TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

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PostPosted: Sat, 04 Dec 2021, 10:11 pm 
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Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 233
Recovery from Bulimia and many associated symptoms
Miss K M July 2007
If someone had asked me 18 months ago whether bulimia was a mental disorder, I would not have hesitated to confirm that it was. It was not until I walked into Dr Amir’s surgery that I ever thought to consider that there was possibly a physical problem, let alone one that could be rectified.

For over a decade, I suffered in silence with a heavy shroud of secrecy, haunting me in waking life and dreams alike. I never felt like a casualty, someone afflicted by an unfortunate condition, but rather as a disgusting, greedy and entirely unlovable individual. I was under no doubt that, should any friends or family discover my condition, my life would not be worth living.

Depression and mood swings were part and parcel of my everyday life, and I also began to drink heavily to forget how tarnished I felt. During my university years, I overdosed on painkillers three times out of sheer desperation. I didn’t truly want to die, but I certainly wanted to kill the pain. I felt absolutely trapped; unable to cope with my condition and unable to seek help for fear of discovery.

The process of bingeing and purging (in my case through vomiting) was the only way I felt I had any control over my life. Whilst, in fact, it was the way in which I most lacked control. Try as I might, I could not stop. Dieting, exercise, counting calories, psychotherapy (not that I ever directly addressed the issue), Chinese herbalists – nothing had the slightest effect. In fact, the more I focussed on the problem, the worse it became. And at the back of my mind, at every moment, was the terrifying thought that this condition was going to kill me eventually.

My menstrual cycle was incredibly irregular, with very infrequent periods.
My once stunning straight, white teeth were rapidly decaying, discolouring and were incredibly sensitive - brushing my teeth became an agonising task which I dreaded! I tried not to show my teeth when smiling for fear of people noticing the diminishing incisors. My kidneys ached from excessive alcohol. I had become a master of deceit, to the point that I began to lack any real sense of personal identity. I began to doubt my own sanity seriously. For a period, ⁣ I suffered from oedema, heartburn, multiple food intolerances, insomnia and an itchy rash across my entire body. I have no doubt that all these symptoms were a result of the bulimia, either directly or because of the anxiety and stress it brought upon me.

Anyone who became too intimate with me was rapidly pushed away. I was good at putting on the façade of a strong, confident, sexy female, but inside I felt far from attractive. Relationships were limited to a matter of weeks. Anyone who dared to scratch the surface usually disappeared of their own accord – a woman full of self-hatred and self-doubt is far from attractive – any who lingered were swiftly rebuffed.

My sister had been seeing the orthodontist, Dr Amir, to treat her IBS He is known to realign people’s jaws to treat a multitude of conditions from chronic back pain to M.E. . She suggested that I go for a check-up. Even though we shared a flat, she, of course, had no idea about my bulimia. But she knew my periods were irregular, that I had trouble sleeping, was prone to depression and incessantly ground my teeth. Besides, Dr Amir had said he was happy to give me a consultation free of charge. To her, it appeared I had nothing to lose. I knew that I stood everything to lose. One look at my worn away teeth and he would know. That was a given.

I burst into tears when Dr Amir said he had never seen teeth in such a state. He came right out and asked if I vomited a lot, but I was quick to deny it, partly because my sister was there.
He did not push the point at the time.

Amir went on to say that it was a wonder I was still alive. My teeth were so ground down that my lower jaw had receded considerably, putting a lot of physical pressure on my brain, which resulted in a multitude of negative consequences. He was slightly reluctant to take me on as a patient. The kind of treatment that I required was not going to be straight forward and would take years to complete. However, he also knew that left to my own devises, I hadn’t a hope in hell!

Once it was decided that I would begin treatment, it did not take long for Dr Amir to extract a confession from me. It felt quite relieving to get this off my chest, especially as his response was not the one of shock, disgust and judgment that I had expected and feared. Dr Amir was very matter-of-fact, informing me that my bulimia was a physical problem and not a mental disorder. He also said it was more common than I might think. I had made the first step towards relieving myself of my secret, the heaviest burden in my life. It was not long before I found the strength - in fact the strong compulsion - to confess to my sister.

The most common cause for these misaligned jaws is the extraction of teeth, which often happens for cosmetic reasons in child dentistry. This was not the case for me. I do not know how or why my problem began, but the stomach acid was wearing my teeth away rapidly. My jaw, feeling ill at ease in its new position, was never at rest; I ground my teeth constantly, to the point that they were almost completely flat.

Dr Amir took moulds of my mouth and made a personal removable dental appliance which would expand my upper jaw and bring the lower jaw forward, thus opening the wind passage. The idea was to align the jaw to the correct position, eventually reconstruct all my posterior teeth with gold and finally cover the front with veneers. The notion that I could once again have a beautiful smile was exhilarating, but did not come close to the feeling that he may be able to make me “normal”. Was it really possible for him to rid me of this terrible affliction?

The removable appliance did have some effect on me, perhaps partially psychologically, but progress was slow, mainly because I would, more often than not, remove it during the daytime. Eventually, Dr Amir gave me a fixed brace on my upper teeth, which he adjusted week-by-week. It is not the most desirable thing to have to sport at the age of 26, but it was amazing to see how the slightest tweaks affected my mental state. Having significantly altered the position of my jaw, this has now been removed (hooray!) and I once again wear a removable appliance.

So here I am 18 months into my treatment. My recovery is a journey and I have not yet reached the end, but I cannot compare my life then to now. It is very difficult to overcome a habit that went on for so many years, but I really am getting there. Whilst once I could not make it through a single day without bingeing and purging (often several times), I now go weeks on end. I no longer hate myself. Bulimia does not define me any more. I feel strong, lovable and entirely sane!

There are many things that have helped me with this and continue to do so, including my strong beliefs (I am a devotee of Adi Da Samraj), Bikram yoga, a close network of friends and family, and keeping my life well-balanced and routined. However, without the help of Dr Amir, I wouldn’t even have found the will to help myself. I am incredibly grateful to him for all that he has done. I look forward to and have full faith in my continuing progress and eventual complete recovery.

Katrina remains extremely well and has gone on to have 2 children. She has never had any further problems with Bulimia or any other "mental" symptoms. July 2021

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PS: Taking a stand against the existing paradigm of dental and medical care is very costly. My website has highlighted the practices of those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate illness. This is not acceptable to the power structure controlling our health. To continue to produce evidentiary articles on my website and this forum - which have enlightened thousands of health practitioners and patients all around the world, to keep my staff employed and my offices viable, we request a little help. If you feel that this article has made an astonishing change in your symptoms, please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at
A paradigm shift in the care of Bulimia.
CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article is for educational purposes only. The improvement or benefits identified in this article or on this site are based on individual experiences which are dependent upon the patient’s unique health condition, medical history, and other individualised factors, and should not be considered representative of all treatment outcomes. You must do your due diligence by consulting your physician before embarking on what may be suggested here. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider, and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of something you have read on this forum. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.

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