TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

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PostPosted: Sat, 04 Jan 2025, 10:53 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 245
The list of some side effects of the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 Vaccine.
Take the D dimmer blood test to detect:
Blood thrombosis
Acute kidney injury,
Acute flaccid myelitis,
Positive antisperm antibodies,
Brainstem embolism,
Brainstem thrombosis,
Cardiac arrest (hundreds of cases),
Heart failure, Cardiac ventricular thrombosis, Cardiogenic shock,
Central nervous system vasculitis,
Neonatal death,
Deep vein thrombosis,
Brainstem encephalitis,
Hemorrhagic encephalitis,
Frontal lobe epilepsy,
Foaming at the mouth,
Epileptic psychosis,
Facial paralysis,
Fetal distress syndrome,
Gastrointestinal amyloidosis,
Generalized tonic-clonic seizure,
Hashimoto's encephalopathy,
Hepatic vascular thrombosis,
Herpes zoster reactivation,
Hepatitis Immune-mediated,
Interstitial lung disease,
Jugular vein embolism,
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,
Liver damage,
Low birth weight,
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children,
Neonatal seizure,
Temporal lobe epilepsy,
Testicular autoimmunity,
Thrombotic stroke,
Type 1 diabetes mellitus,
Neonatal venous thrombosis,
Vertebral artery thrombosis,
Sudden death

They have neglected to reveal numerous additional consequences:

A prolonged and intense recurrence of Shingles that persists for several months.
Accelerated cancers due to the presence of the SV40 Simian virus, which is known to trigger cancer, as well as snake venom, which also causes cancer.
Research by a Scientist at the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) White Oak Campus lab
by Fabio

Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccines contain residual DNA levels exceeding regulatory safety limits, according to a peer-reviewed study published this week in the Journal of High School Science. The research was conducted by student scientists at the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) White Oak Campus lab in Maryland. FDA is the drug regulatory body in the US that granted emergency use authorizations for Covid vaccines. This study confirms the validity of the alarm raised many months ago by the Florida surgeon general Joseph Ladapo on the dangers of mRNA genetic serums that led him to advise against Covid vaccination for frail and elderly people.

In a further expose, some investigators have obtained copies of the mysteriously deleted Wuhan databases about COVID-19 and Covid vaccine.
"Internal documents from Pfizer laboratories reveal that reverse engineering of the source code of the Pfizer Biontech SARS COV 2 outlines the chemical and biological processes which were carefully manipulated to be able to produce an mRNA particle that also contains a very dangerous toxin to the human body, Graphene oxide. Each one of these shots in a 30mg syringe contains 15 billion Graphene nano particles or lipid carrier particles within the mRNA sequence. Graphene Oxide gets into the body and binds itself to blood cells and starts to build a structure. This is why people have blood clots or sudden heart failure. The databases we have accessed prove that COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines are, in fact, a bioweapon"

These are wilful acts requiring attention at the highest level by policing and military authorities because the politicians are seriously compromised, unable or unwilling to attend to these treasonous crimes.

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