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 Post subject: Salt Cholesterol scam
PostPosted: Yesterday, 11:38 pm 
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The salt scam perpetrated by big pharma through its crony`heart ruling bodies
This article has largely been derived from aninterview with Dr. Brian Ardis
Dr. Ardis is a tireless researcher seeking to weed out deception in health and medicine and provide truth and healing where institutional medicinal systems fall short. The subject being discussed is mainly salt. So my first question about it all I guess is how did we get to where we are today with the narrative on salt being so bad for us?

DR Ardis: Doctors tell you that if you eat more salt you're going to develop strokes ;it's a risk factor for heart attacks; you're going to increase your blood pressure. You have had a pummelling and a repeated lie over and over and over by everybody in unison; the Pharmaceutical industry, food industry telling you to consume less salt.

This has been no different than the propaganda that doctor Joseph Goebbels in Nazi Germany perpetrated as the father of propaganda. He said, and I quote "tell a lie loud enough and repeat it often and people will start to believe it"

[Years ago, the CIA conducted an intriguing experiment. They gathered 18 of their employees and informed them that during an upcoming meeting, they would be shown a triangle but were to refer to it as a square. Additionally, two uninformed laypeople were invited to this meeting. When 18 of the employees confidently identified the triangle as a square, the laypeople followed suit, also calling it a square. This experiment underscores a powerful lesson: if a falsehood is reiterated frequently enough, people begin to accept it as truth.]

Well they've been repeating the lie, that salt is bad for you for decades, my entire life and probably your entire life. So as we hear this lie repeated we often gravitate to believe it.

It takes individuals with an open mind to actually ask the question: Is the statement being made in the real world true or not. Why would I ever question their narrative? It is shocking to discover that anybody in a hospital bed, all of them in unison only have one thing being pumped into their veins-salt. All of them have an IV stand pumping saline into their veins,,even under surgery the whole time you're in an ambulance going to the hospital.

Then I'll ask,b what is the root of this worldwide propaganda about low salt.

Actually in 2016 Tel Aviv university in Israel conducted a study 500,000 patients in 49 countries it was the largest study ever done on high blood pressure. They found that the individuals who consumed the most salt every single day had the best blood pressure readings and all the individuals who consumed three times the amount the FDA tells you to consume salt every day every person around the world that consumed 3 times that amount had better blood pressure readings than anybody who took the FDA readings.

In The Lancet, a medical journal they published the results of the study that the more salt someone consumes the better their blood pressure is and the lower their risk factors for stroke and heart attack become.
When that was published by The Lancet they were threatened by the American Heart Association with pulling their funding if they published that study and didn't retract it.

Why would the American Heart Association be angry at a medical journal for publishing a study right or just when ever done in history proving that salt intake the more salt you eat the lower your risk factor for high blood pressure strokes and heart attacks is why is that a threat to the American Heart Association which by the way is the highest revenue earning Medical Association in the whole world. Why would the American Heart Association threaten the actual medical journal because if that truth was to get out people would start eating more salt in their diet. If the medical doctors got hold of that information they would start telling their patients to eat more salt. It will reduce sales of high blood pressure medications, stroke medications and heart disease medications.

we're not going to stick on this topic but in order to convince people that fat was bad for them right the drug companies had to lie to medical doctors and in scientific journals and tell them all that when human beings swallow anything with fat in it that they figured out on an animal studies lowers the amount of cholesterol the liver can make.

OK this is what so once they figured out that a chemical that actually did in every single mammal they put inside of it lowered this thing called cholesterol then the drug companies had to come up with a way to convince all the medical doctors to promote their drug that lowers cholesterol or what's the best way to sell it to them tell them that the number one cause of death around the world typically which is heart disease is increased in risk by increased cholesterol.

I mean how many of you have watched people doing keto diets and carnivore diets and just shedding weight they lose weight, reverse diabetes and this is them consuming protein and fat a and stake we're being lied to about salt we're being lied to about fats that equal cholesterol you start taking that you start taking that drug.

Cholesterol is the backbone required by your hormone glands in your body to make most of your hormones I mean you need cholesterol to make testosterone men guess what happens to most men when they start taking a statin drug they can't have an erection and they have no sex ambition or drive.

Did you know serotonin the hormone and every male and female's body needs cholesterol to be made right OK well what does serotonin do to humans it makes you feel happy and it makes you feel safe. so there's no anxiety or panic or really all right so now you can't make Serotonin which is your happy feel good hormone now you can't make it 'cause you don't have cholesterol to make enough of it.

What are you going to report to your medical doctor within six months to a year after starting your statin you gotta tell him you're depressed. That is exactly what's happening and has been for the last 40-50 years so anti depressants are still the number one most prescribed drugs on the planet next to cholesterol drugs.

So what happens when you tell the world to stop eating so much salt well let me explain this to you your kidneys take all of your blood and they filter into urine and they excrete all whatever it is that you don't need in the body removes all the excess water out of your body and cleanses the body your kidneys have cells inside of them to convert uric acid into urine and filter out your blood so you can urinate. Your kidneys can't filter anything in your blood without these sodium pumps doing their job and these pumps are called sodium potassium pumps. They get worse and they slow down.

What happens when your body starts retaining water because your kidneys no longer can filter out urine out of your body you start retaining more water. Retaining water will put pressure on your blood vessels and on your heart. The increased pressure may cause dizziness, headaches, fatigue.

Your medical doctors take your blood pressure and advise you to lower your salt; even from where it is now. The FDA in America says the maximum amount of salt that an American should consume is 2300 milligrammes a day in every 2400 hours or 24 hours. In the Tel Aviv study 6000 to 9000 they even said as you get to 9000 milligrammes the results of blood pressure were better.

Saline drip or IV fluids have 9000 milligrammes of salt. The irony is that the nurse looks at me and goes like this you know what doc they actually don't call it salt water, nor did they reference salt when they talk about fluids they only call it fluids. Yet when the patient comes in he is pumped them full of salt and the moment they start pumping salt inside of them yes what happens in the mind of the patient who is salt deficient.

They have created an entire world of people who believe salt is bad for you and everyone is primarily restricting the amount of salt in their daily intake. She she has been instructed by the MD before she even comes in and before he gets there he's telling the nurse to do another bag of salt water and do another push. The lady this is 18,000 milligrammes of salt in a woman her blood pressure started coming down the moment they did the 18,000.This is mind blowing, Let me ask you this question where is the limit where's the crossover when does it become too much salt when is it too much salt 9000 milligrammes of salt inside you.

The very first thing is we all have to do is come to terms with reality and the truth is nothing is more powerful than our own belief systems This is why it is it is so well known that propaganda and repeated lies are so powerful because if you can get an individual to believe a narrative Oh my goodness have you not heard of the placebo effect or the nocebo effect at it is absolutely proven in their that salt was confirmed worldwide that the more salt you consume the better your blood pressure and lower your risk factors for heart attacks and diseases are the very first thing you should want to do I would hope is actually check and see if what I'm saying is true.

Lots lots of cows those ranchers have salt licks. I'm sure yeah is it common knowledge that farmers ranch mammals by blocks of salt and sit in the yard of every single animal field of any kind every animal I don't care it's pigs deer alpaca cows goats every farmer knows you have assault look out there and they don't they don't restrict how much salt the animals eat the animals know they need salt so they just walk over and lick it multiple times.

So why all mammals need salt it's so weird that we have fallen for this lie it is just this dysfunction disease so this is an interesting thing. Actually the mentality behind making people doubt themselves so don't consume too much salt always restrict your salt immediately.

This is very important is this something I learned just the last two years that I had no idea about all right so the drug companies figure out that they can manipulate Physiology and lower blood pressure so now the drug companies in the early 1900s have to figure out a way to sell to the medical industry ways to manipulate blood pressure so they come up with let's bastardise salt so they do right they wide everybody and I mean everybody the medical profession everybody that salt intake increases blood pressure and increases risk of strokes and heart attacks this gets the attention of the American Heart Association the drug company tells the American Heart Association if you will help us to tell the world to reduce salt intake we will also let you know we've created some drugs that can actually lower blood pressure and these drugs if you'll help us promote these will if you'll help us to lower salt intake worldwide with propaganda and marketing we have drugs that the medical doctors can now sell their patients to lower their blood pressure as their blood pressure goes up for whatever reason in life but we can't have them eating salt but if you'll sell our drugs we will give proceeds in revenue and funding to the American Heart Association

will also give incentives and commissions and royalties to every medical Doctor Who fills those prescriptions and writes those prescriptions to your patients with high blood pressure as long as you the American Heart Association continued to cover up the lie that salt is bad for you OK you gotta cover that you gotta continue to promote that and cover up the lie that salt actually is required by life now this is where it gets really disgusting in my opinion first thing they do is they create drugs that are identical to salt and they sell it to the medical doctors those drugs are called diuretics like lay 6 as an example these are actually patented salt and they're just putting him in little orange pill bottles and medical doctors are now selling you a form of salt how fast the but not forever eventually your kidneys are going to shut down from the drug 'cause it's not a natural substance and you have to continue increasing the leases now to do it with salt ###

'cause that's a natural substance that's where Jeff near the drugs come 1981 captopril captopril that can lower blood pressure and it it actually binds to your blood vessels relaxes them to lower blood pressure that is that is called captopril that's an ACE inhibitor now every drug that ends with prill PRIL all all of them are actually made from their little dry pills that you swallow that's made from venom from a snake in Brazil called the jarocka's Viper right now this is crazy this is crazy you're all swallowing snake venom everyday to lower your blood pressure the actual victim component is called a neurotoxin it binds to nerves that control muscle now now they've convinced you to swallow their salt they prescribe to you called lay 6 then they introduce high blood pressure drugs made from snake venom this is my problem not only does reducing salt in that narrative increase high blood pressure and heart attacks and stroke victims in America and support the entire heart disease industry all of it the medical industry then you cell lasics that causes overtime kidney failure they know it does that and now you feed an entire dialysis industry worldwide Then you introduce venom based drugs called lisinopril captopril anala pril ACE inhibitor drugs all of them are made from venom now my problem with these venom drugs are 1956 two doctors one named Rita and one named Stanley Cohen from from a snake and and they call it epidermal growth factor that's what they called it in 1961 in 1956 they said they found that snake venom causes the these two people in 1956 and 1961 discover that snake venom put inside a mammal causes cancers of every continent skin cancers ovarian cancer breast cancer cervical cancer liver cancer prostate cancer and brain cancer that that causes cancer they know it causes cancer in fact they're so confident that venom in a human causes all cancers that they gave these two guys doctor Stanley Cohen and Rita they gave them that Nobel Prize in medicine for this discovery in 1986 we're discovering that venom in a human will cause cancer and every tissue in the human body stand up now that that what you're prescribing is snake venom in a pill form since 1981 just so you know 22 million Americans this morning swallowed snake venom called lisinopril alone every single person who is ever taken any kind of ACE inhibitor drug for high blood pressure was diagnosed was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma great go type it in your moms ACE inhibitor drug list let's see let's say you find out she was on the Senate room type in left centre prill and non Hodgkin's lymphoma almost almost 100 years ago when he said tell a lie loud enough and repeated often enough and the people will believe it yeah oh my Oh my MD did great you need to tell your MD to get you off those drugs walk out walk out and you go find another MD to help you I mean this is exactly or you yourself go home and go you know what I'm going to learn how to do this on my own because by MV won't help alright so number one rule never stopped any drugs except for cholesterol drugs immediately you can stop all cholesterol drugs immediately you cannot stop any other drugs I'm aware of immediately and and they take that drug at two weeks and if you still feel fine and stable great cut in half after that the dose you're taking they're not but if no unitalics great do that if that that would tell you you're coming off of it too fast so instead of doing a half the next day you're going to do 3/4 the for the next two weeks for the next two weeks Oh my God you did it slow enough now you can do this on your own so this is also building confidence is building confidence in building sovereignty understanding yourself this is I have a tattoo so can we flip very quickly back to salt it's so fascinating all of this so in terms of salt intake do you think there are different qualities of salt that need to be taken absolutely so so yes there are various kinds of salts out I want to I want to talk about salt real quick too in the fact that salt table salt used to be iodized salt right meaning they used to take salt crystals they would mine and then wrap it in iodine well about 20 years ago if if their stand there was a lie behind this marketing campaign you know what the lie was when they took out iodine it wasn't because they thought sea salt was better for you what benefit to the Pharmaceutical industry would there be if you took iodine out of everybody there taking every day if they're staying the Pharmaceutical industry 100% needs you to buy their drugs so everything they tell you is a flat out lie you just have to go study rely in fact if you take iodine out of salt and then tell everybody to eat salt that doesn't have iodine and we're going to call it to to develop a new disease because they took out iodine thyroid right they now have created an entire Society of more people to develop hypothyroidism i can't he here you go nature salt salts that are better for you you just can't ignore the minerals and I want to say this real quick do you remember it's cool I'm sure in the UK did you guys learn the periodic table of elements yeah what that that actually contribute to life on earth yes OK on the periodic table of elements are all the basic elements in nature that life requires to exist is salt on the periodic table of elements yes yes is iodine 1 good is magnesium on selenium on there yeah is calcium on there good so this is your periodic table elements I'd like to ask you another question is lisinopril on there no no is ozempic order now is aspirin on there now is lay 6 on there no but salt is on there oh really guess what life requires it requires salt oh it also requires magnesium and selenium and zinc so when I say salt is good for you I make sure I consume every single day at least 7000 MG so that's the bare metal how do you do it tell us how you do it so I make sure that I add salt to our bone broth to our that that i need that I need iodine that I need magnesium then I need selenium and the other minerals that are on the periodic table of elements yeah yeah yeah I just I just I have my own help supplement with iodine so I just take it every single day I groups of minerals and herbs that I take every single day to try to keep and maintain a healthy life free of symptoms the entire goal is to free you from symptoms and free you from the ******* and requirement pharmaceutical drugs yeah if we can free you from that well a Amen to that yeah well this has been so interesting thank you so much for sharing your wonderful wisdom with us is there anything else just before we wrap it up that you want to share what what is the reality of health and nature and how does the how does the body function as God intended it or created and I'll say that even when I say that I say this all the time from stages all over the world I tell them I said look you have the right to choose what it is you want to believe in however life dictates there are certain things the human body requires and it cannot live without them the body requires air water and food it cannot live without those three things so it will eventually die with any of those three that you deplete enough from it so the quality of your life experience is determined by the quality of the air you breathe the water you drink and what you put in your mouth as food they that is is designed right so my migrates across continents looking for doctor pepper it doesn't do that no no animal on earth goes looking for doctor pepper or alcohol or they don't do that now they all go looking for water freshwater they all want water and effect they go looking for water in ponds all over Africa and all over the world all these animals migrate look for fresh water when they look for water they find it in ponds they find it in mud holes do you know what those mud holes have in the water mineral right that water is a mineral rich yeah because the the calcium they need the magnesium they need the solidium they need the zinc they need an the water they need so wife knows how to feed itself they have continued for aeons continuing to thrive appropriate on this earth human beings have been here for forever do you know how long pharmaceutical industries been around only 140 years how did life and human beings survive for millions of years or thousands of years whatever you believe before pharmacy pharmacy showed up is it true is it true yeah or me I drew for me yeah and gonna none are on a prescription drug not have ever even been on an antibiotic that's been the life of my family for 22 years amazing and yet all my kids should be dead and you have been told in the media they would have had measles by now polio by now they have had hepatitis B by now I mean they were told you all these things that they told you they need to be vaccinated for the tap MMR all of that stuff you would be told that my kids are more susceptible to all of those diseases centre this is this is another conversation I think is it yeah we can welcome to living medicine the podcast go go go deep on this one that everybody needs more salt in my kids get salt everyday and I make sure they do and they're all very help you all been lied to unfortunately wonderful well listen is one of absolute delight speaking with you and thank you so much for sharing all this knowledge and wisdom and making us think and do our own research this is the key
Still workingon it.

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