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PostPosted: Thu, 28 Dec 2023, 3:54 pm 
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Posts: 225
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.............. Martin Luther King

This is a continuation of the previous Covid articles with advice from Dr Bryan Ardis from Dallas, Texas:
Infertility, miscarriages, blood clots and slimming drugs
Dr Ardis has taken our healthcare to a new dimension. His investigative journalism regarding COVID-19 is beyond parallel. I hope you found the previous two articles illuminating. My articles based on Dr Ardis's work have been out barely a week, and I am already getting emails from patients saying how quickly some symptoms have disappeared. The rest of this article will take Dr Ardis's work much further in helping patients. His contributions in the presence of great adversity are truly astonishing.

Infertility and Miscarriages:
There’s a massive agenda worldwide to create infertility and miscarriages with the Covid-19 vaccine. It’s been reported by many medical doctors in many countries around the world that women are losing their pregnancies after receiving a COVID-19 injection, Every single woman who has lost a baby after getting these COVID-19 shots should have her medical professional order a test, which is called the L amino acid oxidase test. You can provide a sample of urine and blood to do this test.

We have the research studies to prove they have been using L amino acid oxidase from snake venom to kill cells that maintain pregnancy. These cells are called syncytium cells and if it comes back positive in your blood work you need to ask yourself how did snake venom L amino acid oxidase get inside you to create a miscarriage or to make you infertile because that’s precisely what they have designed with this weaponized venom protein.

If your tests come back positive that you have L amino acid oxidase in your bloodstream or your body, there are two antidotes to it, one is called EDTA, which completely obliterates it. The other is Zinc, which is an inhibitor of L amino acid oxidase.

Third, they have published that L amino acid oxidase venom protein in a human is only allowed to be activated to kill the cells that maintain a pregnancy. If your pH remains between 5.5 and 7.5 if you clean up your diet and make your body more alkaline between 7.5 and 8, the actual venom becomes inactivated. If you use an infrared sauna and get the actual degrees to go up to 131 degrees F, that also kills and denatures the protein of L amino acid oxidase.

Blood Clots:
There are many reports by medical doctors around the world that there is a high percentage of patients who after getting the Covid-19 shots are developing blood clots. They are advising patients to undertake a blood test called an elevated D-dimer. D-dimer is a protein fragment that's made when a blood clot dissolves in your body. This is something most doctors don’t run, and you may have to go to a private lab, which is much cheaper. If it comes back elevated, it means you are forming blood clots in the body. The D-dimer is a reflection of how many particles of the broken-down blood clots are present. This may be caused by a blood-thinner drug.
If you have:
    elevated D-dimers, medical professionals must test for snake venom poisoning.
    symptoms of blood clots but do not test positive for an elevated D-dimer, that doesn’t mean you don’t have blood clots.
    You can also do a Doppler test and see if you do have blood clots.
    If your D-dimers are not elevated, they’re just normal levels, which means you have two snake venoms that have been injected into you. They are called Ecarin, a highly purified metalloprotease from the venom of the saw-scaled viper, which specifically activates prothrombin by an alternative pathway leading to the formation of meizothrombin. Another protein is called Textilinin-1 from the Eastern brown snake in India.
Textilinin-1 blocks warfarin and heparin. Ecarin from the saw-scale viper rapidly creates eight times faster blood clotting in the human body. If you’re suspicious and want to get tested, have your d-dimers tested.

If elevated, your doctor might want to put you on an anti-coagulant drug like heparin or Warfarin. I wouldn’t do that. There are other ways to break down blood clots, and you don’t need drugs to do it. There’s a substance called Glycyrrhizin acid inside liquorice root that destroys all blood clotting effects of all snake venoms, you don’t need a drug. It’s the most potent, powerful blood clot-dissolving substance on earth. Nattokinase dissolves blood clots by directly hydrolysing fibrin and plasmin substrate taken as 2000-7000 fibrinolytic units. My ultimate favourite is 2,000 milligrams of N-acetyl cysteine, which has a thrombolytic effect on arterial circulation by reducing the size of von Willebrand Factor multimers, a key constituent of platelet-rich thrombus. These are all-natural substances.
Weight loss medication:
There is a billion-dollar industry that was created in the last five years, creating new Blockbuster drugs that the obese are injecting into their body once a week. They’re for weight loss and diabetes, and they’re called GLP1 drugs. Ozempic (semaglutide) and Wegovy (semaglutide) are brand-name injections. Doctors often prescribe these off-label for weight loss and management. Wegovy is approved for weight loss and management. These drugs have published side effects of causing thyroid cancer after using it for one year and do you know that they cause acute kidney failure, chronic kidney failure, acute liver failure and chronic liver failure and in diabetics, it increases the speed of diabetic retinopathy leading to blindness?

Do you know where Ozempic comes from? Do you know what a GLP-1 target drug is? Look it up, 'Ozempic and Wegovy come from the Gila monster lizard venom from the southwestern deserts of America'. Venoms cause cancer, venoms destroy the body. CNN published the other day that people taking these drugs are developing paralysed stomachs causing paralytic and cyclic vomiting for a year and a half to two years after they stopped the drug, and it’s destroying their entire lives because the venom of that creature binds to the Vagal nerve, it doesn’t let your stomach empty your food into your intestines. Every meal you eat that can’t get into your intestines piles up more food in the stomach.

Every venom introduced into your body either by injection or by an animal, stays in your body for 10 years unless you break it apart and detox it, this is why you’re seeing the long-term side effects from covid and these venom-laced drugs.

Alarmingly, The Guardian newspaper printed the following headline on Tue 14 May 2024:

Weight loss drug could reduce heart attack risk by 20%, study finds

"Researchers say semaglutide, the active ingredient in Wegovy and Ozempic, could be the biggest medical breakthrough since statins. A weight loss injection could reduce the risk of heart attacks and benefit the cardiovascular health of millions of adults across the UK, in what could be the largest medical breakthrough since statins, according to a study.

It found that participants taking the medication semaglutide, the active ingredient in brands including Wegovy and Ozempic, had a 20% lower risk of heart attack, stroke, or death due to cardiovascular disease."

The research purports that the medication should be routinely prescribed to treat cardiovascular illnesses, and that millions of people across the UK could be taking the medication in the next few years.

"The study involved 17,604 adults aged 45 and over with a body mass index of over 27 from across 41 countries. The participants, who had also previously experienced a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack, were prescribed either a 2.5mg weekly dose of semaglutide or a placebo for an average period of 40 months.

Of the 8,803 patients in the semaglutide group, 569 (6.5%) experienced a primary cardiovascular end-point event, such as a heart attack, compared with 701 (8%) of the 8,801 patients in the placebo group."

This means that 132 fewer patients suffered a cardiovascular event, which equates to less than 10% - hardly indicative of success at all considering the bias introduced in the selection of 8000 study subjects. The report does not list the serious adverse events when patients take this drug. We have no idea if such events were recorded during this study.

Extremely wild predictions have been made to entice the government into allowing the prescription of this venom laced drug. Extreme caution is suggested if you are cornered into taking this drug for obesity or cardiovascular health.

Viral shedding:
One of the most frequently asked questions and things that are published is C, ⁣ that people who are getting vaccinated for Covid-19 are shedding whatever was injected into them onto people who were not vaccinated. This includes spouses, children, co-workers, and grandparents. All of a sudden, when you’re around these people who got vaccinated, you start having symptoms even though you weren’t vaccinated. This is being reported all over the world.

I can tell you how they’re doing it. They are taking spike protein genes in DNA plasmids and when they inject them into you, bacteria and yeast in your body will draw the DNA plasmid in with the venom spike protein in it. It will start manufacturing venom without stopping. There’s only a promoter gene in the plasmid, so it just tells the bacteria to keep making the venom. The question is if bacteria, yeast, and fungus (as in candida) are contagious. Anyone you’re around, breathing, touching, sleeping or kissing transfers the venom-producing bacteria and yeast to each other. This is the extension of when I say these are not just bioweapons, they have weaponized biology.

This last paragraph probably indicates that all those who received saline injections instead of "vaccinations", all those who were exempt, all politicians and other pushers of the "vaccine" are not safe either![/b]

Shopping List (List still under construction)
[a]Reverse Osmosis unit
Reverse Osmosis, commonly referred to as RO, is a process where you demineralize or deionize water by pushing it under pressure through a semi-permeable Reverse Osmosis Membrane. Please search on your search engine. You need a unit which will purify all the water coming into your house, not just drinking water.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Prophylactic Care - 3,000 mg daily, With COVID Positive Test - 10,000 mg daily

[c] Magnesium Necessary for over 300 enzymatic reactions and DNA and protein synthesis. It supports energy production, muscle function, bone health, blood sugar regulation, mood, sleep quality and heart health and most of all it lowers high blood pressure.

Preventive Care - 10mg daily

[e]N-acetyl cysteine[/b]

Essential supplement - 200mcg daily
[h]Nicorette chewing gum 2mg

[i]Nicotine patches 7mg 14 mg 21 mg
Alternate blood thinners:
[A] Glycyrrhizin acid inside liquorice root that destroys all blood clotting effects of all snake venoms
[b] Nattokinase dissolves blood clots by directly hydrolysing fibrin and plasmin substrate taken as 2000-7000 fibrinolytic units.
[C] N-acetyl cysteine, 2,000 milligrams of which has a thrombolytic effect on the arterial circulation by reducing the size of von Willebrand Factor multimers, a key constituent of platelet-rich thrombus.

If you have not already read the other parts, the links are below

Covid-19 "virus" or "snake venom" Part 1

Covid-19 "virus" or "snake venom" Part 2
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Any breaches of the Data Protection Act shall also be brought to the attention of the Information Commissioner's Office and The Law Society.

PS: Taking a stand against the existing paradigm of dental and medical care is very costly. My website has highlighted the practices of those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate illness. This is not acceptable to the power structure controlling our health. To continue to produce evidentiary articles on my website and this forum - which have enlightened thousands of health practitioners and patients all around the world, to keep my staff employed and my offices viable, we request a little help. If you feel that this article has made an astonishing change in your symptoms, please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at

A paradigm shift in the care of the vaccine injured.
We shall also be truly grateful for feedback if you have benefitted from the treatment suggested in part 2, to start helping some of the millions who have been seriously injured.

CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article is for educational purposes only. The improvement or benefits identified in this article or on this site are based on individual experiences which are dependent upon the patient’s unique health condition, medical history, and other individualised factors, and should not be considered representative of all treatment outcomes. You must do your due diligence by consulting your physician before embarking on what may be suggested here. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider, and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of something you have read on this forum. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.

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