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PostPosted: Tue, 26 Dec 2023, 10:31 pm 
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To all of you my friends, who wear the rebel badge with pride, I salute you! And I commend you for your courage, your persistence, your tenacity and your will to keep fighting. All of us on this journey know all too well what it takes to be one of us, that’s why when we meet, we immediately recognise one another and connect at a different level. To all of you, keep going, keep spreading, keep standing, keep talking, keep shining, keep loving and keep being the rebel that you are, the world needs you.........................Laura Aboli

Covid-19 "virus" or "snake venom" Continued....

Please read Part 1 first to understand this article comprehensively Covid-19 "virus" or "snake venom" Part 1

Dr Jason Shurka:The department of Environmental Protection (DEP) can identify certain things in markers and our water levels, have you ever gone into that aspect to find what they are reporting in the water and the evidence within their water?

Dr Ardis: Yes, one of the things that bothered me was how are they getting this in the homes of people while we were all in lockdown. All at home, the water was the only way that I could see would even make sense that they could get this into us. There was a massive political engine behind Covid-19. It was global obviously to many of us, some group had to be orchestrating that.

Water made the most sense to me. No one else was looking at this. I was already reporting on speaking circuits that the CDC was using on their website, which they called the CDC’s wastewater surveillance Tab for Covid-19. They’re PCR-testing wastewater in your town. As a matter of interest, the PCR test cannot check for viruses, it has been used for decades to check venom levels!

When people flush their toilets in a city, this wastewater is supposed to be leaving the town. If they are PCR testing the water, and seeing the levels of "covid" going up means that "covid" (snake venom) already went through those people, they flushed it out of their bodies into the toilet. They said that it takes about four days to get the samples to the CDC in Atlanta to be tested and confirmed for results, then they give those results to the city they tested it in, and from there they would then predict a seven to 10 day later outbreak in that town.

That doesn’t even make logical sense.
If you had the "virus" in your body in that town, and now it’s in your poop, it already went through you. You would have already been sick. So the rationale behind how they were using this technology of surveillance was very suspect. I was shocked to find out that the CDC had been doing this in 400 cities in America since January 2020. In October 2020, a journalist found there was an area roped off in Houston, Texas. There was the CDC and other people out there in this water treatment plant taking samples. It was all roped off. This journalist wanted to know what’s the CDC doing here in October 2020. The contractors said " The CDC’s testing water for 'covid'" The journalist asked how long had they been doing that. They replied, "Since January 2020" Then the journalist wanted to know what all the data you guys have for. Do you know the CDC to this day has never actually released that data from January to October 2020, for any of their findings in any cities in America? I find that a problem. Why don’t you want to release what you found from January to October 2020?

In May 2023, the national emergency for Covid-19, has been dismissed by Joe Biden’s administration. However, the surveillance has increased to 2,000 cities. You can expect lockdowns in America coming soon for the next wave of "covid" or another pandemic!

Medical professionals around the world reached out to me about my wastewater hypothesis because it "doesn’t make any sense". It didn’t even make sense to Dr Chetty in South Africa, at the beginning of 'COVID-19', he came out and said how are they finding a respiratory virus in wastewater? People aren’t coughing into the toilet. How is the virus getting into the sewer? You can poop it out, pee it out, but if you have something you breathe into your mouth, and you now have an immune reaction to a virus in your lungs, what do you do to get it out? You rarely cough it out into the toilet. Even Dr Chetty MD inquired why aren’t we tracing this supposed respiratory virus into the bowels where this virus is supposedly coming from.

The only thing that ends up in the poop and in your wastewater is what you swallowed into your stomach and your intestines. So, they’re sitting there testing the poop water from what you swallowed. This made sense about this whole testing of wastewater.

I didn’t know about DNA plasmids until about four months ago
. I never knew these things existed until I found this on the NIH website. I discovered that they are putting venom DNA into plasmids. Furthermore, I didn’t know that geneticists around the world have been making plasmids. Credit where it is due, there’s a guy named Kevin McKernan who brought up the fact that these DNA plasmids existed. After Henry Ely Started sharing all this research with me, and I was aghast to learn how they did it.[color=#FF0000] There was no virus. They used DNA plasmids to do this.[/color] This has been done since the 60s, putting snake venom and other venoms inside DNA plasmids that they call spike protein genes.

I had no idea that you just need plasmids and a venom protein gene inserted, and then they put inside that plasmid something called a promoter which tells the DNA in a mammal cell, bacterial cell, yeast cell or fungal cell to make the spike protein genes. Your cells suck in the plasmids, and then they also release the actual venom into the body or the environment wherever it is, and that’s how they get the venom gene inside you and your own body producing even more venom.

If you know anybody out there living with long hauler covid symptoms, after having a mild case of covid, the reason is that they had DNA plasmids with spike protein genes of King cobras and bungarotoxin in their body. Now they’re in your cells, they’re in bacteria, in your bowels, E. coli in what’s called Enterobacter cells, and they’re also inside of yeast inside your bowels. All the microbiome in your bowel is what are now biological weaponised manufacturing facilities for venom production.

Dr Jason Shurka: By the way, animals do not get sick at all and babies are very little. How do you explain that?

Dr Ardis:This is phenomenal. Just think about the water for now. During 2017 and 2019 they discussed doing experiments on water systems in America with DNA plasmids. They wanted to know what’s the effect of chlorine, acids, UV light and hydrogen peroxide in these water treatment facilities. They wanted to know what may kill the plasmids. Do any of these destroy them? Do they hurt them and at what levels does it affect them? They were able to confirm that chlorine does not have a hundred per cent kill rate for DNA Plasmids or destroy their structure. Plasmids infused with venoms are very resilient to chlorine and UV light, ⁣but not hydrogen peroxide. [/color]

I just found these studies where they were doing research with these plasmids with the spike protein genes in the Covid-19 shots. It’s also what created the symptoms you’re carrying right now. They had been doing these studies for four years leading up to the pandemic. There are aquifers all over the country delivering water via big canals from some States to other States, but they’re exposed to the air and the sunlight. They needed to know if sunlight destroys the plasmid. Hydrogen peroxide kills the plasmids.

Dr Jason Shurka: How do you explain the low incidence of "covid" in pets and babies?

Dr Ardis: When I came out with a snake venom theory, scientists from around the world that I’ve been connected to were sending me all these research studies because it was the final thing for them, they couldn’t figure out for the whole two years of covid, no one could explain to the medical professionals and scientists why this respiratory virus was affecting adults but not babies and children.

Many people around the world want to know why. What has been published around the world since the 1970s is that children are not as affected by venom as adults. As adolescents get older, they’re more susceptible to the venom. Did you know what they publish is a natural inhibitor or a blocker to the toxic effects of venoms in humans is the melatonin hormone Babies and children have twice as much melatonin as adults do. Animals also have more melatonin, so you see dogs and other animals always sleeping. Melatonin by itself, as a hormone, blocks 50% of the toxicity of all venom worldwide.
By the way, Until 1995, the sleep aid melatonin was sold in health food shops as a nutritional supplement, but then it was classed as a medicine and is now only available on prescription in the UK. I wonder if that is when they came to realise that it was going to inhibit the venom!

In April 2020, I got to show the audience that the DNA sequence of Covid-19 was identical to cobra toxin and bungarotoxin and then when I showed the graphic it showed pieces of the rabies virus also and in April 2020, the French scientists confirmed this. This finally explains all the symptoms of COVID-19.

All around the world. What you’re hearing is that the SARS-CoV-2 viruses' spike protein is binding to Ace2 receptors in the body to make you sick. The whole world believed that story about the Ace2 receptors. (ACE2 receptors serve as the gateway for entering a virus inside the body.)

N Acetyl Choline transmits information from one cell to the other. They were saying that Ace2 receptors were what the spike protein was binding to, and getting inside the cells to cause an infection called 'covid'. These researchers in April 2020 said no, it isn’t Ace2 receptors. It can’t be Ace2 receptors. We just conducted the study and confirmed that Ace2 receptors don’t exist in the lungs, so this can’t even be a respiratory infection. There are no Ace2 receptors on the outside of the cells in your lungs, but they’re telling you this virus is entering your lung cells by going through the Ace2 receptors.

Cobra toxin, bungarotoxin and rabies viral particles all target one receptor in the human body, and they’re called Alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors for short they’re called nicotine receptors, but they were specific. They said it’s alpha 7 nicotine receptors. This finally explains all the symptoms of COVID-19 because they said in April 2020 that the unique thing about cobra toxin and bungarotoxins are neurotoxins, meaning they don’t target just the lungs. They go to your brain and across the blood-brain barrier immediately, and then they bind to what are called alpha 7 nicotine receptors in your brainstem.

When venom hits them, it shuts off the function of that nerve and the nerves in your brain stem control your diaphragm’s contraction to breathe and your hearts' ability to contract to pump blood and when those neurotoxic venom proteins hit the nicotine receptors it suppresses the diaphragm’s ability to contract and then the animal or the human becomes hypoxic and goes into respiratory failure. This is how venomous snakes kill their prey by paralysing the diaphragm.

Dr Jason Shurka: What about the taste and smell?

Dr Ardis: Every single nerve has Alpha 7 nicotine receptors. The nerves in your tongue that control taste and in your nose called the olfactory bulb also have the same nicotinic receptors. When venom hits them, it shuts off their sense of taste and smell. Nicotine has 30 times higher binding affinity to those receptors than venoms do, so if there’s nicotine floating around in your blood or your brain, it will release the venom. Ivermectins' affinity for the nicotinic receptors is not as strong as that of nicotine. Even medical doctors who’ve been taking Ivermectin prophylactically for two years but still have their long-term COVID symptoms improve within 3 days of taking nicotine.

Dr Jason Shurka: I’ve seen many people over the past couple of months, walking around with a nicotine patch. I wondered what’s going on here. The nicotine patch, to my knowledge and the rest of the world, is to help you wean off smoking. Can you clarify your view and your perspective of nicotine with any nuances because when I heard it for the first time, it sounded crazy? When most people hear your advice, they are perhaps saying, what is this guy talking about?

Dr Bryan Ardis:This is an incredible opportunity to educate and save many people around the world. I mean it genuinely, this is a miraculous opportunity to help so many people. In April 2020, French researchers and geneticists confirmed and then published that nicotine and ivermectin are working against COVID-19 because it binds better to these receptors. Their very last statement in their actual paper was a request to all governments around the world to invest in funding studies using nicotine patches or nicotine gum as an antidote to COVID-19 in the pandemic

The very next month, May 20th, Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden got the media to produce shows everywhere in the news, telling the world that new data has come up that smokers are the highest at risk for getting 'Covid' and are dying in hospitals around the world. America, there’s no better time than now to quit smoking.
This is how far the lies go. They flat-out needed people to quit smoking so they would get sick without the nicotine in their cigarettes to allow them to continue with their catastrophic vaccine agenda.

It goes way deeper than that. After my nicotine recommendations, people responded immediately, including my wife, who had no taste or smell for two years after having a mild case of COVID-19 and six months of ringing in her ears called tinnitus that was so debilitating It was driving her nuts for six months. I was giving her every nutritional supplement. We even tried Ivermectin, which did not work, nothing was working. When I asked her to do the nicotine, her first response was, I don’t want to try nicotine. I don’t want to be addicted to nicotine. I was like honey, just trust the nicotine as nothing else has worked, we should try it.

When people watched the water documentary where I said the antidote is nicotine, get nicotine patches or nicotine gum, people around the world did it. My wife didn’t want to do it, worried about the addictive part. It wasn’t until a medical doctor contacted a media outlet and said, get my story to Dr Ardis, please. A medical doctor had gone deaf in Australia in her right ear after having a mild case of COVID-19, she had been confirmed by other medical professionals that she had 100% hearing loss and would be deaf for life as a side effect of COVID-19, she went and bought nicotine gum chewed it for 30 minutes. She felt like air in her ear and then after 45 minutes of chewing one 2 milligram nicotine tablet, 100% of her hearing was restored.

When my wife overhears this being reported to me in an interview at my house, she leaves without telling me, goes to Costco and buys this case of Nicorette gum. She doesn’t tell me and then starts chewing it four times a day for 10 minutes, spitting it out and on day three all her symptoms disappeared after two years.

Please look up Harvard's 2015 study on nicotine. They did an animal study with nicotine. They wanted to know just how potent of an addictive substance was nicotine. Furthermore, they could not get any of the animals to be addicted to nicotine, and then Harvard submitted formal requests to the Federal Government to find out how the tobacco giants make their products addictive.

They got the documents from the 1970s and 80s. The tobacco giants at that point started to make what they called light cigarettes, but they couldn’t get anybody to re-buy them because they weren’t addictive. What was revealed was that they hired chemists to come in and tell them how to make their tobacco products addictive. This is the 70s. The chemists said that it would be easy, they just had to add a chemical called Pyrazine to the nicotine and the tobacco plant, and everybody would get addicted to it. They added two products to enhance flavour profiles and aromas, and they were now super addictive. Harvard published that the pyrazines are what create the dependency for all tobacco products, including nicotine.

Then they lied to all of us and said that tobacco products cause cancer. Did you know that right now on the FDA’s website they have approved six hundred chemicals to be added to tobacco cigarettes and tobacco snuff that are synthetically manufactured but blaming tobacco and nicotine in tobacco for being the carcinogens? Did you know that the cigarette paper in the 70s and 80s was laced with arsenic, which is a carcinogen? They also started adding sugar to the tobacco products. When you burn sugar, it gets in the lungs. Sugar is an immune suppressant that allows cancer to thrive, so you can’t trust the entire narrative you’re hearing about tobacco.

Does anyone you know who had a mild case of covid ever in the last four years and still struggles with:
    loss of taste and smell;
    any ringing in their ears at all;
    any cognitive impairment at all;
    Any motor deficits;
    Parkinson’s type foot shuffling;
    has exercise-induced lethargy;
    dyspnoea - an inability to take a deep breath;
    challenged breathing-wise;
    difficulty climbing stairs, becoming breathless;
    tachycardia, arrhythmia, palpitations, chest pains;
    been diagnosed with diabetes;
    been diagnosed with high blood pressure;
    struggling with insomnia.

The reason why I’m doing this is that 37% of all people worldwide who had any covid are reporting these symptoms right now.
Do you know all of those symptoms are caused by snake venom, all of them?

I got a further list from Dr Ardis which includes:
    various visual effects;
    abnormal gait or tendency to fall over;
    Any dizziness;
    aphasia inability to speak properly
    memory impairments;

They did a study in January 2023 on people still striving for a year and a half with various symptoms. They asked them to do one thing only for six days, which was to take a 7 mg nicotine patch daily in the morning. 100% of their symptoms went away. That was this year. The French researchers in April 2020 begged governments around the world to use nicotine patches or nicotine gum to rid the world of the pandemic, but they all turned their back and then lied to all of us and said, don’t trust any nicotine-containing tobacco product.

Macrophages, T cells, B lymphocytes, and every cell that protects you and heals, have nicotine receptors. Beta cells in the pancreas that release insulin to control diabetes and blood sugar are all controlled by nicotine receptors and when venom binds to a nicotine receptor on a beta cell they are called antagonistic to nicotine receptors. Antagonistic means it shuts off the receptor. Picture a light switch on your phone. An antagonist will turn the light off. An agonist turns the light on. Nicotine is the most potent and perfect agonist in nature. The light turns off with the two top most published antagonists; Snake venom and the Cone snail venom in the ocean.

In nature, where can we get nicotine other than the tobacco plant? The second-highest source of nicotine food or plant in the whole world is aubergines (eggplant). Every nightshade vegetable has nicotine in it. Rice, tomatoes with 10 times more in green tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower, and celery all have nicotine in them. Whoever designed us to have nicotine receptors in every part of our body also facilitated the presence of nicotine in these plants. So a better food list must include veggies.

All week, every week, we have a new presentation somewhere. My wife takes 2 mg chewing gum, while I use a cut out of 2mg patch from a 14mg patch. I wear it for prevention. Having a little nicotine circulating in my body, why not? If God put it in the plants, why might I question what he created? The shocking reality for my wife is that nicotine is not addictive. The researchers said not a single person developed any dependency whatsoever, and they don’t expect anybody else in the world to have either.

Jason Shurka: Headlines come up all around like new mask mandates, potential lockdowns and so on, meaning they are planning another pandemic. I want to hear your thoughts on future outbreaks and pandemics. What do you know about that? What do you speculate is coming, and will this antidote you speak about with nicotine be a preventative to any future outbreak of any pandemic?

Dr Ardis: Ebola virus and Marburg virus outbreaks are what I want your audiences to know about. Ebola's disease is the term for a group of deadly diseases in people caused by four Ebola viruses. Marburg virus disease (MVD) is a rare but severe haemorrhagic fever which affects both people and non-human primates.

What is the most effective thing to do for these two supposed viruses is that they target entry into the cell through something called TRPC2 receptors and if these receptors are blocked, those viruses can’t get in, you can’t get sick at all. Your body will just eliminate this supposed infection for both Ebola and Marburg, so then I looked up what are TRPC2 inhibitors. The most potent thing that does that is the component found in grapefruits and in tomatoes, and it’s called Negarini which is a flavonoid found in tomato skin, it is also found in high levels in grapefruits, and it completely blocks the ability of these viruses to get in.

The Marburg virus causes identical symptoms to every single venom found in the Boom slang snake in China. They synthetically have been manufacturing, in biological weapons labs and pharmaceutical research labs, synthetic versions of Boom slang snake venom for decades in multiple factories all over China, and they’re inserting them into plasmids. Boom slang snake venom is what causes bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth, and skin. Ironically, the Marburg virus causes identical symptoms.


Amazingly, Hollywood released a film called 'Bullet Train' in July 2022. In this film, they reference a Boom slang snake, but it plays no part in the plot of this film, which has hardly any story to it. The first scene grabbed my attention. I could recognize the symptomatology they were showing, mimics of what the pandemic was like. So, I wanted to see what’s going to be in this film.

The Boom slang snake shows up in the film over and over. It slithers through the train and shows people running off, but it doesn’t do anything, doesn’t bite anybody, and nobody gets injured by it. The Boom slang snake specifically in this film was grabbing my attention. Then you are introduced to co-stars in the film on the train. You’re going to be supporting Brad Pitt with whatever the purpose of the film is. The other actor is an African female. They introduce each other by name but then go by code names. The code names are Lemon and Tangerine. Lemon and Tangerine are the antidote to the Marburg virus and covid.

The villain shows up on the train, opens a trench coat, the female pulls out a vaccine syringe and injects Brad Pitt right in the heart. She tells him that she injected him with Boomslang snake venom. Oh my god! They are even telling you what they’re putting in the shots. Brad Pitt looks down and says, good thing I took anti-venom this morning. He pulls out the syringe and injects it into her, she keels over bleeding and dies. This is precisely what we found.

Vitamin C is inhibitory to all viruses? Chinese researchers in Wuhan decided to treat every patient with a high dose of vitamin C in the hospitals in January 2020. They gave them 25,000 to 65,000 units of vitamin C and 100% of all their people went home totally well.


The entire narrative of COVID-19 was also told by Hollywood in 2016 in another film. It aired in February 2017 on NBC in one 50-minute film. There’s a show called Blacklist which is still on Netflix which you can watch (season 4, episode 15 Blacklist) now if you want to think I was joking about the venoms being what they created Covid-19 with. The entire narrative of COVID-19 starts with the main actor, named Robert Reddington. He takes a drink of "Scotch" and wakes up in an ICU. He can’t breathe, and doctors can’t figure out what he’s been poisoned with. They’re trying to restrain him. His oxygen levels are way down, he’s been in that state for several days, but doesn’t know how long. Doctors say you’ve been poisoned by something. We’ve only been able to stabilize you with corticosteroids. Robert rages and asks how much time does he has to live. We don’t know. Furthermore, we’re trying to figure that out. It could be days, it could be weeks. Robert rips out all his IVs, and he leaves and because he’s so weak and stumbling around and can’t breathe, he kidnaps an American Girl and asks her to break into a pharmacy for him because he can’t do it. They break open the door, go inside, and he says I need corticosteroids and a bronco dilator.

I am watching this and saying this looks like COVID-19, this is the week before I came out with my Watch the Water Drops. Bronco dilator was already confirmed by Dr Richard Bartlett with his Debusanite (a corticosteroid) was a cure for COVID-19 and Robert Reddington says I need a broncho dilator and steroids. In this context, Dr Pierre Kory was screaming that they are minimizing how much corticosteroids they will allow us to give COVID patients to save their lives, but they wouldn’t go above 6 milligrams, which was not enough. That was the hospital protocol.

In the film, She finds a corticosteroid, pours it into Robert, and then he passes out and falls unconscious on the floor in the pharmacy. The FBI is trying to figure out what he has been poisoned with, and they discovered in the 40th minute or so of the show they discover that Robert Reddington was poisoned with something in his drink to create his respiratory failure that required corticosteroids and a bronco dilator. It isn’t just, they say it’s a venom peptide found in a very rare snake called the red-headed krait snake. They showed their kraits on the screen. It’s not a joke. I was like Oh my god they just told the whole thing when was this aired when did this come out not going to look like it was in February 2017 when they published it. [This divulges preparations long before the infection started in January 2020].

They determined it was Krait snake venom he’d been poisoned with, but the guy poisoning Robert Reddington had also poisoned his wife. In the story, the wife wants to leave him, but this guy wants a child. What he does is, he takes the venom of snakes, and he puts it in an eye dropper. He puts it into her eye, one drop in her eye every day, and it paralyses her, and she cannot walk. He’s raped her to get her pregnant, and he’s just keeping her in this snake venom neurotoxic paralysis state in bed but alive during the pregnancy. You’re getting it through your eyes and your skin in your showers and conjunctivitis. Red eyes were a massively reported side effect of COVID-19 in the first year of the pandemic.

By the way, Wikipedia says: that Dr Pierre Kory is an American critical care physician who gained attention during the COVID-19 pandemic for advocating widespread off-label use of certain drugs as treatments for COVID-19, as president and co-founder of the Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) Kory testified twice to the U.S. Senate regarding COVID-19. During his testimony in December 2020, Kory erroneously claimed that the antiparasitic medication Ivermectin was a "wonder drug" with "miraculous effectiveness" against COVID-19.In August 2023 the American Board of Internal Medicine informed Kory his certification was to be revoked for spreading medical misinformation. You can tell which side the medical governing bodies were working for!

There is a krait snake venom laboratory in China. The other one is in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Now this is important because I’d already figured this out. You know, Operation Warp Speed, this push to get the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA technology within nine months and forced on the whole American population and the world. Do you know where the two scientists who created mRNA Covid-19 vaccines work currently? At the University of Pennsylvania, their names are Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman. These two individuals are credited with creating the mRNA COVID-19 technology and their shots, and this is important.

The venom used on Robert Reddington came from a serpentarium in Pennsylvania. A serpentarium stores snakes and sells snakes. They harvest snake venom. It was in this Pennsylvania place where they created the mRNA technology. They created what’s called mRNA gene therapy in 2009. They have been paid by Anthony Fauci of the NIH’s department, the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases.

Vaccines in every single study since 2009 state, that we have to use snake venom Phosphodiesterase to cleave the RNA in the mammal to do the mRNA gene therapy. I already knew the University of Pennsylvania was the school being credited for creating the mRNA technology. We discussed the antidotes and nicotine. I decided before I did it in my interviews that if their snake venom phosphodiesterase is inside these COVID-19 shots like they say they put in their research studies, what destroys snake venom Phosphodiesterase? My next thought was, surely these two people aren’t in Pennsylvania milking the snakes to put in their shots. There’s got to be people manufacturing this stuff, so who are they buying it from?

I went online to find out if I can buy phosphodiesterase for research and there’s a company called Innovative Research, now bought by Thermo Fisher Scientific, both have the same label product, a little bottle of snake venom phosphodiesterase for $150, and it says to the buyer that this is derived from rattlesnake venom. It’s only for research purposes, but they are injecting it inside you, and it says to researchers you cannot mix snake venom phosphodiesterase with any of these four substances because it destroys the snake venom phosphodiesterase from being able to do its toxic payload.

These four things are anti-phosphodiesterases; Glutathione which your liver makes, you can’t mix it with any N-acetyl cysteine, you can’t mix it with vitamin C, and it’s destroyed by something called EDTA.

So they tell you the answer. They disclose in the very last statement that snake venom phosphodiesterase has an absolute requirement for magnesium to be active. The venom can’t do its damage without magnesium bound to it and so if you’ve had these shots, and you have any symptoms of injury, you need to stop supplementing magnesium for three months and I mean all magnesium.

In May 2020, the FDA put out a statement that they were going to make it illegal for supplement companies to sell N-acetyl cysteine. It has been sold by companies for over 75 years here in America. This is May 2020. The shots didn’t come out until December 2020 but like 56 months before the FDA came out saying supplement companies can’t sell it any more and all these supplement companies around America had a hissy fit, all filed papers against the FDA to get them to stand down, and they did.

It made us all wonder why would they go after N-acetyl cysteine. N-acetyl cysteine is a natural substance that breaks down and blocks blood clotting effects of all snake venoms, and what we see with Covid; is blood clotting. The same month they came out with another lie, saying smokers are the most affected, getting hospitalized and dying. So everybody stops smoking, this is how disgusting they are. May 2020 is when all this stuff is current, and they see it’s getting banned.

In June 2020, the very next month researchers in Italy, after hearing China say that the origin of COVID was two snakes and the French researcher said the spike protein gene was from the same two snakes a scientist named Carlo Brogna went around Italy and collected people who did not test positive for covid with a PCR test and those who did.

He took three samples of blood, urine and faeces from all the participants, and after testing them he published the results. He found that in the COVID-19-positive patients, there were over 36 different animal venoms in the blood, confirmed by three different tests and none in the negative group. This included the bungarotoxin and cobra toxin. There were over 20 different snake venom proteins found in every COVID-19 patient, and then there were 16 different animal toxins from the ocean floor. There was the crown of thorn starfish venom, and 15 different cone snail venoms called conotoxins which are deadly.

Carlo Brogna confirmed using three different tests; mass spectrometry, and liquid chromatography, then he sent the samples to Germany for an additional test called Ion fractioning. This test uses gases to perform the tests. This technique tells exactly what animal the venom protein came from. Apart from the Krait and King cobra venoms, they found Eastern Brown snake venom from India, coral snake venom from Uruguay, Pit Vipers, and Scaled Viper venom.

The list of the 36 venom proteins listed in the study, which was peer-reviewed and approved in October 2021, called toxin-like peptides found in Covid-19 patients' blood, urine and faeces was published online. If you go through the proteins listed from the venoms of all 36 of those creatures, every one of those individual proteins explains every single symptom of covid that anybody had. It explains the various occurrences of blood clots, loss of taste and smell, cognitive function impairment, IBS, and diarrhoea.

Another symptom is angioedema. There are people around the world who have their eyeballs as well as their eyelids or their lips or other parts of their face swollen up. There’s a substance in the venoms of snakes called Bradykinin which causes singularly angioedema. Bradykinins are blocked by something in nature called bromelain, found in the stocks of pineapples, which takes the swelling down.

They’re infusing venoms in plasmids, but they’re calling it Covid.


In 1956, a doctor named Stanley Cohen discovered that when you expose neurological tissue and any epidermal tissue in the human body to the effects of snake venom, it produces cancerous tissue. A couple of years later, he started experimenting with tissues of kidneys, liver and breast tissue. He found brain tumours in the brain and epidermal Growth Factor creating massive tumours in the body's epidermis.

He discovered that snake venom does this to mammal tissue and bird tissue in 1956 and won a Nobel Prize. In Carlo Brognas' study where he found 36 different venoms, they were taking animals in labs around the world and injecting them with alpha Cono toxin and then other ones with alpha Cobra toxin, and they published that within 72 hours the venom crossed the blood-brain barrier, targets glioma C6 cells in the brainstem of these mammals and develops a brain tumour called a glial blastoma, and they show how fast they can grow it within 72 hours. These animals had no brain tumours until they were injected with alpha Cono toxin or alpha cobra toxin. They say the venom binds to nicotine receptors and then the body starts producing massive amounts of the same nerve cells as a reaction to the venom over the next 72 hours.

They only treat the animals with one thing, and they want to see what happens. They injected them with two different doses of nicotine, and they proved and showed under electron microscopy they could completely obliterate the actual glioblastoma. It worked so fast that in 72 hours 50% of the entire tumour was gone after just administrating nicotine that they cancelled the study. Why would you cancel the study, why do you not see if in the next 72 hours, you may get 100% obliteration of the tumour? [They never want any healing, just sickness and death].

I can also show you that they can create four conventionally irreversible human diseases with these venoms within 72 hours or less and I will name them:
    Glioblastoma brain tumour
    Type one diabetes
[/list] Experimenting with three different measurements of nicotine and in every single case they reversed type 1 diabetes in less than 24 hours with nicotine, they reversed the glioblastoma brain tumour in less than 72 hours, and they reversed Parkinson’s, all with nicotine.

When I said that the antidote to COVID-19 is nicotine two months later, England, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia all introduced brand-new national health agenda campaigns. They all announced in unison in the same week that there is a brand-new national health agenda for their countries. They were all identical. "We will have a tobacco-free country by the year 2030". [I can still remember the glee on Rishi's face as he was announcing it] New Zealand took it even further and said that they were going to have a tobacco-free country by the year 2025. [You can guess who Jacinda was working for by her present role at the WEF] Joe Biden said last month, that we will be the first administration in U.S. history to reduce and put a limit on how much nicotine is allowed into tobacco products. [Was this limiting tobacco or preventing the availability of the healing effect of nicotine to hasten death in those who are vaccinated].

Moving forward, we have already been sourcing organic aubergines from around the world, and we’re going to figure out antidotes using aubergines which are the next best source of nicotine after tobacco that aren’t illegal yet in America. We’re trying to give you hope and freedom from your suffering, so even if it’s just for six days of wearing a nicotine patch, using any brand, always start with the lowest dose. The principal behind nicotine is that it releases venom from your cells. Now there’s venom floating around in your body, so if you’re releasing the venomsyou may experience nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. If that happens to you on the first day of using the seven-milligram patch, just cut it in half and wear a smaller one the next day as well.

Our god-given evolution took everything to absolute perfection. Shame on those trusting science and man, to create something better. Pharmaceutical drug companies weren’t here, man put those here. They are convincing you that they have figured out how to make God’s creation better than he did, but they have been lying to you non-stop from the time you had your first breath. When a new baby comes into this world, we witness the miracle of God’s creation. Then you see someone standing next to you in a white coat, looking at you and saying we need to take that creation, and we need to improve it and inject it with a drug called a vaccine because God forgot the immune system. This is not only untrue, but a flagrant abuse of what nature designed for us.

There was a fraud of gargantuan proportions. I had to go find out for myself how far that line of deception went, so I could make sense of the madness [and wilful harm] being created around me that they called a pandemic. The pharmaceutical industry and the medical community love one particular language; to keep us and you at home sick. They love a language called Latin. Did you know that every medical terminology is in Latin? Did you know that every diagnosis is in some form of Latin? Do you know the Latin definition of the word virus is venom, This was published in the Wall Street Journal in February 2020 and the reason why the word virus is so important to put into the naming of this pandemic is that the word virus historically means venom? All venoms target nicotine receptors. All nicotine receptors control the entire function of your human frame.

Dr Jason Shurka concludes: I want to remind everybody who’s watching today that if you’re watching this right now it’s not coincidental, there’s a divine order and intelligent order to absolutely everything. Dr Ardis's life has been endangered multiple times, and he's still doing this work, he has no other motive to do this work other than helping us lead healthy lives because that’s our birthright, it’s not normal to have cancer proliferate all around the world. It’s not normal for the world to be as sick as it is today, and it’s not just the way it is, that’s just the way that we let them make it.

Please share this article far and wide, sending the link directly to your family and friends instead of posting it on Facebook etc. Download it and save it. Let us wake the world up and make it a healthy, bright world once again for everyone. They will continue to target and weaponize pathogens and toxins through your water, using this system to deliver poisons to you.

There are simple things you can do at home to protect your family. You need to put a reverse osmosis system in your home to filter out as much of the impurities they’re putting in your water at home, including toxins and pathogens. You also need to have a distiller, there’s nothing that purifies water better than a distiller to remove the impurities including glyphosate pesticides poisoning us in the water we drink.
You may wish to find more about getting yourself tested in Part 3. Please click here

This article is written under the Human Rights Act 1998: UK Public General Acts 1998 c. 42 SCHEDULE 1 PART I Article 10 for of the long-suffering British public.
The law specifically states that "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority".
Any harassment, direct or indirect, by the ruling bodies or their cronies, will be vehemently pursued through this act and the freedom of expression laws.
Any breaches of the data protection act shall also be brought to the attention of the Information Commissioner's Office and The Law Society.

PS: Taking a stand against the existing paradigm of dental and medical care is very costly. My website has highlighted practices of those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate illness. This is obviously not acceptable to the power structure controlling our health. To continue to produce evidentiary articles on my website and this forum - which have enlightened thousands of health practitioners and patients all around the world, to keep my staff employed and my offices viable, we request a little help. If you feel that this article has made an astonishing change in your symptoms, please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at Mr M. Amir.

A paradigm shift in the care of the vaccine injured.
We shall also be truly grateful for feedback.

CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article is for educational purposes only. The improvement or benefits identified in this article or on this site are based on individual experiences which are dependent upon the patient’s unique health condition, medical history, and other individualised factors, and should not be considered representative of all treatment outcomes. You must do your own due diligence by consulting your physician before embarking on what may be suggested here. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider, and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on this forum. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.

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