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PostPosted: Thu, 21 Dec 2023, 5:58 pm 
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Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
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"My friends, I extend my utmost admiration and respect to those of you who proudly bear the badge of a rebel. Your bravery, determination, persistence, and unwavering fighting spirit are truly commendable. Each of us on this journey understands the sacrifices and challenges required to join our ranks, which is why when we encounter each other, an unspoken understanding and connection is forged at a profound level."......................Laura Aboli [Quote slightly modified]

Covid-19 "virus" or "venom"

"This article has some explosive material about COVID-19 that will change the way that you see the world forever", as per Dr Jason Shurka - the person introducing a video that I came across recently. Your health depends on how well you assimilate the information in this very extensive article. After researching many sources on COVID-19, I found this video to be the most compelling and comprehensive knowledge base. I hope you will have a similar perspective once you have read all three parts.

I start with some unexplained, intriguing events that have puzzled me:
1) I had the conventional belief that a viral infection soon turns into a bacterial infection which needs antibiotic treatment. I was, however, stunned when I heard, during 2020 at the time of the Corona pandemic, from a hospital nurse that she had seen patients recover remarkably with an antibody treatment. Although I accepted her word at the time, it remained a mystery until now.

2) As soon as I learned that numerous patients were succumbing to thrombosis, my thoughts turned to the possibility that the vaccine may have been tainted with snake venom. The tragic memory of my cousin's death due to clotting caused by a snake bite in Africa years prior weighed heavily on my mind.

3) No COVID-19 virus has ever been isolated in any laboratory anywhere in the world. If you check on Google, you will come across thousands of links from respectable medical practitioners and respectable journals about the "COVID-19 virus". If no virus has been detected, then what is Covid-19?

4) If the SARS-CoV-2 virus was known during 2002, the first SARS pandemic in China, its genome would have been worked out and an appropriate vaccine should have been available.

5) There have been thousands of excess deaths, but there is a deafening silence from the politicians. Every time the parliamentarian Andrew Bridgen in the UK Houses of Parliament gets up to speak on the subject of excess deaths, 95% of the MPs immediately walk out, perhaps exposing who they really work for. Please watch this video by Dr. Campbell

6) My doubt about the efficacy of the "Oxford vaccine" stemmed from my observation of a supposedly trustworthy English gentleman who was a professor on the vaccine development team. He appeared on TV regularly, but his persistent downward gaze and avoidance of direct eye contact with the camera made me wonder if he was hiding something. I began to question whether harmful substances were present in the vaccine and if the public had been deceived into believing that it was simply derived from a portion of the viral DNA, which was not the case.

The far-reaching consequences of a notable falsehood are all too apparent, with numerous fatalities attributed to its dissemination. The authors of this deceit have been given license to act without consequence, enjoying significant recognition, wealth, and even the highest accolades, such as the Nobel Prize. Meanwhile, those affected by their actions are left to bear the brunt of severe health and financial difficulties, frequently resulting in homelessness, particularly in the United States.

The following section of this article has been shortened, edited, and updated from a remarkable video lecture presented by Dr. Jason Shurka, owner of Rays of Light Wellness Center in New York, and Dr. Bryan Ardis from Dallas, Texas. Their generosity in sharing this invaluable information with people all over the world deserves full recognition.

At the outset...
Dr. Jason Shurka draws a parallel between the 9/11 tragedy and the current state of the world, recognizing the pivotal moment in history it marked and the potential for government manipulation of public perception. Nevertheless, Shurka observes a growing awareness among the populace of such manipulation and perceives an opportunity to expose and discredit these false narratives with concrete evidence. Dr. Bryan Ardis's innovative approach to addressing the coronavirus pandemic through the presentation of factual evidence that challenges the prevailing narrative is commended by Dr Shurka, who sees this method as more effective than merely offering personal opinions. This approach, according to Dr Shurka, enables people to exercise critical thinking and discover the truth for themselves.

Dr Ardis replies: "The perspective, that it is September 11, is huge because many people who are willing to look, will realise the grand illusion that was created for the entire world then and now about the "corona epidemic". The new narrative and great illusion that continues to be projected by the media, by medical professionals and by scientists around the world that we are dealing with a bat virus, even though from the very beginning of the first month of the pandemic, declared during January 2020, DNA experts said this was not a vampire virus. It was the venom of two snakes, the King Cobra and the Asian Krait snake.
Snakes.jpg [ 103.85 KiB | Viewed 3138 times ]

Imagine my shock to learn that two and a half years into the pandemic and then wondering where it all went wrong, and how everybody came to accept this, [narrative about the viral origin] when we had DNA experts confirming the genetic makeup of what was causing people to be sick was the venom proteins from two snakes?

This took me down this incredible journey. I realised that we had all been lied to. The entire medical profession, the entire health agencies around the world, and health organizations [politicians and their advisors included] have been lying to the entire globe once again, as they did 22 years ago about the September 11th attacks."

Dr Jason Shurka: I don’t even know if you want to call it a vaccine, the timeline before and after the vaccine beginning from January 2020. It is about what's the problem and what is the solution. I think this is planned and somebody like you has the guts to stand up and expose them. Furthermore, I know you are retired. You don’t have to do this. Your life has been threatened in the past, why are we doing this?"

Dr Bryan Ardis undertook a journey to discover why his father-in-law's hospital treatment for the flu, involving the antibiotic Vancomycin, led to his unfortunate death. Vancomycin's potential to quickly impair the kidneys can result in congested lungs, which can render mechanical ventilation useless. Moreover, Morphine, commonly administered to manage pain, can also paralyse the heart and diaphragm, leading to further fatal outcomes. Despite Dr. Ardis's requests, the hospital persisted in providing Vancomycin, causing the doctor and his family significant emotional distress. In search of answers and solace, Dr. Ardis began to explore the protocols that were harming patients in hospitals.

Comment: Attentive readers may have observed a peculiar occurrence in the UK in 2020, as there were no reported flu-related deaths despite an average of 15,000 annually. Instead, these fatalities were recorded under the count of "Covid-19 virus" deaths, along with other causes such as suicides and car accidents. This method was consistently employed in several European countries, including the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Many have deemed this approach a widespread conspiracy, as the numbers were purposely inflated and data manipulated to instil fear and anxiety in citizens. This tactic drove individuals to anticipate a vaccine that promised salvation from an impending demise.

Capitalising on widely recognized diseases can be an immensely lucrative undertaking. Once individuals are persuaded that a specific illness, such as the purported virus, poses a severe risk, they are more likely to seek medical intervention. This approach was executed to perfection, resulting in billions of people opting for an unproven and dangerous "vaccine" which was actually a gene therapy with irreversible repercussions.

This strategy is well-organized and executed. The notion was to create the impression that individuals were dying due to the "COVID-19 virus," encouraging others to rush to receive their vaccine. The ideal location for spreading this scaremongering was the New York hospitals, which operated effectively as a killing machine. The media and governments worldwide hyped it up, resulting in approximately 5 billion people worldwide falling victim to this health fraud that was immaculately conceived and superbly executed. The governor of the New York hospital, with shifty eyes, was at the forefront of disseminating the news of this tragedy, emphasizing the urgent need for a vaccine lest millions perish.

The vaccine was mainly given to individuals of European descent who lived in regions such as Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The high uptake rate of the vaccine, at approximately 85%, was notable in these areas, likely due to either intentional distribution or unintentional circumstances. Conversely, only 15% of people in Asia and a mere 5% in Africa were vaccinated. Sadly, the vaccine caused a significant number of unexplained deaths and continues to do so. The individuals behind this deceptive act have not been held accountable and are in the process of releasing new viruses and vaccines to deceive the public. This unprecedented deception necessitates a thorough investigation and prosecution of all involved parties.

Dr Ardis continues: "I caught wind of some interviews online on CNN and other channels and platforms and I heard every hospital administrator, every medical doctor treating patients in New York City standing at a podium in the middle of May 2020, being interviewed by the media broadcasting globally saying the same thing: "There’s something about this novel new coronavirus we have never seen before with any of the respiratory viruses in the entire history of mankind. When we start treating, this virus goes from the lungs immediately to the kidneys and shuts them down within 24 hours". Over the next several days they die, and they’re filling up tractor-trailer loads of bodies in New York City - the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m watching each one of these interviews and what I recognize is that there is a genuine, authentic articulation of their concerns. They are being dead honest when they are saying, "We have never seen a respiratory virus ever do this before". [were they being honest? They knew the kidney failure propensity of Vancomycin. Was their "confusion" sincere, really? The problem actually was the other way around. The drug induced kidney failure precipitated lung failure, followed by multi organ failure and death.]

Here is a story on Rumble today, the 31st of December 2023. Courageous San Francisco nurse Gail McCrae has tales to tell about the shocking 3-fold increase in hospitalisations/deaths she witnessed directly associated with the vaccine rollout. Most astonishing was the dramatic increase in code blues, from 1 code blue per shift to 6-10, most coming from the vaccine clinic. Staff were warned not to report adverse events, and unfortunately most complied. Gail was fired from her job and taken out of her graduation program for speaking out. Her story deserves to be heard!! Please click this link

Returning to the story about his father-in-law's death, Dr Ardis continues, I made them stop the medication. We got home. An hour later, the nurses' station called my wife and said:

"The hospital administrators and the attending medical doctors have all met with us and told the nursing staff to let you know we are permanently stopping the changes we made today per your husband’s request, and we were putting him back on the original hospital protocol. Your husband is not allowed to step on these grounds again we’re not going to communicate with him". My wife looks at me crying and says, why would they do that? I said because I just exposed them and their liability for injury from their protocol, which they can’t tolerate."

I was up there the very next morning to challenge them again. That’s when I was kicked out, and this is when it all changed. [You do not kick Dr Ardis out without serious consequences!]

I was convinced that the covid patients in New York were all being pumped full of Vancomycin. To learn more, I went to the Center for Disease Control ( website, where there was one page on COVID-19, and it said we do not have a hospital protocol. We have adopted the National Institute of Health (NIH) hospital protocol for covid and clicking the link took me to the NIH website where there was only one page on the subject and it read:

"Dr Anthony Fauci’s Hospital protocol for COVID-19 patients reads:
1) All hospitals are only allowed to use an experimental drug called Remdesivir to treat all COVID-19 hospitalized patients in America. [At this time, Dr Fauci had personal first-hand knowledge that it would cause kidney failure and kill at least 50% of the patients.][This drug had probably replaced the use of Vancomycin in New York.]

In the memo, Dr Anthony Fauci says he told the government you are not allowed to export this drug out of this country to any other country for the first year of this pandemic, so only Americans get this lethal drug preferentially. How nice of Dr Fauci.

He stated two studies confirm why it is that he’s declaring this is the only drug medical doctors can use in this country for COVID-19:

1) It had been proven safe and effective against the Ebola virus in a trial in Africa during the year 2019.

2) It was also proven safe and effective against the Covid-19 virus, SARS COV 2 virus. From January to March in a three-month trial held by the manufacturer.

[Both these assertions were a blatant lie.]

They had links to the study, which I clicked. In the New England Journal of Medicine, 'Ebola trial in Africa'. Briefly, they had four drugs they were going to experiment with to see which of these drugs had the best performance against Ebola, which had a 50% death rate.

Dr Ardis continues: "Imagine my shock to find out that the Independent Safety Board assigned to the study because you can’t have the funders of the study provide their review board, you have to hire an independent review board to have an objective view of the data, in August 2019 on reviewing the data declared and published the results of the study. They were permanently pulling two drugs out of this trial. The main one was Remdesivir. Why? Because 53% of everybody who got the drug died, which was worse than the outcome of the disease.

I decided to look at the funding section of that study. I wanted to know if Dr Anthony Fauci got some bad advice from somebody overseeing the trial. Imagine my shock to see that the department of the NIH had completely funded that study. The Independent Safety Board would have informed him first that Remdesivir, was the most deadly toxic drug of the four, and they had pulled it from the trial.

On May 1st, 2020 is when he announced to the world this is the only drug all American doctors can use [knowing full well it would kill at least 53% of the patients] to treat Covid-19 patients and that it was proven safe and effective, and they only allow its use in hospitals in America until the FDA approved it at the end of October 2020 when they shipped it out as well.

I looked at the second study for the three-month trial, January to March 2020. Gilead Sciences, the manufacturer, was now allowed to use the drug in Covid-19 cases. The drug that failed in Ebola was now approved for their little study called a cohort study. They took 53 patients from around the world and gave them the drug for 10 days. 31% of all of them experienced acute kidney failure within 10 days. 10% of them had to be taken off the drug before day 10 because it killed their kidneys, and they had to have emergency kidney transplants. This was the drug the New York doctors were pumping into the veins of all the sick Covid-19 patients that was causing massive kidney failures and death - not Covid-19 virus".

[At the time June 30th 1920, the London Guardian newspaper reported in a front-page headline:
"Remdesivir, the first drug approved by licensing authorities in the US to treat Covid-19, is made by Gilead and has been shown to help people recover faster from the disease. The first 140,000 doses, supplied to drug trials around the world, have been used up. The Trump administration has now bought more than 500,000 doses, which is all of Gilead’s production for July and 90% of August and September"!

“President Trump has struck an astonishing deal to ensure Americans have access to the first authorised therapeutic for COVID-19,” said the US Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar. “To the extent possible, we want to ensure that any American patient who needs Remdesivir can get it. The Trump administration is doing everything in its power to learn more about life-saving therapeutics for COVID-19 and secure access to these options for the American people.The drug, which was trialled in the Ebola epidemic but failed to work as expected, is under patent to Gilead, which means no other company in wealthy countries can make it. The cost is around $3,200 per treatment of six doses, according to the US government statement." The cost of 500,000 doses works out to be approximately 266 million dollars!] Gilead got paid billions of dollars for a scam - for a deadly drug. The patients will not be around for a second dose!

Within an hour of reading those studies, I hired a publicist out of Washington, D.C set the media around my kitchen table and did 40 to 50 interviews every week to make sure everybody could see the research studies.

In November 2020, the World Health Organization, after reviewing data on Remdesivir, said that they did not recommend Remdesivir for any single Covid-19 hospitalized patient worldwide because of its kidney failure propensity. To this day, it is still being used all over the world. Hospital pharmacists have called me from around the world to tell me you need to let your audiences know they’re no longer calling it Remdesivir but using the brand name Veklury which is the same drug.

Dr Shurka: My question for you is, I still don’t understand what happened and how this thing was manufactured. All I know is you’re now tying it back to snake venom as opposed to bats. What evidence and proof do you have to be able to bring us from that point to where we are today, tying it back to Snake venom?

Dr Ardis replies: I made medical doctors aware of the harm and toxicity of Remdesivir and that Dr Anthony Fauci lied about his knowledge about this drug being safe and effectiveThe doctors started telemedicine organizations to help people through covid to keep them out of the hospital as they wanted to save some lives. That was very helpful.

I would have never discussed the venom aspect of covid if I couldn’t show you, and we will show you that the entire narrative of covid is a damn illusion, and they lied to all of you. Every single symptom of COVID-19, covid long-term that they called post covid syndrome or long haulier Covid-19 syndrome, each one of those symptoms I can show you which venoms and from what creatures and snakes are creating your symptoms. I can show you and I can tell you, and then I can explain how to get rid of the symptoms with one singular antidote, which they don’t want you to know.

Dr Shurka: Just a quick question, will come right back to this, would you connect Snake venom to what is in the vaccines today?
Dr Ardis: Absolutely. I was going to research anti-venom, but I didn’t know what I was going to come across. I had done some interviews on monoclonal antibodies when another doctor asked me if I could look at those monoclonal antibody studies to check if I saw what he saw.

Monoclonal antibodies or the actual drug that had a 100% success rate against acute COVID patients that was being used around the world was called Regeneron. Regeneron was the drug in the Ebola trial that outperformed all the other drugs. Remdesivir was being compared to three monoclonal antibodies in the Ebola trial. Monoclonal antibodies like Regeneron which had a 100% success rate against COVID-19 were banned by the FDA in America and all jurisdictions of the United States two years ago. [You can see that they had no intention of allowing anyone to survive this epidemic]

Dr Bartlett had an infusion centre in Odessa, Texas outside the hospital using monoclonal antibodies for four months with a 100% success rate, treating a thousand patients per month for four months straight. I looked up what is anti-venom. Imagine my shock to read that all anti-venom worldwide 90% of all anti-venom used in hospitals or clinics around the world to treat snake bite victims are monoclonal antibodies.

They inject snake venom into horses and cows, which produce antibodies against the Venom. The scientists extract the blood from the animals, isolate and centrifuge out just the antibodies, and then send them to hospitals in little vials. This treats snake venom and also other bites from scorpions etc. In America, most anti-venoms are called Polyclonal Antibodies so they’ll take Copper head snake antibodies, rattlesnake antibodies whatever else, and combine those as multiples because not everybody coming in gets bitten by snakes knows what kind of snake bit them. In the rest of the world, 90% of all anti-venoms are monoclonal antibodies.

Dr Shurka: The anti-venom connection is how you started getting this idea that Covid is now connected to some sort of Venom if an anti-venom is helping those patients.

Dr Ardis: It took less than five minutes to go to this very next thought, which was that if monoclonal antibodies are used to treat snake bites victims, why is it working 100% of the time against covid? I thought covid was a bat virus. I went online and typed in Google What is the origin sources of covid and I couldn’t believe that CNN Health published a paper, which read:
"Snakes could be the source of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak".

This was in January 2020 and then the very first sentence of the article reads:
The Chinese Krait snake and the Chinese Cobra may be the source of the newly discovered coronavirus, which has triggered an outbreak of the deadly infectious respiratory illness in China this year. Geneticists who specialise in DNA were able to confirm that the source of COVID was snake DNA.

Reading all these articles from January 2020, and each one of them had been fact-checked, talking about the origin of COVID got me thinking, where did the bat stuff come from at the end of January 2020?

In January 2020, Chinese researchers had taken the blood of everybody in hospitals in Wuhan and ran their DNA sequences to see what their antibodies were targeting. They published the results derived from their evolutionary analysis, which suggested that the coronavirus had the most similar codon usage bias with snake venom.
Chinese study Jan 2020.jpg
Chinese study Jan 2020.jpg [ 57.53 KiB | Viewed 3138 times ]

I have never in my entire life read the words 'similar codon usage bias' in my life, I had to find out what codon usage bias means. The picture below reflects the origin well.
eucleidian distance.JPG
eucleidian distance.JPG [ 121.76 KiB | Viewed 3170 times ]

In April 2020, French researchers isolated the spike protein of Covid and ran their DNA tests, and they published their findings saying that the spike proteins of Covid are identical to two things; a protein in king cobra venom called cobra toxin and a protein inside the venom of the Asian Krait snake called Bungarotoxin.

Dr Shurka: How do they implement this venom to impact us? Can you speak more about how it’s done?

Dr Ardis: Yes, 5 billion people in the world have taken at least one vaccine for covid. On the NIH’s website right now, I want to show a document for laypeople to read on how they made The COVID-19 vaccines. The title of this document is 'Understanding Covid-19 mRNA vaccine'. What did they tell the world they were vaccinating people against or to help them fight?

Dr Jason Shurka: From what I understood, from what they told us in the media, that it was the Covid-19 virus.

Dr Ardis: SARS-CoV-2 is what they call the virus. The collection of symptoms like fever, chills, fatigue loss of taste and smell are put in a category called COVID-19 disease. People do not get the Covid-19 virus. You get something causing a bunch of symptoms. Covid doesn’t exist. It’s a collection of symptoms. Health agencies around the world told us the vaccine would help protect us from the SARS-CoV-2 Virus, help prevent worse outcomes if we got another version of SARS-CoV-2, it would help prevent worse hospitalization and death, and those who get the vaccine will get immunity from future COVID variant infections.

[Within a few months of the initial claims, it was discovered that the vaccine's potency they claimed, had diminished sooner than anticipated, leading to a mandatory second vaccine for travel. Boosters were then introduced, but none contained COVID-19 viral particles, and patients did not gain immunity to the virus. In fact, the vaccinated population experienced higher rates of COVID-19 infections and severe health complications, which often resulted in death.]

This document is on the NIH’s website, a pamphlet titled 'Understanding Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines', says: 'mRNA vaccines do not contain the SARS-CoV-2 Virus'. So you cannot get Covid-19 from the mRNA vaccine. I put this up on the screen at a presentation last week, and the whole audience was startled. Don’t you think they would have put a little bit of this virus inside the vaccine to protect you, and help you build immunity against maybe other SARS-COV-2 viral variants they’re saying are mutating around the world?

Isn't it weird that they didn’t put any SARS-CoV-2 virus in the actual shots? What did they put in there? In a separate pamphlet on the same website titled 'Covid-19 mRNA vaccine production', they state that early in the Covid-19 pandemic researchers used state-of-the-art Gene sequencers to quickly sequence the SARS-COV-2 virus, and then the sequence was quickly shared with other researchers. We’re going to go up into the paragraph in the pamphlet on the NIH's website. They said they selected the spike protein gene as their vaccine candidate, so they didn’t put any SARS-CoV-2 virus in there. They just put this thing supposedly on the outside of the virus called a spike protein that was found to be king cobra venom and Krait venom by geneticists all around the world.

Here again, they selected the spike protein gene as their vaccine candidate, which was confirmed to be venom protein from the king cobra and then a venom protein from another snake in Asia called bungarotoxin from the krait snake. If the virus existed, they might have put it in the vaccine. DNA testing has shown these venoms exist in every COVID-19 patient around the world.

How did they put venom-based snake proteins into the COVID shots, they tell you right here?
Plasmid.jpg [ 55.66 KiB | Viewed 3131 times ]

They can insert any payload they want into that plasmid. The plasmid is minuscule, and it gets absorbed into bacteria, yeast and your mammal cells. The instruction of a plasmid is to tell whatever cell it gets into to manufacture whatever protein is in the plasmid, which enters the cells via the "vaccine" injections.

Dr Jason Shurka: Okay, but people were getting sick before the vaccine?

Dr Ardis: Oh yes, the way they created the Covid-19 pandemic was to spray these plasmids through the air and in your water system and in your food. They are manufacturing tons of these plasmids around the world to create pandemics.

Dr Jason Shurka: Anybody who’s watching/reading this would call you a crazy conspiracy theorist. Can you show us proof and evidence?

Dr Ardis: I came out with a document called 'Watch the water drops' It freaked out many people and made plenty of medical professionals upset because they all said you can’t be drinking snake venom because I proposed they’re putting this in our water systems. You’re just drinking it.

We’re all on lockdown with the "worst variant of COVID" which makes the whole world sick while we’re all locked down. How did it spread, all of us are in our houses, and we all have air conditioning and filters in our homes? How did we all get this "respiratory virus" inside these houses? We only pay the government to deliver one thing to all of our houses. Every industrialized nation around the world gets water delivered.

Snake venom is water-soluble. It can be absorbed through our skin like in a shower and a bathtub. They have been conducting studies all over the world for decades, how do we get the venom of cobras and krait snakes and the venom of marine shell creatures in the oceans into the bodies of people? They know they can get you to drink it they know they can inject it, and they know it’ll get absorbed right into your skin through water when bathing.

Dr Jason Shurka: You are implying here there is a mass genocide going on.

Dr Ardis: There is a mass genocide for sure.

Dr Jason Shurka: Let me play Devil’s Advocate from here. You’re saying the government is now putting this in everybody’s water system. What about the rest of the world? The whole world is getting sick simultaneously. You’re saying that this was something global beyond just the United States.

Dr Ardis: For sure, the entire world.

Dr Jason Shurka: How do they orchestrate something about that through the water system?

Dr Ardis:
Super easy, this is an agenda that started in the Nazi Holocaust concentration camps. They discovered two things in Nazi Germany. One was to control their water systems. The second was that they had to control the vaccine injections into the prisoners. They were experimenting with metals to see if they could poison them, and they were seeing if they could do the same through their water systems.

When we brought them over to the United States, the CIA put them into NASA. Just a few years later, when the water treatment systems of America were built, is when the vaccine agenda in America took off. They are using water delivery systems to create pandemics, and there was a warning written in 2007 in a paper titled 'Water and Terrorism' that goes through all major industrialized nations in the whole world where the weaknesses are inside their water treatment systems. Any terrorist organization group, or country, you name it can put anything they want into the water delivery system into any community or village, create a pandemic, weaken those individuals and be able to take them over with war or by military force.

They put out a document showing how to put weaponized E. coli bacteria, and toxins from animals like venomous Cono snails in the water and make people sick. They go on to tell you how to manipulate and allow toxic poisons like anthrax and diphtheria toxin. It tells you how to make those deadly toxins, poisons and pathogens, and how to get them to survive lowered chlorine levels.

You could create an outbreak in your town. You can create an epicentre outbreak in New York, take just a few skyscrapers, put venom in the water system and make thousands of people sick overnight. They’re going to break out with what’s called respiratory failure. New York hospitals will get full of death. You throw a bunch of dead people who died from acute kidney failure from a drug and set the stage for a global pandemic using America’s deep-state Media conglomerates. Congratulations!

Continued in Part 2 Please click here
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A paradigm shift in the care of the vaccine injured.

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