TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Autoimmune model of 'MS' belongs to the garbage heap
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Author: [ Sun, 21 Mar 2021, 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Autoimmune model of 'MS' belongs to the garbage heap

The autoimmune model of 'MS' belongs to the garbage heap of history:

It is obvious that the cause of some patients' lesions is a blocked or a compromised dural venous drainage system. The autoimmune faith-based and unscientific model of 'MS' has played out and now belongs to the garbage heap of history, despite the daily publications of 'scientific studies' supporting this defunct hypothesis.

To further understand the success or failures of CCSVI, It is important to follow the course of the internal jugular veins, which drain the dural sinuses of the brain.

1) The blockage of the dural sinuses appears to be a prominent factor in many patients' symptoms. The cause is often the use of steroids, which neurologists often pump in at the first sign or symptom of 'MS' such as optic neuritis. This is a known complication of heavy steroid use in such patients.

Lower down, we have to examine the effects of other hurdles affecting the venous outflow from the brain:

2) The asymmetry of the Atlas vertebra.
The diagram below from Atlantotec depicts the effect of an asymmetric Atlas vertebra on the internal jugular vein and other neurological structures. THE ATLAS VERTEBRA

3) Intrinsic problems with the main outflow veins from the brain; starting from the dural sinuses, into the internal jugular veins, the vertebral veins and the azygous vein. Doppler ultrasound has revealed pathological defects in these vessels such as stenoses (narrowing), too narrow veins, the presence of septa, and inefficient or malformed valves, all of which impede the flow of blood out of the brain.

4) Assuming that the IJV's are normally formed, the next hurdle which plays a major part in the obstruction of the IJV's are the deep cervical muscles - the scalenes and to some extent the sternomastoid muscles. These muscles are often very hypertrophied due to chronic stimulation as the body tries to achieve balance in the presence of an asymmetric head and jaw.

Further problems that patients suffer with which cannot be considered solely by a CCSVI hypothesis are:

1) An inadequate arterial flow to the brain, as seen in the sallow appearance of most patients suffering from 'MS'. This could explain the brain atrophy present in other diseases also, such as dementia. This point has not been raised by anyone previously.

2) Inadequate oxygenation of the upper torso because the breathing mechanism has gone wrong.

3) Cervical vertebral asymmetries and poor jaw and dental arches caused by modern dietary changes and iatrogenic disturbances such as dental extractions. These cause the "neuropathic" neck, shoulder and arm pains and numbness. These are not from damage to the descending pathways from the brain, as often claimed.

4) Injuries from repeated high-velocity adjustments of the neck and accidental injuries from falls and whiplash.

5) The majority of symptoms arise from what we call Cranio-Dental and Skeletal Asymmetry.

These symptoms rapidly abate with correct symmetry treatment, especially if the patients are seen at an early stage before any walking disability has set in.

To gain further insight, It is important to analyse what the so-called 'MS' patient's presenting symptoms are, which I shall do with the help of a graph. The following graph merges our 'MS' patient symptoms into a comprehensive graphical representation, which also shows jaw dysfunction as the primary symptom. Treating the jaw correctly takes care of all the symptoms, but treating any other symptoms individually makes no difference.
MS_Graph.png [ 177.87 KiB | Viewed 13345 times ]

I am pretty sure that the above graphs clearly show that the symptoms experienced by the purported 'MS' patients are clearly a Jaw and symmetry problem. CCSVI also plays a prominent role in some patients. Both these are amenable to treatment.

The MS Society prominently says on its website that:
"No one knows the exact cause of MS, but it is likely that a mixture of genetic and environmental factors play a role."

The chief neurologist is equally confused:
8th September 2014:

"Why the white blood cells are attacking our brains? Why does it happen? It is a good question, actually. I have no idea, really. I suppose you could put it in another way - what is the cause of MS? The point of the damage seems that the immune cells are coming and doing that. The question is of course, what makes them do that. Autoimmune diseases are common in our society, they may be more common than they were years ago, it’s a phenomenon of the modern world, the way our bodies interact with the changing environment, and of course, the immune system, which is normally well-disciplined and organised and only fights foreign material, foreign antigens, for some reason gets a bit upset and starts attacking our own tissues like it might be diabetes in the pancreas, rheumatoid arthritis in joints, psoriasis in the skin and in MS, it is the myelin. There seem to be some susceptibility factors for that, such as certain genetic factors, about 100–150 genes are linked to MS, they are weak associations, but they are nearly all linked with control of the immune system. There are also some environmental triggers, which probably again are modulating the immune system, such as viral infections and low vitamin D levels. There is, however, still a big gap in our knowledge – what causes MS! "

The proper treatment is out of the domain of the confused MS Society and neurologists, who are forever in a bewildered state. The treatment model on which they operate is largely non-existent, if not a cozenage.

Little credence can be given to the treatment myths in medicine today, involving very many illness labels. Here is what some very prominent people have to say about the state of present-day medicine and its many scams:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.” – Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and long-time editor-in-chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ) (source)

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” – Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of the Lancet – considered to be one of the most well-respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the world. (source)

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