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As I start my sixth month of treatment, all of the improvements I have experienced since starting continue to hold. Every day I am thrilled by the absence of L'Hermitte's sign, previously a constant reminder of the progressive MS I was diagnosed with. I'm still free of pain, fatigue, numb patches and pins and needles. My walking problems are the only symptom of MS that remains, I am still held back by spasticity in my lower limbs and ankles. I have a strong feeling that my walking would improve immeasurably if the spasticity would ease. The few fleeting moments when I have walked without aid have been times where I have felt the stiffness suddenly melt away. In these moments, even before I attempt to stand, I can feel a weight lifting off my shoulders, my muscles feel soft and I know that I can get up and walk - a wonderful feeling, and one which I hope will happen more and more as treatment progresses!
On Christmas Day we went to my sister's house. I left my rollator outside the front door when I arrived and for the rest of the day I used only the walls and furniture for support. It was lovely to hear my Dad say that he can see I'm so near to walking again. It was a memorable day indeed.
I have been wearing a fixed brace on my upper jaw for a few weeks now. It has been nice to have a break from the removable braces. My teeth seem to have moved a lot and I have gaps opening up all over the place. My hubby has started calling me Dwane after the bucktoothed character from Red Dwarf!
I continue to do my exercises Dr Amir has asked me to do.
I see Dr Amir every couple of weeks and he makes the necessary adjustments to my brace. I always feel better when I walk out the surgery than when I walked in. The tiniest adjustment to the appliance can make a huge difference so it is important to monitor how you feel and go 'back for a tweak' if you start to feel unwell.
All in all, I am feeling very well. I still have a long way to go as far as jaw symmetry goes, only 20% done apparently, but I am already reaping the benefits of a straight atlas and pelvis which have spontaneously corrected themselves in response to jaw treatment. I'm very happy with how treatment is going, and contrary to comments about it being prohibitively expensive, costs no more than the 20-a-day smoking habit I had before giving up in March! (I'm not saying Dr Amir should put his prices up, just rationalising ;-D)
Happy New Year everyone! I hope its a healthy and joyful 2013 for you, Jen xx