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PostPosted: Wed, 20 Feb 2013, 7:13 pm 

Joined: Sun, 30 Sep 2012, 8:58 pm
Posts: 44
This was posted this morning in the CafePharma forum in response to the 'MS Patients are being exploited' document
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PostPosted: Thu, 21 Feb 2013, 11:23 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 247
Absolutely shocking!
Going through the thread these are further postings. And NICE approves these drugs!

Drug reps discussing with each other:

“Hey, you do what works and if extra speakers, lots of spin and honorariums [An ex-gratia payment. Examples on link below] do the trick, so be it!
Just because we tell the public that our main interest is in the health of MS patients doesn't mean it's true. Just tell them what they want to hear.”

“OK...let's get that BG12 out the door as fast as we can, massage the data for approval, market the shit out of it, pad the honorariums and make the $$$ as fast as we can. Who cares if MS patients get severe infections or whatever....there's always collateral damage.”

“Manipulated and false....hmmm......don't these two words kind of give you an idea of how Biogen has handled Tysabri from the beginning? Like chief execs making milions on stock sales while holding back info on PML's connection with Tysabri....their chief counsel being charged with insider trading on the same deal.... false safety info on Tysabri...false marketing with Avonex.. etc etc."

“Yes, I'm sure some of these posts are manipulated but open your eyes to how Biogen operates in the real world. Their reputation out there in the medical field isn't something you want associated with a business!”

“Good news...PML cases only increased by 4 from last month. Collateral damage is slowing. Brain mush not as big a problem as before. Better bonus for year end!”

“10 more, 3 more dead. How's that collateral damage working for you now, murderer?”

“Yeah, we've got our own problems trying to figure out how to snow the public and docs with BG12 so leave us alone!”

“You Teva losers are hilarious. Keep trying your best to delay DMF, but patients and physicians can't wait to use it. Must be because they are tired of getting minimal efficacy and terrible injection sight reactions from Copaxone. Might want to get that resume up to date.”

“Not a Teva employee..... we all know how Copaxone initially got approved...some of the fanciest manipulation of numbers ever to come out of trials. The docs you speak of can't wait for the honorariums that Biogen is going to pay them for using DMF. The patients simply blindly follow what their docs tell them. Then we'll have more Tysabri type problems that will be dismissed as more collateral damage. Just love you guys bashing each other for that almighty $$$, pretending to be so concerned about a MS patient's health!!”

“Do you actually think anyone at Biogen gives a rat's ass about any other feasible treatment option?!! We've been snowing docs and patients for years with our MS drugs and can dance a marketing/sales two step faster than you can blink. It's all about the sales and bonuses we get regardless if our drugs help MS patients nor not. Get them hooked for years on a drug and count the money coming in every month.”

The drug reps say like it is

PostPosted: Fri, 22 Feb 2013, 12:25 pm 

Joined: Mon, 18 Feb 2013, 12:35 am
Posts: 2

I'm a bit confused by this. If the cafepharma posts are open to public view why would they be so naive as to post such comments? Surely the comments are posted by people like us, refuting the whole drug approach to whatever MS is?


PostPosted: Fri, 22 Feb 2013, 12:37 pm 

Joined: Mon, 18 Feb 2013, 12:35 am
Posts: 2
Also, who actually wrote the dropbox document? I've read it before, it is very indepth and enlightening but there's no author?

PostPosted: Fri, 22 Feb 2013, 9:09 pm 

Joined: Sun, 30 Sep 2012, 8:58 pm
Posts: 44

I'm a bit confused by this. If the cafepharma posts are open to public view why would they be so naive as to post such comments? Surely the comments are posted by people like us, refuting the whole drug approach to whatever MS is?

Ashlea, I don't doubt that some of the posts are dubious but the site itself is known to be a place where drug reps from different companies berate and slag each other off and where they can speak the truth behind a wall of anonymity.
This New York Times article was published in 2007
Also, who actually wrote the dropbox document? I've read it before, it is very indepth and enlightening but there's no author?

The author of the dropbox document is Alison Fisher. She can be found on Facebook's CCSVI pages.

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