TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Mon, 12 Nov 2012, 8:29 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 247
The Conventional Explanation: "Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is the most common name used to designate a significantly debilitating 'medical' disorder or group of disorders generally defined by persistent fatigue accompanied by other specific symptoms for a minimum of six months in adults (and 3 months in children/adolescents, not due to ongoing exertion, not substantially relieved by rest, nor caused by other medical conditions.

The disorder may also be referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS), chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS), or several other terms. Biological, genetic, infectious and psychological mechanisms have been proposed for the development and persistence of symptoms but the etiology of CFS is not understood and may have multiple causes. There is no diagnostic laboratory test or biomarker for CFS nor is there a definitive cure for this illness."

Most websites proclaiming to be about CFS and ME are too often preventing patients from finding out that real treatment has been available for some 20 years.

Please read this article to find out that there is a cure. Please also read other postings on other threads on this forum: ... ndrome-cfs

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