TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Diagnosis of "my"MS...
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Author:  Zac [ Sat, 13 Oct 2012, 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Diagnosis of "my"MS...

My initial symptoms were my right hand weakness & feeling tired, this was put down to carpal tunnel syndrome and just generally being run down, after a series of tests CT was eliminated so I was then referred to a neurologist.

I had two MRI's and clinical tests and was informed by my neurologist ( Dr Woolmore) that I had aggressive RRMS although he said I was a difficult case to read and was recommended a steroid infusion, the steroids made me feel terrible, I was then told I was fortunate that Tysabri funding had been agreed and it's the best drug out there for me.
From day one the Tysabri made me feel very poor but i was encouraged to persevere. Over the next 12 months I showed no signs of remission and continued to worsen although my neuro seems to think I haven't progressed much!

I then had a precautionary blood test for PML. The result is that I am now JCV positive.

I then had a lumber puncture which turned out to be clear!

I have been drug free for 10 weeks now and have lost all faith in my MS team. :evil:

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