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PostPosted: Sat, 14 Dec 2024, 12:10 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 247
Miami state Sen. Ileana Garcia has introduced legislation banning "weather modification activities" in Florida.
The bill also adds a fine of up to $10,000 for violations. This is a paltry sum. It should be $10K for each participant enabling this illegality, and $10 million for each corporation behind it for each offence.
Previously, during March 2024, Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill banning the release of airborne chemicals.
The bill forbid the "intentional injection, release, or dispersion" of chemicals into the air.

Although the Tennessee bill appears to be the first of its kind to pass a state legislature, lawmakers in several other states including Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Kentucky, Minnesota and New Hampshire have introduced similar legislation.

Some of the early responses by the debunkers of 'weather manipulation' mafia are:
1. It is uncertain what actual practice she may be addressing, although the language of the bill and her social media reposts suggest she is seeking to ban chemtrails, "the fear of a long-running conspiracy theory that nefarious people or government agencies are spreading toxic chemicals on an unsuspecting populace through the white trails in the sky left by aeroplanes."

2. "But chemtrails have been debunked for years.
What are chemtrails?"

3. "Chemtrails," as described by a Harvard University report, is a conspiracy theory buzzword that refers to types of contrails, the line-shaped clouds or "condensation trails" visible behind aircraft engines under certain atmospheric conditions.

Comment: Only an insane or some enemy within would call "chemtrails" contrails. The articles below amply clarify the situation.

Please read the very extensive article on Chemtrails in this forum.
This next link takes you to a link about the ingredients contained in the chemtrails.

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