TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 7:55 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 245
The health of both mom and dad are key to a healthy pregnancy and birth, new research finds.
In the study of nearly 786,000 births, researchers found that dads who weren't in the best of health were more likely to have preterm and low birth weight infants who spent time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)

"The study suggests that a father's health before conception should be considered, as it can affect the outcome of the pregnancy for both the child and mother," said lead researcher Dr. Alex Kasman. He's a resident physician in the department of urology at Stanford University Hospital in Stanford, Calif.

"While a couple with an unhealthy father and mother may have a higher chance of pregnancy complications, they can certainly still have a healthy baby," he stressed. "However, the more a couple looks after their health, the higher the odds of having a healthy baby."

Dr. Rahul Gupta, chief medical and health officer at the March of Dimes, said it is possible that the father's health is a hint that the mother, too, may be in poor health.

For example, an obese man may be more likely to be with an obese woman, so the health consequences of obesity -- such as diabetes and high blood pressure -- may affect both partners, he suggested.

Gupta also agreed that the quality of the sperm can be affected by the health of the father and have an impact on the baby.

To help parents have a healthy baby, prenatal care needs to involve both parents, he said.

We are now into some third or 4th generation, during which our food habits have entirely changed. The emphasis has always been to eat good quality food, be a vegan, fast often, take multivitamins and on and on. Processed foods are playing havoc with the parents and children's health.

Furthermore, Little do we realise that the most fundamental effect upon our health is exerted by the type of dentition and jaw development we have. If this mechanism is not in perfect order, no amount of organic foods nor vitamin supplementation can help to bring about a healthy, normal baby. We have a lot of information on this forum at various places to help you understand better.

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