TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

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 Post subject: FICTION
PostPosted: Wed, 05 Dec 2012, 9:46 pm 

Joined: Wed, 05 Dec 2012, 5:57 pm
Posts: 1
My name is Brian Jarman and I'm a writer, journalist and lecturer based in London who's suffered from ME for 25 years. I've just published a novel, The Missing Room, which is narrated by an ME sufferer. Details available at: ... 703&sr=1-1

The mystery illness is, of course, ME. The missing room refers to a dark secret place in the heart of the old Welsh farmhouse where he grew up, and where he returns to try to recover and pick up the pieces. It reveals letters which suggest the death of his parents was not as straightforward as he was led to believe. Lloyd now has three mysteries to solve: his illness, the death of his parents, and the true meaning of The Missing Room. Between every line is his own missing room - the void his illness has left in his life. As we know, it's a dark lonely place, bereft only too often of a means of escape.

I hope this book can help us re-evaluate this sense of imprisonment. A friend of mine who had ME five years ago told me today that it:

a) describes vividly and movingly the cacophony of symptoms
b) made him realise how much better he is
c) made him realise how lucky he is.

So there's connection. That's exactly what I wanted to achieve. I hope it can help you too. It's available in paperback or for download.

Good luck.
BookCoverPreview.jpg [ 209.53 KiB | Viewed 7410 times ]

Moderator Comment:
It was interesting to read this comment on so we will let it pass:
Fine toned and robust. Oozing with oleaginous ease. A veritable vitrine of worthy wordsmithing well practised in pouting prose and dripping with hints of inspired amusement.
So much for the author, now I'll read the book

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