TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Sun, 11 Nov 2012, 9:35 am 

Joined: Mon, 01 Oct 2012, 4:35 pm
Posts: 35
The unwarranted & dangerous use of Steroids for treating patients in whom 'MS' may be suspected.
The use of steroids is rife in the treatment of MS patients, with little understanding of how neuralgic pains occur in patients.

Hench, who received the Nobel Prize for the application of cortisone to rheumatoid arthritis (also falsely labelled as an autoimmune disease) was visited by the British Rheumatologist Dr Oswald Savage in 1950. He found Hench ‘depressed by the increasingly numerous reports of side effects… My generation will never forget the severe complications they produced – the moon face, the perforated and bleeding ulcers, the bruising and crushed vetetabrae’.

Remember 'the crushed vertebrae' - the very places where asymmetries impinge on nerves which cause the neuralgic pains in the first place and hence, my contention, that the steroids would result in an intensification of these pains in the long term, the worsening of gait related problems and the continued decline in the health of patients on Steroids. Unfortunately Rheumatoid Arthritis which is also centred around joints and the spinal vertebrae would worsen with such treatment, but steroids continue to be the main arsenal in the treatment of both RA and MS!

The precise causes of so-called autoimmune diseases e.g. MS and RA remains elusive to medicine and the application of steroids willy-nilly continues without recourse to what medicines' goal has been in understanding disease before the application of a treatment.

At the slightest sign of any symptom that they can attribute to the supposed "MS", the neurologists rush to give the patient a heavy dose of steroids. These soon knock some patients' hips out and the patient becomes wheelchair bound. On return to the hospital, the consultant gleefully gloats how correct his diagnosis was and the patient says thank you with a smile, saying "Thank you for at last finding what is really wrong with me".

Then the cycle of scam drugs, some costing $800,000 per annum, starts!

Please remember as you read various articles on this forum that any asymmetry in the jaws immediately introduces hip asymmetry leading to various symptoms like back and hip pain numbness in the legs etc., which are then construed as early symptoms of "MS" warranting treatment with steroids to start with!

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ABOUT: Dr Amir’s dedication to promoting an alternative approach to dental and medical care, focusing on prevention over intervention, has not come without significant personal cost. Taking a stance against mainstream practices which contribute to ill health has put him at odds with powerful vested interests in the medical and dental fields. Dr Amir's work has led to groundbreaking achievements, with 48 identified illnesses which can potentially be treated through dental interventions. Despite facing funding challenges, Dr Amir's resolve remains undeterred. This site aims to highlight those issues and promote an alternative approach, to change current dental and medical practice paradigms. To help Dr Amir continue his work and maintain his practice, he invites contributions, no matter how small. Please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at

THANK YOU, NOTE: A sincere note of thanks to all who have made generous contributions so far. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps Dr Amir to continue his mission of creating healthier and safer dental and medical practices around the world.

DISCLAIMER: All information provided on this website is purely for educational purposes and based on personal experiences. Before acting on any information presented on this site, it is highly advised that individuals consult their doctor or healthcare provider. The suggested treatments and interventions may not be suitable for everyone, and the site is not meant to replace professional advice. Your health care provider should be consulted to make sure that a suggested treatment or intervention is right for your specific health circumstances.

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