TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

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PostPosted: Tue, 16 Apr 2013, 5:58 pm 

Joined: Tue, 16 Apr 2013, 3:04 pm
Posts: 1
Due to a complex medical history have been officially diagnosed with the following over a 20 year period (Aged 20-39) - writer’s cramp (possible dystonia ), loss of cervical lordosis (neck curvature), BPPV (Benign positional vertigo), Peripheral vestibular damage ( causing bouncing vision “oscillopsia/nystagmus), Ulcerative Colitis, Occipital Neuralgia.

In chronological order:

• Aged 19 – punched in side of face and nose and suffered a concussion
• Aged 20 - first signs of neck pain, lower back pain and a writer’s cramp in my right arm. Ultimately sought help from an osteopath and had steroid injections into my elbow with a suspected tennis elbow. The writing issue resulted in having to sit exams on a computer and have never resolved. Neck and back pain also remain unresolved to this day.
• Aged 21 – fell onto my head and suffered another concussion – neck pain and tightness in left occipital area ensued. Brain and cervical MRI showed nothing untoward.
• Aged 21-30 – Continued neck pain in the left occipital area, accompanied by bouts of dizziness. Further MRIs showed nothing other than complete loss of cervical lordosis (neck curvature). ]
Basically put up with symptoms.
• Aged 30 – drove car into a car park wall, skidding on black ice. The next day, severe vertigo and could not get out of bed. Headache and cranial tension. Consulted a neurologist and scans again were clear.
• Aged 31 – diagnosed with BPPV (benign positional vertigo) and peripheral vestibular damage that was causing oscillopsia/nystagmus (bouncing vision when turned head). BPPV was cured overnight with the Epley manoeuvre (first time any treatment had helped with a symptom !). Cranial tension and visual tracking problems continued.
• Aged 32 – 36. Received vestibular rehab to try and improve balance and bouncing vision, which helped to a degree. Cranial tightness/headaches unresolved and could not deal with any jolt to the head as would bring on even more intense pain/symptoms. Unable to do any exercise other than walking the dog.
• Aged 36 – Suffered slipped disc in lower left lumbar region from simply bending over. The pain has continued as well as moving into the left hip area.
• Aged 36 – First bowel symptoms arose and ultimately diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis. Prescribed steroids and Asacol (lifetime meds) to try and get into remission.
• Aged 36-39 – Diagnosed with Occipital Neuralgia: started getting bouts of tinnitus, ear infections and a fullness in the right ear. Constant tightness back of my head and neck, which gets worse with any jolts/impact. Received pulsed radio frequency into the occipital nerve along with Botox. No alleviation of symptoms. Ulcerative colitis in and out of remission, and bouts of fatigue would set in.

Current day (Aged 39): To get to the bottom of ever-increasing deterioration of health and myriad of symptoms stumbled across Atlas and cranial symmetry in a Google search which then brought me to a consultation with Mr Amir at the cranio-dental and skeletal symmetry centre in Putney. The diagnosis was a bite slightly off to the side, jaw set too far back along with Atlas out of line which has also impacted my breathing; undoubtedly caused by the series of cervical/cranial traumas sustained throughout my life to date.

It was explained how a series of orthotic dental appliances should restore spinal symmetry and with that resolution of the myriad of symptoms over time. In fact, the ulcerative colitis (another so - called autoimmune disease) is likely the result of this declining pattern in health and could be reversed over time.

Upon the first fitting (a week later) of a dental appliance there were instant changes.
My neck felt freer, my head stronger supported and visual tracking improved. I was quite shocked as to how different my head felt almost instantly. Over the course of the next few weeks, with the daily tightening of the brace, there were a whole host of changes. Firstly, the bleeding from the ulcerative colitis has resolved, and I am now back in remission (first time for 3 months). Obviously, this needs to be continually monitored to see the long-term benefits, as remission can come and go. Nevertheless, it was a fast improvement without the use of any meds.

My head has felt stronger upon impacts and jolts, although still suffering with a band of squeezing tension which sort of covers the area from in front of the ears/temples as a band around the top and back of the head. There has also been bouts of dizziness/head swimming sensation, which had put down to a sort of recalibration. However, the brace has been altered to try and mitigate this. My lower back and hip pain feels so much better, and can bend down without being conscious of it for the first time in years.

So, in summary, the UC is back in remission, back pain markedly better, but there have been some ups and downs with neck/cranial/visual symptoms; although I feel confident, I am finally in the right area at long last after only 4 weeks into the program
. Will continue to post here on developments over time. Meanwhile, it would be interesting to hear of any others that have developed UC after similar cervical/head traumas and how symptoms have progressed over time.

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Challenging the current norms in dental and medical care comes at a high price. Through my website and this forum, I have shed light on practices that contribute to the perpetuation of illness, whether intentionally or not. This disruption is unwelcome by the authorities governing our healthcare system. To continue publishing evidence-based articles that have educated thousands of health professionals and patients worldwide, and to maintain my staff and office operations, we need some support. If this article has significantly improved your symptoms, please consider making a donation through the window that appears after a few seconds at:

CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article serves solely for educational purposes. The improvements or benefits discussed herein are drawn from individual experiences, which are influenced by the unique health conditions, medical histories, and other personalised factors of those individuals, and should not be assumed to represent universal treatment outcomes. It is imperative to consult your physician before considering any suggestions mentioned. This information is intended to complement, not substitute, the advice of your doctor or healthcare provider and does not encompass all potential uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects. It may not be applicable to your specific health situation. Never delay or ignore seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider based on something you have read in this article. Always discuss with your doctor or healthcare professional before beginning, discontinuing, or altering any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment to determine the most appropriate course of therapy for you.

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PostPosted: Fri, 19 Apr 2013, 10:43 pm 
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Joined: Mon, 01 Oct 2012, 3:35 pm
Posts: 57
Dear Adam,
It is remarkable that you have made such progress in such a short time. I hope you continue to improve.

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