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PostPosted: Tue, 14 Jan 2025, 11:54 am 
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Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 240
A patient recently reached out to me, expressing concern after learning that the 38th individual she knew had passed away following a booster shot. She was also anxious about two recent notifications she had received.

The first notification read, "Brits warned that 'emergency alert' will be sent to phones across the UK." She was uneasy about the implications of this alert.

The second notification stated, "Emergency service teams, local councils, and government officials will participate in a comprehensive, multi-day pandemic preparedness exercise to help the UK prepare for potential future threats. The test, which is expected to occur in the autumn, will involve thousands of people across various regions of the UK, according to minister Pat McFadden."

While I have my interpretations, I will defer to Dr. D. Martin to provide the context for the situation we find ourselves in and the deception we are continuing to be subjected to.

Dr D Martin speaking about WHO criminality

Please note, this article has been derived from a video by Dr Martin. It has had to be modified for easy reading, as direct transcription does not come through well. The exact message in each paragraph is as per Dr Martin

The most important thing right now is to leave the future in the hands of the people. It's your responsibility to share the message, for it is evident from the vast emptiness around us that it will only be heard if you spread the word. Though I feel my voice is small, let's let this powerful message be heard loud and clear.

I’m finished discussing Covid, SARS, and COV2 for one straightforward reason. For over a century, a small group of criminal, industrial conspirators have deceived us all, seeking to dominate humanity for their own evil schemes, aiming to enrich themselves while impoverishing and harming the rest of the world.

I've reached my limit on politeness, and it's clear we all have. When the loss of lives becomes just another statistic in business practices, we've truly strayed from our human values. This isn't just my opinion; it echoes the sentiments of the World Health Organization, Pfizer, and Moderna, who were granted the green light to start their lethal endeavours under the guise of progress.

And also, I’m not going to sugar coat this. This is a criminal organization acting as though there's some sort of redeemable quality hidden in some obscure layer, suggesting that the World Health Organization must have some beneficial aspect.

Well, I’m going to tell you that since its inception in the 1940s, the World Health Organization has been nothing more than a criminal organization with a singular and clear intent, and I will show you the document that proves what I’m saying. This is not an allegation; this is verifiable by their own words in their own handwriting.

They use a four-step process to carry out every one of their nefarious plans. They begin by planning an exercise, then they move on to funding that exercise, next they create the rationale for the action they’re going to take, and finally, they deploy and profit from it.

In violation of US Code Title 15, Section 19—which, for those who might not know, began with the Clayton Act in 1913, the same year the forerunners of the World Health Organization were established—I find it intriguing that we enacted the Clayton Act and simultaneously initiated what we now refer to as the World Health Organization, 110 years ago.

Additionally, it contravenes the Treaty on The Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which, in my view, should now be called the Treaty for the Dysfunctional European Cabal. Article 1 clearly outlines that this was never about public health; it was racketeering designed to instil fear and manipulate the behaviour of a population. That's what it was from the very beginning.

And while we can create any theoretical argument we wish about various scenarios, the issue with the theory of a global outbreak is challenged by data from Zürich. This data reveals that during the year of the worldwide death pandemic, life insurance companies paid out $30 billion less in claims. If any medical or social expert wants to argue that a virus could cleverly determine your bank account, insurance policy details, and premium status, that's quite a stretch.

It turns out that the evidence is clear: we did not experience a pandemic; we experienced a genocide, and it's crucial to identify it as such.

When I mention that it was premeditated, let's be certain we grasp the specifics. I direct your attention to the right-hand column of this slide. This data, from 2011, was gathered by the World Health Organization, the Wellcome Trust, and the Gates Foundation during their global initiative for a malaria vaccine targeting children under six months old.

In their clinical trial, it's crucial to highlight that they caused the deaths of 66 children in the vaccine group, while deceitfully using the term control for the group, where 28 children also died. I use the term murdered because that's precisely what occurred. The so-called control group didn't receive a harmless saline injection; instead, it was a mixture of other known disease-causing substances in the injections. This control group was expected to be lethal, and the experimental group had the potential to be deadly as well. Ultimately, they proceeded to cause the deaths of all the children involved.

Under Article 5, Section 13, as shown on this slide, it's important to understand that in 1947, when the WHO was established and funded, it was done so by individuals intending to commit a crime, according to their own language.

Section 13 of Article 5 concludes with the statement that grants them immunity from personal arrest or detention and from all forms of legal proceedings. Now, if there were no intention to commit a crime, why would there be a need to ensure permanent and absolute immunity from any form of prosecution and its investigation? Some compare this to diplomatic immunity, but it doesn't even align with the standards of diplomatic immunity.

This criminal organization established its own set of rules to shield themselves from the illegal activities they anticipated committing. When I say they anticipated these actions, it's because their first director general, Dr. Renaissan, had prior experience in the custody of the Germans at Dachau in 1940.

In 1947, with the largess of the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Renaissan was unexpectedly nominated to be the first Director-General of the WHO. Within just five years, he decided to officially outline the organization's true mission in a document penned by then Director-General Dr. Brock Chisholm, who promoted population control as its main goal.

Does this sound like public health to anyone here? This is not public health. It is the continuation of a genocidal agenda that began with the Carnegie Foundation's funding of eugenics research in the United States in 1913, under the guise of philanthropy by Andrew Carnegie.

People, stop deceiving yourselves.

We argue about the superficial aspects of this so-called pandemic, but we are ignoring the underlying issue. This is an organized crime and racketeering operation, designed first to grant itself absolute immunity, and then to carry out its plans to decide who controls, who lives, who dies, and who gets a chance at life.

If you suspect that I am exaggerating the figures, let me clarify: under any tax provision, if I inform you that there is an 88% controlling interest in any organization, you would likely deduce that this constitutes a controlling stake. Indeed, when we examine the foundation donations to the World Health Organization, 88% of these contributions originate from one entity, the Gates Foundation.

That represents a breach of every competition law in Europe and the United States
. This is clearly not an impartial, charitable contribution. More critically, according to tax regulations in both regions, this qualifies as directed donations, which are explicitly prohibited. Such actions have no legitimacy within the framework of the WHO, any UN-affiliated organization, or their associated entities.

When I label this as a crime, I refer to tax fraud, racketeering, money laundering, and now, racketeering that results in murder and global terrorism.

I mentioned that after they plan something, the next step is to secure funding. Why not use the same terminology as the criminals? It’s the most accurate way to convey the idea. When they devised the release of a biologically altered chimera linked to the coronavirus model, they specifically stated:

"To maintain funding beyond the crisis, we need to enhance public understanding of the necessity for medical countermeasures such as a universal influenza or coronavirus vaccine."

Let me take a moment to clarify that the crisis they referred to was not a health emergency, but rather a financial one. Their concern was about running out of money, not about an actual health issue. Now, let's continue reading.

The primary catalyst is the media, and financial gains will follow the excitement it generates. We should leverage this excitement to address significant concerns, as investors will be attracted if they perceive potential profits. This was the official stance of the secretive group during what became known as the decade of vaccines, initiated in 2011 by the global preparedness monitoring board of the World Health Organization. This period provided the financial foundation for Dr. Peter Daszak's collaboration on the creation of pathogens in both North Carolina and Wuhan.

Don’t tell me we need an investigation to find the source; the culprits confessed in their own words. Now we face the issue that no one in Congress wants to touch—the obvious problem. On October 21, 2014, despite multiple discussions between Senator Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci, where it’s claimed that Rand Paul is doing his utmost to challenge Fauci - he has possessed the letter you see on the left. This letter, conveniently on NIH letterhead, was sent to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. It clearly states that during the gain-of-function research halt—which, by the way, implies a pause—certain activities continued. Let’s examine two parts of this letter.

Firstly, the second bullet point under project 1 was not part of the original grant. This point involved investigating the new roles of virus pathogenesis within living systems. Initially, the grant focused on clinical simulations and models, but it was revised with a letter indicating our intention to authorise gain of function research during the moratorium in living systems. The last paragraph of this letter conveniently states that since the grant is currently funded, the pause is optional.

How often do you encounter a voluntary moratorium? The most striking part is that, according to the very last line, the gain of function research can continue until the end of the current budget period.

Here lies the issue: we are well aware of the sources behind the seemingly endless funding from DARPA and NIH for this project. It’s incredibly convenient to have a project that continues as long as the money flows. The irony is, the funding never stops, as there is no definitive conclusion to the project.

Unless you believe I'm suggesting something, let me clarify—I am not. I'm stating an accusation, and it's important to note the distinction. This is not a suggestion.

They took the time to inform us that it would be called the Wuhan virus. As shown on the right side of the screen, an article published on March 14, 2016, mentions a SARS-like virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and states, is poised for human emergence. Does it seem surprising that an incident in Wuhan occurred in December 2019, or does it feel like we were warned about a virus from Wuhan? Consider the work done to alter coronaviruses in both Wuhan and North Carolina's Chapel Hill. It seems they were indicating their readiness to release it back in 2016.

Everyone knows that I face global criticism for using the term biological warfare. I use it because I am qualified to do so. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, I was sent around the world by the United States government to examine the spread of biological and chemical weapons. I am well-versed in the definition of a biological warfare agent according to Title 18 of the United States Code, which outlines the criminal violations involving biological and chemical weapons. Therefore, my assessment is professional, as I have the credentials to make that determination for the U.S. government for many years.

That’s why I mention it. Let's imagine for a moment that I’m just a crazy person who has no idea what I'm talking about. Instead, let's consider the statements made by the criminals themselves in 2005. During a conference sponsored by DARPA, Ralph Barrick, the creator of the dangerous strain that has been administered to millions of people, presented some troubling ideas. He discussed synthetic coronaviruses, biohacking, and technologies that enable biological warfare. Does that sound like a program meant for public health distribution? Does it seem like something that could be easily misunderstood, or does it clearly suggest the development of biological warfare technologies rather than measures for pandemic preparedness?

It seems to me that technologies enabling biological warfare are at play, and my suspicion arises from what happened next: he received, alongside his NIA ID grants, non-competitive DARPA grants with matching funds, totalling over $140 million directed towards his and associated synthetic biological warfare enabling technologies.

Do I hesitate to refer to the injection as a technology that facilitates biological warfare? Not at all because that is precisely how it was described. We have evidence that this terminology was used, as on September 18, 2019, the colluding network of interconnected leaders, commonly referred to as the World Health Organization, announced their intention to carry out a global exercise. This exercise predicted a swiftly spreading pandemic caused by a lethal respiratory pathogen.

The lethality in that statement lies in the fact that they didn’t mention we might just experience a minor outbreak. Instead, they claimed we would face the spread of a fatal pathogen. According to them, the reason for this assertion in September 2020 was to convince the world to adopt a global vaccine.

Not that we will explore alternative treatment options, and we will implement early intervention, as D r Peter McCullough has frequently recommended. On September 18, 2019, we declared our intention to instil fear to compel acceptance of something that, without force, no one would have agreed to. This is documented by those engaged in criminal activities.

Deploy it and reap the benefits. We were informed that investors would respond positively if they saw the completion of the process. Guess what they witnessed? In 2022, Pfizer received one hundred billion dollars in public funds. Moderna, after misleading Congress in October 2020 when asked to confirm whether NIAID was endorsing an injection that would benefit NIAID financially, where Anthony Fauci and the entire NIH team claimed they had no financial stake in their recommendation, received a royalty payment of $400 million. This amount was the largest single payment ever received by any health institute for a single invention in the history of American medical research.

Surprisingly, we received a request from the WHO to increase its budget by 11%, ensuring that those who benefited from it would contribute. Incredibly, they then funnelled the money right back.

This isn't a public health violation or a constitutional offence. It's a criminal act perpetrated by an organization that has been facilitating illegal activities since its inception in 1947. That's the reality here. We shouldn't be discussing the virtues of democracy or freedom, as absurd as it would be to stand in the middle of a bank robbery and debate the value of printing money. The issue isn't the currency; it's the robbery itself.

The issue at hand isn't related to health or public health, nor is it about the censorship of information, the silencing of opposing opinions, or the unethical treatment of doctors and scholars worldwide who voiced their concerns. Those are not the true crimes.

The true crime lies in the fact that a group of organized criminals plotted and created an emergency. These same individuals orchestrated the situation, dictating the language we should use, such as vaccines, face masks, and social distancing. These terms were given new meanings, far removed from their everyday definitions, and we simply adopted them.

Criminal syndicates conspired with interconnected boards, where rival companies colluded to set prices, blatantly breaching European Union regulations and the Sherman Clayton Act in the United States.

These were orchestrated crimes and deserve to be addressed accordingly. This led to the loss of freedom and, most crucially, the compromise of the honesty and principles of the conscientious individuals present here today, striving with all their might to rectify the disaster caused by this tragedy.

I have immense respect for the countless contributions of dedicated academic and medical professionals who valiantly attempted to intervene and prevent the disastrous outcomes of these crimes. However, I must emphatically state the following: until we recognize this as a criminal conspiracy involving racketeers causing global terrorism for profit and murder, we are having the wrong discussion.

We are not here to negotiate a revised agreement for a criminal racketeering organization;
we are here to dismantle the organization itself.
This is my call to action for everyone around the world:
don't merely curtail the power of the WHO, destroy it entirely.

Glad to find that President Trump and President Millie of Argentine have seen sense and banned this organisation.
This article is written in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1998: UK Public General Acts 1998 c. 42 SCHEDULE 1 PART I Article 10, with the intent of serving the resilient British public. This legislation clearly states, Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority. We are committed to addressing any form of harassment, whether direct or indirect, by government bodies or their affiliates, in line with this act and the principles that protect freedom of expression. Additionally, any breaches of the Data Protection Act will be promptly reported to the Information Commissioner's Office and The Law Society ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Challenging the existing standards in dental and medical care comes with significant costs. Through my website and this forum, I have highlighted practices that, whether intentionally or unintentionally, contribute to ongoing illness. This disruption is not welcomed by the authorities overseeing our healthcare system. To continue publishing evidence-based articles, sharing discoveries from my own patients' experiences that have led to their recoveries through a unique approach, and educating thousands of health professionals and patients globally, we require some support. If this article has substantially enhanced your understanding, please consider making a donation through this link: PLEASE CLICK TO DONATE

Thank you! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has generously contributed. Your support is deeply valued and enables Dr. Amir to persist in his mission of fostering improved dental and medical practices globally.

Disclaimer: This educational article focuses on health benefits from individual perspectives and doesn't imply widespread results. Important to seek a doctor's advice before taking action. It's meant to enhance, not substitute for, medical advice and doesn't detail all possible uses or risks. Always prioritize professional medical advice over information read here.

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