TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Thu, 04 Oct 2012, 9:40 pm 
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Joined: Wed, 03 Oct 2012, 8:58 am
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I have been diagnosed with RRMS for 20mths now based on an MRI and clinical observations, although my neuro is not 100% sure and describes me as a difficult case to read ? My recent Lumber puncture was clear ..
I have been on steroids and Tysabri as well as other numerous meds, I am now drug free as they only seemed to make me feel physically worse.
I had a consaltation with Dr Gilhooly at the EHC In Glasgow and was examined for CCSVI, tests came back negative and was dismissed as a none candidate for CCSVI although a Mr Tom Craig described me as having mechanical issues!!
I have since had a positive consultation with Dr Amir and intend to invest in his treatment methods for jaw / atlas re alignment, could anyone share their experiences as being patients of his and any results, good, bad or in different, I have complete faith in him although some first hand experiences would be all the more reassuring before I sign up with him.
I am not naive in the fact that his treatment may not work for everyone but I am optimistic :D

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 Post subject: Re: Dilemma
PostPosted: Thu, 04 Oct 2012, 10:01 pm 
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I post on behalf of my Wife, Emma who finds reading computer screens a bit of task.

Emma is 40, was diagnosed RRMS 17 years ago and has been on a downward trend since that time.

She had CCSVI treatment at the EHC in December 2010, she was patient number 39. The effects were initially quite positive but after 6-9 months regressed as so many others did.

We ended up seeing Dr Amir after a series of issues lead us to address neck and jaw problems.

Emma had developed a jaw issue that gradually became so severe she was living on a soup diet, at the same time she was seeing a Chiropractor to correct her back and neck once a fortnight.

I spent a few evening's googling jaw disfunction along with neck issues and stumbled across Atlasbalance and Dr Amir. I put two and two together and the next day phoned the chiropractor and asked what he was correcting in Emma's neck - it was her C1 and C2 - also known as the Atlas.

PostPosted: Thu, 04 Oct 2012, 10:05 pm 
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Emma started seeing Dr Amir in December 2011.

I remember being sat in the car after the initial consultation thinking, "well I wasn't expecting that" and coming to the conclusion what did Emma have to lose. The treatment is non-invasive, non-surgical, non-drug related. It revolves completely around putting everything back where it should be.

Sounds logical, and if nothing works out then Emma gets some nice straight looking teeth.

Rather than fill this thread up, I had been posting Emma's progress on a thread on another forum. I will start a new thread on here so it's easy to follow.

 Post subject: Re: Dilemma
PostPosted: Thu, 04 Oct 2012, 10:42 pm 
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Thanks for your reply EJC, we have corresponded before on TIMS, once I start treatment with Dr Amir I will also keep a progress thread on this site..

 Post subject: Re: Dilemma
PostPosted: Fri, 05 Oct 2012, 12:37 pm 
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Joined: Tue, 02 Oct 2012, 10:18 am
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Hi Zac. I'm a patient of Dr Amir and have 'MS'. I dont pretend to understand his methods but I have complete faith in what he is doing. I started my treatment in January and within 4 days my bladder issues (pretty bad) was 90% better. Since then things have been quite up and down - this was my understanding of the path of this treatment from the word go. I am travelling from Lancashire fortnightly.
Each week I am noticing symptoms reducing in severity or disappearing. I am looking for a job at the moment - I gave up work 5 years ago. My confidence has blossomed. I feel like a 'normal' person again.
I can't walk very well at the moment (which was my second worst symptom at the outset) but I know its just a matter of time until this symptom also clears up! Julia

 Post subject: Re: Dilemma
PostPosted: Sat, 06 Oct 2012, 9:49 pm 
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Joined: Tue, 02 Oct 2012, 2:07 pm
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Zac, you also get the benefit of meeting the rest of us in the waiting room from time to time where we put the world to rights and have a good catch up on how we're all getting on. Julia was there with a couple of other regulars last time we dropped in.

It's always good to find like minded people.

 Post subject: Re: Dilemma
PostPosted: Sun, 07 Oct 2012, 12:06 am 
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Joined: Wed, 03 Oct 2012, 8:58 am
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Hope to see you there soon,
I must mention that I had a session with atlasPROfilax, I now feel I have been in a car crash and my symptoms have worsened - hope this doesn't impact on Dr Amir's future treatment :oops:

 Post subject: Re: Atlasprofilax
PostPosted: Sun, 07 Oct 2012, 9:16 am 

Joined: Mon, 01 Oct 2012, 4:35 pm
Posts: 35
You were informed that the protocol is to first wear a dental appliance!

This has been conclusively proven by the hundreds of patients treated here. Often just wearing the dental appliance corrects the Atlas asymmetry. In other cases it allows the muscles around the neck to relax before any adjustment of the Atlas is carried out.

I also have a bone to pick with Atlasprofilax because their contention that every Atlas is rotated to the left by 27.5 degrees is patently WRONG. Some vetebtrae are actually rotated in the opposite direction. It is like saying everyone is right handed, Well some are not. Or a chiropractor telling everyone that their right leg is short. Some show a left short leg. (Please bear in mind they are rarely actual short legs. They are called clinically short, not actually short, legs. They DO NOT need a heal lift)

Correcting the Atlas is a serious business and cannot be taken lightly. It affects 4 major nerves and has a huge impact on the breathing capacity of a patient.

 Post subject: Re: Dilemma
PostPosted: Sun, 07 Oct 2012, 11:56 am 
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I now know what a foolish decision I made, down to impatience, desperation for a quick fix or falling for clever advertising.
I was physically examined (no consultation) to check for leg length and atlas position, apparently one leg was shorter than the other and my atlas was out of alignment, a vibrating tool was applied to my neck with considerable force on both sides twice, I was then re- examined and told my legs and atlas were now where they should be and my body will now heal itself.(£160 for 15mins) bargain !!

I now feel worse than ever mainly fatigue, dexterity, balance, ears ringing, breathing weak and mobility, not the result I was lead to expect.

 Post subject: Re: Dilemma
PostPosted: Sun, 07 Oct 2012, 2:24 pm 

Joined: Sun, 30 Sep 2012, 8:58 pm
Posts: 44
Zac, sorry you've had such a bad experience. I have had SPMS for 22 years which has been slowly crippling me in a constant downward progression. I decided to see Dr Amir following CCSVI treatment to see if I could add to the moderate improvements that gave me. He examined me and I was found to have asymmetries in my teeth, jaw, atlas and pelvis. I started treatment in June and have been wearing various dental appliances. On my last visit, Dr Amir examined me again and to my delight found that my atlas and pelvis had realigned themselves and were now straight and level! This happened purely as a result of wearing the adjustable braces in only 3 months. Incidentally as a result of this, I have lost a symptom which had plagued me for 22 years, L'hermitte's sign (a feeling of shock down the spine on bending the neck forward) has completely disappeared! That combined with improvements to my gait and mobility and the disappearance of patchy numbness makes me confident that I am doing the right thing. :)

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