vaccination programme in the UK. Surprisingly, during a televised speech, the majority of MPs fled from the House of Parliament, leaving Bridgen to address a mostly empty room. This unusual behaviour led me to question the intentions of these MPs. Were they attempting to ridicule Bridgen, as anyone who questions the vaccine is often labelled a conspiracy theorist by the media? Or were these MPs potentially working for the cabal, who Bridgen believes is responsible for the excess deaths? It is concerning that these elected officials may be disconnected from the interests of the British public, while very much connected to a foreign entity whose motives are totally suspect.

Here is the report:
"British member of parliament Andrew Bridgen has sparked a significant controversy by suggesting the death penalty for Bill Gates and members of the so-called 'Covid Cabal' citing their involvement in 'crimes against humanity' during the covid pandemic. This bold statement was made during a session of Business Questions in the UK House of Commons, where Bridgen expressed a radical shift from his previous stance against capital punishment, fuelled by the pandemics handling.

Andrew Bridgen's call for a debate on the appropriate punishment for those he accuses of perpetrating, colluding, and covering up crimes against humanity marks a pivotal moment in his political career. Despite traditionally opposing capital punishment, Bridgen, argues that the severity of the alleged crimes committed during the pandemic justifies a reconsideration of the ultimate penalty. His comments have ignited a fierce debate, drawing criticism from many, including his colleague Penny Mordaunt, a long-term member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) who dismissed Bridgen as a 'conspiracy theorist'.

[Comment: This is the same WEF where during 2023 the head of Pfizer, Burla announced that he had kept his promise which he made during 2019, at a San Francisco conference that he would halve the world population by the end of 2023, and that he had succeeded in doing so. This resulted in a huge aplomb at the Davos gathering.]

Bridgen claims to have reached out to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Mark Rowley, with the intention of organising a meeting to present evidence of criminal activities by senior members of the UK government and civil service during the pandemic. Furthermore, Bridgen alleges that a senior cabinet minister disclosed the plan to use 'turbo cancer' as a means of global depopulation, a conversation purportedly happening within the Westminster Houses of Parliament. These claims add to the MPs controversial stance, as he previously urged for an immediate halt to the mRNA vaccine booster program and called for a full public inquiry into the vaccine's harms and the failure of institutions meant to protect the public interest.

[Comment: There are two possible causes of turbo cancer. Firstly, it could result from the presence of snake venom in the vaccine or from ingesting it through other means. Please read this article. Secondly, turbo cancer could arise from the deliberate switching off of a crucial DNA gene through gene therapy, which normally serves to safeguard against cancerous mutations.]

As a vocal opponent of globalist authoritarianism, Andrew Bridgen's actions and statements position him as a prominent figure in the fight against what he views as governmental overreach and misconduct during the covid pandemic. His calls for a public inquiry, which reflects a growing sentiment among certain segments of the population for transparency and accountability regarding pandemic management and vaccine safety. Despite the backlash and criticism from various quarters, Bridgen's relentless pursuit of what he believes to be justice for the alleged 'crimes against humanity' continues to stir public debate and media attention.

The implications of Andrew Bridgen's statements and the proposed actions against members of the 'Covid cabal' are profound, challenging societal norms around justice, capital punishment and the role of government during crisis. As a debate unfolds, the broader ramifications for political discourse, public trust in institutions, and the future of pandemic preparedness and response remain to be seen, highlighting a deeply divided world grappling with the aftermath of an unprecedented global event."

Andrew Bridgen further urges the pharmaceutical regulators to investigate payments by AstraZeneca to Doctors who shilled for their "safe and effective" vaccine on TV - without telling viewers they'd had a payment. Are there also implications for the broadcasters under the OFCOM code?

[Various large pharmaceutical companies made widespread payments averaging around £4,000 to numerous General Practitioners. However, upon sharing this information with a hospital management representative, I learned that there were actually more extensive bribes being distributed to encourage the vaccination of unsuspecting individuals. A significant number of doctors appearing on television and endorsing the vaccine received payments amounting to tens of thousands of pounds from these pharmaceutical companies, which the Doctors did not disclose while promoting the vaccine on live TV. It is important to remember that this practice continues with the complicity of our elected government, who appear to be serving a potentially harmful entity rather than serving the best interests of the British public.]
This article is penned in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1998: UK Public General Acts 1998 c. 42 SCHEDULE 1 PART I Article 10, serving the resilient British populace. The legislation explicitly affirms, "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority." Any form of harassment, whether direct or indirect, by governing bodies or their affiliates, will be vigorously challenged under this act and the principles safeguarding freedom of expression. Furthermore, any violations of the Data Protection Act will be promptly reported to the Information Commissioner's Office and The Law society. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Challenging the current norms in dental and medical care comes at a high price. Through my website and this forum, I have shed light on practices that contribute to the perpetuation of illness, whether intentionally or not. This disruption is unwelcome by the authorities governing our healthcare system. To continue publishing evidence-based articles that have educated thousands of health professionals and patients worldwide, and to maintain my staff and office operations, we need some support. If this article has significantly improved your symptoms, please consider making a donation through the window that appears after a few seconds at:

CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article serves solely for educational purposes. The improvements or benefits discussed herein are drawn from individual experiences, which are influenced by the unique health conditions, medical histories, and other personalised factors of those individuals, and should not be assumed to represent universal treatment outcomes. It is imperative to consult your physician before considering any suggestions mentioned. This information is intended to complement, not substitute, the advice of your doctor or healthcare provider and does not encompass all potential uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects. It may not be applicable to your specific health situation. Never delay or ignore seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider based on something you have read in this article. Always discuss with your doctor or healthcare professional before beginning, discontinuing, or altering any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment to determine the most appropriate course of therapy for you.

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