A cure for Alopecia!I woke up one morning in the summer of 2000 to see a fistful of my hair on my pillow, which had fallen out in a patchy manner. My GP examined me on the same day and diagnosed me with Alopecia. He prescribed me with a Dermovate scalp application to use twice a day and also advised me to purchase Regaine extra strength and to use it with Dermovate. My GP was unable to give me any indication of the root cause of the condition and simply stated that it is one of those conditions which can come and go and that there is no research confirming its cause.
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I started using the Dermovate and Regaine during which time the patchy hair loss got progressively worse, two months after being diagnosed, I was suffering from 80% patchy hair loss. I was referred to a Dermatologist who saw me four months later and advised me to continue using the Dermovate and Regaine. Like my GP,
the Dermatologist stated that they do not know much about the condition and that they suspect it might be [color=#FF0000]an autoimmune disease. [/color] After seeing the Dermatologist, I spent the next few months coping with a flaky and itchy scalp caused by the medication, and I started wearing a cap each time I stepped outside.
A year later, I went to see my dentist, Dr. M Amir, to have a filling checked and when he saw my scalp he started enquiring about my medical history and
after checking my teeth and jaws he went on to tell me that the root cause of my condition was not a medical issue but a dental issue, the reasons given were the asymmetry of my jaw, neck pains that I suffered from since the age of 16.
I felt that I received more convincing answers in that 15 minute consultation than I did in all the GP visits, so I agreed to undertake his proposed treatment. A week later, I was given a specially designed dental appliance and
Within two weeks of using the brace my hair started to grow back! Within two months, all my hair had grown back!My treatment lasted about a year and half, during which time bespoke dental appliances were made to correct my jaws.
Since having the treatment, I have never suffered the patchy hair loss again. I believe that I was suffering from a condition which was misdiagnosed by the medical profession as an autoimmune disorder. It is a dental condition which can be cured by dental treatment.
I am sharing the foregoing experience as I believe that there are many people who have also been misdiagnosed. I hope that this platform can raise awareness of the condition and that many people who are in the same situation that I was in can find the path to a permanent cure.
Please note, the patient has never lost any hair 23 years on and has a full head of hair. His recovery has been permanent.© 2024 M. Amir All rights reserved
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PS: Taking a stand against the existing paradigm of dental and medical care is very costly. My website has highlighted the practices of those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate illness. This is not acceptable to the power structure controlling our health. To continue to produce evidentiary articles on my website and this forum - which have enlightened thousands of health practitioners and patients all around the world, to keep my staff employed and my offices viable, we request a little help. If you feel that this article has made an astonishing change in your symptoms, please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at dramir.com.
A paradigm shift in the care of Alopecia areata CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This article is for educational purposes only. The improvement or benefits identified in this article or on this site are based on individual experiences which are dependent upon the patient’s unique health condition, medical history, and other individualised factors, and should not be considered representative of all treatment outcomes. You must do your due diligence by consulting your physician before embarking on what may be suggested here. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider, and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of something you have read on this forum. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.