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 Post subject: Treatment of leg cramps
PostPosted: Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 1:00 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 245
Leg Cramps - Immediate relief and other treatments.

Sudden and painful muscle contractions, commonly known as cramps, can afflict any part of the legs, feet, hands, ribcage, and shoulders. Individuals suffering from congestive heart failure or kidney problems who are on diuretic medication are especially susceptible to these muscle spasms. This disabling condition deprives the nerves of necessary electrolytes to function properly, due to the excessive removal of potassium and/or sodium by the kidneys. Patients experiencing cramps urgently require immediate relief.
Eating a ripe banana before bed is a good idea as a preventive measure.
Also rubbing a few drops of magnesium oil on a limb prevents night cramps. Magnesium also aids a better sleep, digestion and lowers high blood pressure.

If you get a cramp during the night, you can achieve quick relief by following these suggested steps:

1. Hold a sip of Indian tonic water under the tongue for thirty seconds before swallowing it. Fever-Tree Light Tonic Water, available in glass bottles, is highly recommended. The key ingredient, quinine, is what provides relief.
2. Apply magnesium oil to the affected muscles and rub it in thoroughly. Focus on the muscle's origin and insertion points, then massage the entire muscle downward to help relax it.
3. Consume a pinch of salt, holding it under the tongue for thirty seconds. Celtic sea salt is preferred if available.
4. Take an eighth teaspoon of potassium from a jar of Cream of Tartare, which can be purchased at the local supermarket. You can also mix this small amount in a glass of water and drink it when hydrating at night. Do not exceed this dosage without medical guidance.
5. Eat a ripe banana.
6. Eat a date, as it often provides rapid relief.
7. Use a massage gun on the affected muscle after applying magnesium oil for additional effectiveness.
8. Consider using an over-the-counter leg cramp medication but are usually unnecessary.

For those who suffer from recurring cramps, it is wise to keep most of these items on the bedside table for easy access. When experiencing a cramp, moving around searching for the recommended items can be challenging. Often, only one of the treatments listed above is needed to achieve immediate relief, but some individuals may require a combination of these measures. For more persistent cramps, a prescription for quinine from your healthcare provider might be beneficial.

Other conventional interventions are listed below.

Medical Treatments:
1. Medication:
- Muscle relaxants like baclofen or tizanidine can be prescribed for frequent leg cramps.
- Pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help ease the pain.
Please be weary of the adverse effects of their long-term use.

2. Supplements:
- Magnesium supplements are often recommended for leg cramps, especially in pregnant women, but the evidence is mixed.
- Vitamin B12 and potassium supplements may also help, but it's essential to consult a doctor before starting any new supplement.

3. Hydration and Electrolyte Balance:
- Maintaining good hydration and ensuring a balance of electrolytes (such as potassium, sodium, and calcium) through a healthy diet or supplements can prevent cramps.

Alternative Treatments:
1. Stretching and Exercise:
- Regular stretching, especially before bed, can prevent leg cramps. Yoga and gentle exercises to improve circulation and muscle tone are also beneficial.
- For immediate relief, stretching the affected muscle can often alleviate a cramp.

2. Heat Therapy:
- Applying a heating pad or taking a warm bath can relax tense muscles and alleviate the pain.

3. Cold Therapy:
- For some, applying an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the affected area can reduce pain and inflammation.

4. Massage:
- Massaging the cramped muscle with your hands or a massager can help relieve the pain and tension.

5. Hydration and Nutrition:
- Drinking plenty of fluids and ensuring a diet rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium can prevent cramps.

6. Acupuncture and Acupressure:
- Some find relief through acupuncture or acupressure, as these methods can help improve circulation and relieve muscle tension.

7. Essential Oils:
- Applying essential oils like lavender or peppermint mixed with a carrier oil can provide relief through massage or a warm bath.

8. Herbal Remedies:
- Some herbs like chamomile, which can be taken as tea, are known for their muscle-relaxant properties.

Preventive Strategies:
- Stay hydrated. Patients on diuretics who have poor lung function may have to limit their fluid intake. Please check with your physician.
- Stretch regularly, especially before and after exercise and at bedtime.
- Maintain a balanced diet to prevent nutrient deficiencies.
- Wear comfortable shoes to reduce the risk of cramping due to poor alignment or foot strain.

Before trying any new treatment or supplement, it's important to speak with a healthcare professional, especially if you experience severe, frequent, or persistent leg cramps, as they can sometimes indicate underlying health issues that require medical attention.
© M. Amir 2024 All rights reserved

ABOUT: Dr Amir’s dedication has led to groundbreaking achievements, with 48 identified illnesses which can potentially be treated through dental interventions. Despite facing funding challenges, Dr Amir's resolve remains undeterred. This site aims to highlight those issues and promote an alternative approach, to change current dental and medical practice paradigms. To help Dr Amir continue his work and, especially if you found that this article helped you look after any issue, he invites your kind contributions. Please donate through a window that comes up after about 10 seconds at

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DISCLAIMER: All information provided on this website is purely for educational purposes and based on personal experiences. Before acting on any information presented on this site, it is highly advised that individuals consult their doctor or healthcare provider. The suggested treatments and interventions may not be suitable for everyone, and the site is not meant to replace professional advice. Your health care provider should be consulted to make sure that a suggested treatment or intervention is right for your specific health circumstances.

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