Discovery of treatment for ME/CFS some 35 years ago.I remember it very well. I had an advertisement in a magazine called "Top Sante". While looking through the magazine for my advertisement, I saw a page called "Letters to the doctor" (I do not remember the exact heading) I read through the letters and noticed that I could help at least 5 of the eight patients. I decided to send them my patient information leaflet via the editor.
One girl answered, saying she was suffering from "ME/CFS". I examined her and realised that I could help her. I checked her for the type of dental appliance I should make and fitted her with it. In those poverty-stricken days, I used to make all the appliances myself to keep the costs down and manageable, both for the patients and me.
She showed remarkable improvement within a week and fully recovered within three months or so. She had been almost bedridden before that. That experience encouraged me to look for other such patients. Luckily, I came across an Osteopath Didier from Belgium, who himself had recovered from another issue through my treatment. He immediately referred me to some 20 patients with different chronic symptoms. It was overwhelming, but I got through them all and almost all of them recovered. After that, I did not need to advertise I was on a roller coaster.
Some 95% of patients who have either completely recovered or are very substantially better. There is no mystery to these conditions. They are simply problems of an asymmetric jaw, and often coupled with other consequential skeletal asymmetries.
This relationship to illness is easily diagnosed and does not need any complex exams or tests, which often cost patients thousands of dollars when they follow the conventional route. The abatement of a number of symptoms starts almost immediately for most patients after embarking upon treatment. Please read the numerous testimonials on this website.
Conducting a further analysis among our patients that I had seen in the past, this graph merges their records of ME/CFS patients with the records of those presenting with TMJD in 2 graphs below:
Graph_Chronic_Fatigue.jpg [ 101.71 KiB | Viewed 22528 times ]
In the second graph we have similarly merged our patient's records who presented with mainly a 'Jaw problem':
Jawpain201graph.jpg [ 83.21 KiB | Viewed 22528 times ]
Patients presenting with jaw problems have almost identical symptoms to those presenting with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Not only that, but in both cases there are multiple symptoms present which go unaccounted. Patients never get evaluated by a TMJ specialist. The symptoms are usually remote from the mouth, leading patients to seek help from their medical doctors. The word 'cure' is unacceptable in medical parlance because they can never cure such patients, and it interferes with the medical paradigm of "every ill must have a pill". Anyone claiming to 'cure' a patient is treated with utter disdain and called a 'snake oil salesman' or a conspiracy theorist by the medical profession.
I view chronic illnesses as essentially similar, whether it's migraines or MS, and this broad perspective has proven successful for me. Categorizing illnesses into countless compartments has not proven effective and ignores the universal and holistic nature of illness, which demands a different approach than we've traditionally relied on. My ideas diverge from conventional approaches, but I believe they have the potential to prevent the onset of chronic conditions and benefit many now and in the future.
Through my innovative concept of Multiple Symptoms Syndrome (MSS), I have introduced a groundbreaking shift in patient care that truly reflects the patterns of symptoms exhibited by patients. Unlike the unscrupulous practice of labelling obscure syndromes and prescribing expensive drugs without proper comprehension of the underlying cause of symptoms, MSS prioritizes a comprehensive and holistic approach to patient care that addresses and recognizes all symptoms rather than fixating on a select few. This new reality represents a fundamental transformation in the way we approach patient care and marks a critical milestone in the advancement of healthcare.
A mundane jaw problem becomes a hugely profitable cash cow - and that is even before the drugs come into the equation.Many patients simply waste away with no cure in sight. We need to attend to the Cranio-dental and spinal asymmetries to heal the patients.
An article has just appeared in the 'New Scientist' magazine with this alarming title:
“Antibody wipe out found to relieve chronic fatigue syndrome”The article quotes a study making stupendous claims, which I fail to understand having successfully treated very many ME/CFS patients, how killing someone's immune system can possibly improve them.
In short, the study basically says that your doctors are still perplexed about this condition and think that you should use a drug to kill your immune system to help you along your way (perhaps to oblivion).It is very understandable that the medical profession is thoroughly confused. I call this 'Intelligent, Manipulated Confusion' (IMC) which has this uncanny ability to be very profitable. One can put this 'confusion' into good use by putting patients through thousands of pounds worth of useless tests, making huge profits for the medical-hospital-industrial complex and then selling them drugs which could be simply an antifungal for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Universities soon write supporting research for these scams upon the sick and poor of this world.
It is a foregone conclusion that these tests will not produce any answers. Patients are also pre-warned that "because we do not really know what is causing your 'mysterious illness' the drug might not work" - and people WILL ACTUALLY pay for this uncertain treatment AND praise the 'honesty' of the physician! I received emails from a number of recovering patients most concerned about this outrageous proposal to give patients this immune ablating drug:
Jean warns:
"This drug has been linked to PML!
This monoclonal antibody medication is foisted onto unsuspecting 'MS' patients too..... This is a cancer medication, not for people with healthy, properly functioning immune systems!
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a rare and usually fatal viral disease characterized by progressive damage (-pathy) or inflammation of the white matter (leuko-) of the brain (-encephalo-) at multiple locations (multifocal)
Here is what Amy had to say:"This makes me furious and concerned about the safety of anyone vulnerable and desperately ill enough to be a guinea pig for this severe and dangerous sounding drug!! It is obvious in the article, it simply masks the immune system dysfunction without addressing the fundamental root cause which cannot be cured with drugs and after stopping it the participants simply become sick again".
Apparently, they are going to recruit participants via the NHS referred CFS services at St. Heliers and Epsom. The former is where I previously saw the immunologist Dr X……...… who wasn't able to help my condition whatsoever and recommended pacing for my fatigue and Echinacea for my weak immune system. A “charity” is involved in a separate trial at UCLH. God help us all."
In September 2006, the British Medical Journal printed the following remark from me:
Temporomandibular Joint dysfunction as a Differential Diagnosis in ME/CFS patientsMy experience of treating many patients with CFS is that this aspect [Jaw dysfunction] must always be excluded in the differential diagnosis, as it gives similar symptomatology as many other causal relationships.
Asking the patient if they have any jaw pain is not sufficient.Palpation of the Lateral Pterygoid muscle by running a gloved finger on the buccal aspect of the upper molar teeth backwards and upwards will often produce acute pain in most patients. The pain might be worse on one side than the other. Evidence of jaw clicking, limited mouth opening (Normal 50mm), deviation of the lower jaw on slowly opening the mouth, tooth grinding and jaw clenching while asleep should be inquired into. A history of orthodontic or wisdom tooth extractions is also indicative of TMJ dysfunction.
Dental splints over the teeth provide limited and symptomatic relief and should not be perceived as "TMJ treatment under control" as the proper dental management of such patients is far more complex. I shall be grateful if this can be brought to the attention of those in medicine that the patients so depend on. It might even give some an alternative to "psychosocial" relationships."It is imperative that if you have any of these illness labels, or you suffer from multiple symptoms, you seek Cranio Dental and skeletal symmetry evaluation and treatment.
©2021 -2024 Dr M. Amir. All rights reserved.
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PS: Taking a stand against the existing paradigm of dental and medical care is very costly. My website has highlighted the practices of those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate illness. This is not acceptable to the power structure controlling our health. To continue to produce evidentiary articles on my website and this forum - which have enlightened thousands of health practitioners and patients all around the world, to keep my staff employed and my offices viable, we request a little help. If you feel that this article has made an astonishing change in your symptoms, please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at
A paradigm shift in the care of CFS/ME patients CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article is for educational purposes only. The improvement or benefits identified in this article or on this site are based on individual experiences which are dependent upon the patient’s unique health condition, medical history, and other individualised factors, and should not be considered representative of all treatment outcomes. You must do your due diligence by consulting your physician before embarking on what may be suggested here. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider, and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of something you have read on this forum. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.