TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

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PostPosted: Wed, 05 Dec 2012, 3:23 pm 
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I replied to a thread on the MS Society forum last night, what fun that turned out to be! Damn they are an aggressive/defensive lot.

Anyhow (before the thread was locked) one of the early posts was this which surprised me:-

When I rang the Essential Health Clinic in Edinburgh about CCSVI they informed me that treatment for TMJ has been having a better impact in treating MS than CCSVI. I am very sceptical about these things especially as I have spent too much money to date on trying to improve my health. I do have pain sometimes in my jaw but always thought it was due to severe blow I had in the jaw about 25 years ago with a hockey ball!

Have the EHC changed tack? Are they still offering CCSVI and has anyone else had or heard this response from them?

I know little of the jaw treatment that they offer so can't comment on it, I know they have referred some patients to Dr Amir in London but not how many

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PostPosted: Sat, 08 Dec 2012, 1:46 pm 
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EHC have stopped CCSVI treatment because their insurers hiked up the cost so much that it became impossible to offer treatment at a price people could afford. TMJ treatment is not offered by EHC, although Tom Craig who is a physiotherapist at the clinic can refer people to orthodentists who can treat the problem. Many people with an MS diagnosis have problems with their jaw and with their cervical spine, some due to trauma, some due to congenital misalignments and some due to earlier dental treatment. Quite possibly there will be other reasons why this occurs, but I am not a doctor or orthodentist so not really qualified to speculate.
I think it will be difficult for EHC to say that they are having better results with TMJ treatment than CCSVI treatment as they do not carry out this treatment, so this is probably a misunderstanding on behalf of the poster, they might have said that orthodontic treatment offers a promise of improvement to patient, and a potential for reversal of symptom, but as they have no patients undergoing this treatment under their supervision, they could not say that it was better than CCSVI treatment.

PostPosted: Tue, 11 Dec 2012, 9:00 pm 
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How firm is the insurance information regarding EHC Michelle? Did you get that first hand or as hearsay?

PostPosted: Wed, 12 Dec 2012, 11:51 am 
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I got this information first hand from Tom Gilhooly, Donal Reid, (the surgeon) and the Edinburgh Clinic when I visited them when they were winding up the procedure. I have had a close relationship (helpful but not financial I hasten to say) with EHC as they funded and arranged the only CCSVI conference in Glasgow in 2010, I could not fund such a venture myself and got in touch with them after the example of the LDN-now group. Tom Gilhooly has organised two LDN conferences.

PostPosted: Tue, 18 Dec 2012, 10:58 am 
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It's sad that insurance has curtailed this.

I have no doubt the BBC documentary wasn't helpful in this entire situation either.

PostPosted: Tue, 25 Dec 2012, 11:01 pm 

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EJC wrote:
I replied to a thread on the MS Society forum last night, what fun that turned out to be! Damn they are an aggressive/defensive lot.

I was talking to a US lawyer about the libellous postings in the thread you mention. His opinion was that the comments looked more like those coming from professional agitators rather than genuine patients who were looking for help with their MS.

PostPosted: Wed, 26 Dec 2012, 2:50 pm 
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Interesting, it would be good to know what could be done about it... if anything.

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