TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Wed, 09 Sep 2015, 7:44 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 233
This is the first of many testimonials of patients who are benefiting from proper treatment:[/color]

I am a 55yr old female, who, apart from childhood/ early adult asthma and sports-related wear and tear of the knee, elbow, shoulder and neck, (mild cervical spondylosis), has enjoyed 54 years of robust good health.
In December 2014 1 became ill, the symptoms were as follows:-

1) Severe, life-altering dizziness;
2) Severe paresthesias in the arms and legs;
3) Exhaustion;
4) Tinnitus;
5) Unexplained, unwanted weight loss from 9 st to under 8 st, for my height, underweight.

My excellent GP, whom I had rarely visited, ran many tests over several weeks
It was found that I had a positive ANA blood count that gradually rose from 1:80 to 1:320
(zero would be normal), indicative of an Auto-Immune Disease.
This combined with my other symptoms meant that I was suspected of having either Multiple Sclerosis or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).
Extensive tests/ scans and investigations ensued with consultants in the following fields:-

1) Neurology;
2) Rheumatology;
3) ENT;
4) Cardiology;
5) Orthopaedic.

Whilst waiting for the results of these tests, all of which eventually proved inconclusive, I found Dr. Amir's website and arranged an appointment in Feb 2015.

Dr. Amir is an exceptional man; kind, articulate, highly intelligent, and an excellent Cranio Dental Surgeon, who has successfully treated many conditions when mainstream medicine has failed.

I have always known that my frame and jaw are not symmetrical, but, somewhat to my surprise, Dr. Amir explained this could be causing all of my symptoms. The following day he fitted two discreet braces to redress this imbalance, which I continue to wear. He also recommended specific exercises, some dietary changes, and supplementation.

Now, 4 months later, my symptoms are hugely reduced, and my health is returning to normal. The life compromising dizziness is now intermittent and not severe. Sleep is no longer interrupted by the tingling, which is barely perceptible.

My GP was delighted and surprised by all of this and, in particular, that the ANA blood test has now reversed and returned to normal, meaning it is back to zero.
He wanted to know if I'd been doing anything different to bring about this extraordinary change other than the physiotherapy that had been recommended to me to alleviate the cervical spondylosis.

As yet, I haven't told him of my regular consultations and treatment with Dr. Amir, but will do so when all symptoms are completely resolved and my treatment is finished. I am truly indebted to Dr. Amir for his unswerving confidence and ability to bring about this dramatic turnaround in my health. I will never be able to thank him enough.

Patient name withheld at her request.

COMMENT: If the ANA blood count, which gradually rose from 1:80 to 1:320, and indicative of an Auto-Immune Disease returns to ZERO, which is normal, then the Jaw Symmetry treatment can cure the supposed autoimmune "MS".


The Auto-immune hypothesis of "MS" is an outrageous fraud, milking patients and taxpayers of billions of pounds and causing untold harm to patients by depriving them of proper care.

I have had considerable flack from the MS Society and their shills, in the past, when any of my recovering patients have tried to post their outcomes on the MS Society blogs. They continue with their efforts to discredit me by not removing derogatory and slanderous blogs, and have made very considerable and futile efforts to stop me from helping patients. This testimonial flies in their face, and so does the recovery of many other patients suffering from not only "Multiple Sclerosis" but very many other 'invented' illnesses.

Testimonial by my patient Pauline Bresnik-Snasdell
Pauline.jpg [ 13.9 KiB | Viewed 3110 times ]

Today is 28 March 2019, and I am a 53-year-old female from the USA, living in London these past 18 years. I’m a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Management Accountant with an MBA, and a long career as a global senior manager at a Big4 accounting firm. I started my career as an auditor for the first 8 years, progressing upward from there. Furthermore, I mention this background to highlight that it is my nature and trained approach to choose my words carefully and maintain a healthy scepticism, and I hope you will read my Multiple Sclerosis (MS) story bearing this in mind.

Medical background
I was diagnosed with MS at the age of 28 via MRI scans, spinal fluid analysis and observable conditions. I immediately performed research on my best options for health and then began the Dr. Roy Swank diet, among other approaches. I experienced results similar to those that Dr. Swank observed in his 33-year study relevant to the neurological grade at which I started the diet (Swank and Dugan 72-73).

My main complaints years before the diagnosis of MS at the age of 28 included headaches, clicking jaw, crowded mouth leading to the removal of all 4 wisdom teeth, concrete-like jaw, daily headaches, and migraines. My main intermittent complaints leading directly up to and after my MS diagnosis included Lhermitte’s sign, numbness on the face, loss of sight in one eye, spasticity, general limb weakness, dizziness, impacts to my cognitive function, severe fatigue, the gradual decline of my sense of balance, and a host of other issues too numerous to mention that continued on and off for 15 years.

My MS Management Before Dr. Amir
Things that helped me manage my symptoms before starting Dr. Amir’s treatment (Dr. Amir, Dental Surgeon, London, UK) included the following:
- The Swank Diet, as mentioned above – seemed to slow the progression of MS
- Elimination of dairy from my diet – this greatly helped lessen my frequency of headaches
- Inclined Bed Therapy
- Free form amino acids capsules – this seemed to help my energy levels
- Mercury fillings removals – this seemed to reduce the number of symptoms
- Acupuncture (a medical doctor from China who also practices acupuncture)
- Stress reduction

A Word on Drugs
I was told of my diagnosis by a well-respected neurologist in California. He had an open mind and presented me with a number of different options. Very soon after my diagnosis, I read everything I could find on the subject and concluded that a drug approach would not be for me. It was explained to me that the drugs available at the time could only offer a reduction in the number of exacerbations and may cause me to experience a number of unpleasant side effects. My gut reaction was that I would have a better chance of dealing with MS ‘naturally.’

My Amir Experience
When I was 43, my husband brought home the Evening Standard write-up on Dr. Amir and I went to see him. What he said made sense to me, and I started his treatment. Within a few weeks, I was feeling much less fatigued and physically stronger. I experienced an ability to breathe more deeply than I’d ever been able to. This was the most noticeable difference. It was my husband, however, who pointed out, several months into the treatment, that I hadn’t complained about any MS issues for a while, and we realized together I hadn’t had any evidence of MS since starting treatment with Dr. Amir.

It has now been over three years since I’ve experienced any MS symptoms, save one, explained below. I’ve gone beyond simply the state of not experiencing MS. I can breathe to double capacity, have more energy, rarely experience a headache, can eat dairy! And chocolate, have a more attractive jaw-line and more prominent cheekbones.

My Watershed Moment
There was one symptom that came back, and I’m so grateful it did. One of the first symptoms I experienced when I was 28 that prompted me to seek medical attention was Lhermitte’s sign, i.e., when I bent my head forward I felt tingling all down my back and the back of my legs. In September 2012, nearly 3 years since I’d had any exacerbations or any signs of having MS at all, my Lhermitte’s ‘scar’ reappeared during a particularly stressful time and I felt deflated.

I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Amir, and he made a new brace for me while I waited. Just before retiring that night, I felt the Lhermitte’s ‘scar’ and it reminded me to use the new brace for the instructed two minutes. Afterward, I bent my head and the Lhermitte’s sign had completely disappeared and remained so. My ‘scar’ had healed in two minutes flat. As it sank in, and I considered all I had thought about MS in light of this new ‘evidence’, I actually started to cry, a rare occurrence because I knew at that moment that 22 years of fear, and hope, and of being careful, and my mother’s tears of fear for my potential bedridden life had been unnecessary. My jaw had needed to be realigned; I hadn’t had multiple sclerosis.

I felt relief and then anger and then gratefulness - gratefulness that I had had the fortune to cross paths with Dr. Amir, a new thinker, who has changed my life experience.

Message to Medical Professionals
I have had the fortune to be advised by some of the brightest medical practitioners around the world, and I now hope they will allow their natural sense of curiosity to explore this surprising experience. It would have been wonderful to avoid those years of uncertainty. Those years, however, have made me who I am today, so it’s not so much a feeling of regret as one of anticipation. I am expecting great things from the medical profession in the future.

From a business perspective, it seems to be a very attractive proposition; except, obviously, to those in the business of managing symptoms. I see other applications for Dr. Amir’s approach, beyond the avoidance of sickness, involving athletes and raising their performance. The physical strength and performance improvement I’ve experienced during my treatment, having been a weight lifter and competitive Irish dancer in my younger days, would definitely interest any athletes looking for an advantage.

I have hesitated to write my story, mostly because I have kept my diagnosis secret for so long, but something happened, however, over the 2013 Christmas break that made me change my mind. With conflicting holiday schedules and extensive travel plans, I went 4 weeks without wearing a brace. I experienced a number of issues mostly related to my neck, head, face, and eyes that couldn’t be relieved with pain medicine. When I, completely exhausted, finally managed to see Dr. Amir after the holidays, it was within 10 minutes of wearing my new brace that everything cleared, and it was dramatic. This story needs to be told now.

I have been symptom-free for the past 10 years, except for when I need an adjustment to my brace. Dr. Amir’s wisdom should be shouted from the rooftops. Why is no one curious? WHY is no medical provider curious about my story, and the story of, so many like me experiencing these dramatic changes due to adjustments to the jaw? Why?

It terrifies me and breaks my heart to think that this wisdom is not being embraced by others and taken out to the world. Who will save the next generation from medical professionals who are not curious, who are not learning, whose minds are made up, and who do not resolve the problem? Drugs are not the answer, and only when the doctor himself is diagnosed can he understand the panic, the terror, the willingness to do ANYTHING to be well. The option to see someone like Dr. Amir MUST remain my right as a person, and a patient.

Whoever seeks to return me, and others like me, to ill health, must prepare themselves for a fight that will last until the moment we draw our last breath. No one fights harder, and with more ferocity, than someone who is fighting for her life.

Reference: Swank M.D. PhD, R. L. & Dugan, B. B (1987). The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book. DoubleDay: New York

COMMENT: Patients who may suffer from symptoms such as described by this patient must seek a TMJ and symmetry evaluation with the utmost urgency. Any delay makes the problem much worse and takes a lot longer to correct. Do not be misled that you have some obscure autoimmune disease which, even the neurologists will admit, they know nothing about but are happy to prescribe you Steroids that will knock your hips out or prescribe you immune system killer drugs - an anathema in altruistic medical practice.[/i]

The crowning of the moment is provided by the indomitable Dr Mercola WHO had a fantastic and a very apt piece in his article:
"The food, chemical, and biotechnology industries have all built up intricate and powerful systems designed to manipulate public and scientific opinion using false front organizations and industry shills posing as independent experts.1

The mission is to mislead people — including lazy reporters — about issues that threaten the corporate bottom line.

So-called astroturfing[/color] techniques are frequently used to discredit the opposition and create the false appearance of scientific consensus on a particular issue.

Astroturfing refers to the effort for special interests to surreptitiously sway public opinion by making it appear as though there's a grassroots effort for or against a particular agenda, when in reality such a groundswell of public opinion might not exist.

One hallmark of astroturfing is attacking those who question the status quo and using derogatory terms such as "crank", "crack", "nutty", "pseudo-science" and "conspiracy theorist" to describe them and their argument.

These shills, also inject themselves into social media discussions, pretending to be "regular people" when in fact they have a clearly defined agenda to steer the conversation."

© 2024 M. Amir All rights reserved
ABOUT: Dr Amir’s dedication to promoting an alternative approach to dental and medical care, focusing on prevention over intervention, has not come without significant personal cost. Taking a stance against mainstream practices which contribute to ill health has put him at odds with powerful vested interests in the medical and dental fields. Dr Amir's work has led to groundbreaking achievements, with 48 identified illnesses which can potentially be treated through dental interventions. Despite facing funding challenges, Dr Amir's resolve remains undeterred. This site aims to highlight those issues and promote an alternative approach, to change current dental and medical practice paradigms. To help Dr Amir continue his work and maintain his practice, he invites contributions, no matter how small. Please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at

THANK YOU, NOTE: A sincere note of thanks to all who have made generous contributions so far. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps Dr Amir to continue his mission of creating healthier and safer dental and medical practices around the world.

DISCLAIMER: All information provided on this website is purely for educational purposes and based on personal experiences. Before acting on any information presented on this site, it is highly advised that individuals consult their doctor or healthcare provider. The suggested treatments and interventions may not be suitable for everyone, and the site is not meant to replace professional advice. Your health care provider should be consulted to make sure that a suggested treatment or intervention is right for your specific health circumstances.

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