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PostPosted: Thu, 26 Dec 2024, 10:08 pm 
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Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 247
Elon Musk when talking to Joe Rogan describes 'Gain of Function' as 'Death Maximisation'

Well, it appears that Anthony Fauci might finally face the consequences for his involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic's progression. And no, this isn't a joke. Just yesterday, Senator Rand Paul posted, The power some of us wield must be used for good, like putting Fauci in jail. Fauci has intersected with another of my concerns. He was not only a key figure in the COVID crisis but was also engaged in animal testing on puppies. You couldn't invent a more sinister government official if you tried. Of course, their malevolence is only one aspect; sheer incompetence is another. Fauci wasn't just deeply involved in the creation of COVID; he was also conducting pharmaceutical experiments on puppies. As if the pandemic weren't catastrophic enough.

Now, let's delve into Fauci's involvement in COVID. Check out this segment featuring Senator Rand Paul, where he discusses how everything unfolded. He asks, 'Do you believe Dr. Fauci and the NIH are directly responsible for this pandemic?' Is that your stance? Paul responds, I think ultimately he's in charge or largely in charge of the NIH and its funding. Unquestionably, they financed the Wuhan lab.

Regarding Fauci's funding of research in China, observe this interaction between Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. They discuss the falsehoods Fauci told and his attempts to redefine gain-of-function research in his exchanges with Rand Paul. Musk notes, I think many people are unaware that Fauci funded the bioweapons research in Wuhan.

Everyone often mentions the Wuhan lab, this bioweapons research, and gain-of-function research, but what do these terms mean? Gain-of-function, a misleading term, essentially means increasing a pathogen's lethality. So, if we use the accurate terminology, gain-of-function is death maximisation. Then you'd ask, Should we fund bioweapon research aimed at death maximisation? Because that's what gain-of-function signifies - making a disease more transmissible to humans.

Now, quickly, it seems Senator Rand Paul is on a determined mission to see Fauci incarcerated. Elon Musk, now practically Donald Trump's foremost supporter, also appears to believe Fauci is a dangerous individual.

In sum, the narrative surrounding Anthony Fauci is complex and deeply contentious. From allegations of mishandling the pandemic to accusations of unethical animal testing, the scrutiny he faces is immense. Both political figures and public personalities are calling for his accountability, amplifying the debate over his actions and their ramifications. As the discussions and investigations continue, only time will reveal the full extent of his responsibility and the consequences he may face. The public remains divided, with some seeing him as a crucial figure in managing a global crisis, while others view him as a symbol of government overreach and mismanagement. Regardless, the discourse surrounding Fauci is far from over and will likely intensify in the coming years.
Source @hogan412

Comment: The final sentence raises concern that, "the conversation about Fauci is far from concluded and will probably become more intense in the future." To me, I read, nothing is going to come of this.

The reality is much more intricate. Genuine researchers have found that despite the 'gain of function,' the virus had only a 0.83% fatality rate, primarily affecting the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. To increase the fatality rate, or rather death maximisation, another method had to be employed.

Dr. Fauci achieved this by requiring all hospitals to use an experimental drug called Remdesivir for all COVID-19 hospitalized patients in the United States. Dr. Fauci knew that this drug could cause kidney failure and had a fatality rate of at least 50% among patients.

Previously, New York hospitals were using another risky drug called Vancomycin. Remdesivir replaced Vancomycin in New York. (Please read more about how Dr Fauci selected this drug in this article)

By transitioning from a virus with a 0.83% fatality rate to using Remdesivir, they managed to create a death rate approaching 100%, consistently attributing deaths to the COVID-19 virus. This instilled fear in the public, driving them to seek vaccinations, which had no actual link to COVID-19 but were extremely hazardous and deadly for millions.

The latter part of the puzzle centres around a group focused on reducing the population. Their plan was to develop a vaccine that the public would be tricked into accepting, which had an alarmingly high rate of causing severe illness and death. Dr. Fauci executed this plan, but the masterminds behind it are still at large.

I still recall the words of Albert Bourla, the head of Pfizer, in 2023. Speaking at Davos, he announced that he had achieved his goal of halving the global population, fulfilling a promise he made in 2019 during a meeting in San Francisco, much to the acclaim of the assembled elites.

I also remember the words of Henry Kissinger in a speech to the World Health Organization Council on Eugenics February 25th 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccinations, it's game over! They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - for the "greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them - for the "greater good".
Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions, and many of you in this room today are investors. It's a big win-win! We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing extermination services.
Now, What's for lunch? huh?"

This is when all this must have started. In the end, countless individuals played a role in trapping the population into this large-scale massacre. Leading this effort were politicians and their close aides, all of whom were excluded from consuming the potion. Enormous bribes totalling billions were distributed.

The best way to stop the next pandemic is to arrest those who started the first.

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