TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 8:29 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 235
"I was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago; I'm 31. I was admitted to hospital with severe vertigo, nausea/vomiting, double vision. Had CT scan and MRI and released, sent to Neuro for follow up 2 weeks later. She examined me and said there were 3 lesions on the MRI, but none explained my symptoms; chalked it up to some kind of virus or inner ear problem and told me she would do a follow-up MRI and see me annually for a while, but to go back to life as usual. I was so relieved! The next day, we set off on a camping trip - I woke up in my tent at 3 am about to vomit. The vertigo and other symptoms were back, worse than before. I was driven home 8 hrs like this, spent 5 days in hospital unable to walk or see properly. Another MRI showed a lesion on my brain stem. Prednisone helped greatly and I am feeling normal again. Current diagnosis is Clinically Isolated Syndrome, but they said it will be RRMS (87% chance)."

"I started having all types of strange symptoms, from numbness to optic neuritis. One morning I woke up and attempted to hang my legs over the side of the bed. I raised up to the sitting position and just kept going. I landed on the floor and rolled into the wall. My head leaving a small hole. After two years of seeing the same Dr., he finally gave me the diagnosis of MS in 91. He came in the room and said you have MS, turned around, walked out. I sat there for forty-five minutes waiting for him to come back, the receptionist came in and asked why I was still there. I told her I was waiting for the Dr to come back in. She told me he left about a half hour ago. Now have a new Dr. It was almost the coldest diagnosis I ever had."

"I was told I had MS four years ago. I had been to the hospital several times with my arms and legs going numb
. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I woke up with the whole left side of my head completely numb. It scared the hell out of me. I put off going to the Dr because I didn't have insurance yet. I finally went in and had an MRI done, that resulted in a spinal tap. Furthermore, I was told I had RRMS. I was at a loss. I knew there was a problem, but never dreamt it was MS. I have gone down hill since. I have been on several types of shots and still have had no relief. I finally got the government to give me disability. I have lost everything due to the medical cost. I live in a rv after the loss of my house, car, just everything. My family have turned their backs on me because it is just more than they are willing to commit to. Depression has taken me over."

"I stopped taking Rebif almost two months ago and am now considering other medications. The hearing in my right ear improved once I was off the medication! It is amazing how much the medication can cause what you might think is a MS symptom."

"After a bout with optic neuritis and then with vertigo, I was quickly run through a CT and then the MRI. The Dr's report said that my symptoms presented a "classic" case for an MS diagnosis that fell on my 25th birthday."

"I first noticed walking and serious tremors in 2002. Neuro said I was overreacting as I hobbled into his office on crutches! He also said I needed my head examined by a professional. (Like, duh! I thought that's what he was!) He made me feel like I was intruding on his life. I did find two other doctors who said I had MS after exams, and was so mad at the first Dr. that I paid the final bill in DIMES!! I was so happy to finally know what was wrong with me. I can handle MS. it's the rest of the medical profession that scares me!"

"May 14, 2011 was like any other Saturday with my family, but Sunday morning, May 15, 2011 brought challenges. I woke that morning numb from my hips down. Within an hour and the numbness not going away, I thought we should go to the hospital. I was basically dismissed at the hospital and sent home. I felt as if I were crazy, and it would just go away. When the next morning came and the numbness was still there and walking was impossible without assistance, I called my family doctor, who had me admitted to another hospital immediately. I was in the hospital for 4 days and still no answers. They released me, basically telling me they had no idea what to do other than wait. My brother contacted a friend who is a doctor affiliated with a teaching hospital in another state, but only about a half hour trip. A neurologist friend of his responded on a Saturday and asked me to come to his office at 8:30 Monday. I did and within 5 days I was diagnosed. Not what I wanted, but a [u]relief to have an answer."[/u]

"The person for whom I now provide 24/7 care was elated to discover that she had MS. After 18 months of her doctor, her government employer and, subsequently, the State health department telling her she suffered from arthritis and a psychological disorder (of which I was the likely cause), her depression lifted with a smile when the neurologist presented a diagnosis which explained all of her symptoms. 1,000 characters is not enough to explain the details of the situation and their long-term consequences. Suffice to say that, some 7 years down the track, the person for whom I now provide care is no longer quite so enthralled. And that MS is NOT a mental illness!"

It is astonishing how patients almost feel a sense of relief when they actually get diagnosed with a condition after spending years on a merry-go-round of tests never finding an explanation for their symptoms!

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